Out of the box

The Dressmaker

- "I think that Kyuhyun despise you." Heechul hums while flipping pages of newest Vogue, slighty smug smile on his lips while he notices photo editorial of his younger brother's newest line. Oh how precious his brother really was.. Younger, but bulkier looking male just grunts something, he is busy because upcoming fashion show and he wants that every, every ing detail is perfect - its about his image! His shopping mall and his business! It has to be perfect!
- "I think that young lad Cho thinks that you're crushing over Ryeowook." Siwon snorts something under his breath.
- "Oh Chullie, don't even start that.."
- "Oh but Siwonnie, how I can be sure about it?"
- "Please, oh God please hyung.. You know that I never could be the right one for Ryeowook, oh s sake, I wasn't even in your team!"
- "Well.. It never has stopped anything, am I right?"
- "AND besides, I was his high school teacher, how the I would be crushing over my own student? AND besides being strict teacher, I've to be always helping him out of problem because he has such kind and fragile heart.."
- "Oh Siwonnie, you're so sweet, caring little ."
- "Just big brotherly feelings towards Wookie, he is adorable little child."
- "I'm grown up man, Siwon hyung." Siwon jolts because of sudden introduce of main designer and somehow, smiles lopsided embrassed smile. Ryeowook gives him mocking smile while shortly hugging taller male. Heechul snickers while flipping magazine pages again, until he finds the right part.
- "Wookieee dear, look at that, your clothes! Again, BACK IN VOQUE!" Heechul's squels were more high pitched than Wookie's would never be, Siwon grumpily rolls his eyes and shakes his heads while Ryeowook being good little brother lets his big brother to fangirl over him..

The fashion show would be held in the next morning. It was slowly snowing outside and the garden of Kim's mansion was covered already with white, fluffy pureness. Still, Ryeowook feels anxious, it had been so, so many years when he was last arranged fashion show. It was back his University days, when he was just mere student, studying fashion and desing. He was sure, that he has attanded back tne something like, ten fashion shows, his desings had been really liked, and everyone wants them to included their shows. He had won awards after awards.. But still, that upcoming event feels much more scarier. Being in public,  holding his own name, showing.. that he is back..?

Of course, he hasn't anykind of Giorgio Armani or nothing like that, but Kim's Fashion House was still very well known and it's designer has been secret over ten years. So.. Then, suddenly the mysterious designer gets indetity and its bit shock to audience: that upcoming designer Kim Ryeowook from Seoul, who disappeared after graduating, is running the whole behind his big brother's back.. He feels like , like coward. He got so scared because of Yesung back then. Ih he remembers right, he was eighteen, nineteen when he run away from older male. Ryeowook still could not understand, how he let everything happen, how he let.. yesung to touch him like that, or manipulate him in the way he did it. Of course, during these ten years he attended to therapy and what else, but still, he gets anxious over these things.

Was it because it started when he was so young, that he really didn't understand what "Yeye hyung" wanted. That.. Brown haired male sloppily wipes tears off rom his cheeks. He never really told when that everything started, he was sure that Heechul would go bersek - he went even then, and still.. His precious brother thinks that evertyhing started when he was.. fourteen?

(But being five, holding your hyung's manhood on your chubby hand and it, while said hyung grunts and encourages you, telling you that soon he will feed you. And you swallow that "milk" and you think that is tasted sick and "yuck yuck" and your hyung pants heavily, and tells you, that's the play you could only play with your godfather, so be good boy ans keep that play in secret.")

Ryeowook was sure that Heechul would kill his Yesung hyung.

But.. Was he being crazy, when he still cares about "his Yeye hyung"..? That look what Heechul send him back in the party.. It was so hurt, so depressed and those brown eyes was filled with deep worry. He loved Yesung, he was sure about it, but was it wrong, he has Kyuhyun? His sweet Kyuhyun, who holds him like the most beatiful flower in the garden, and cares about him, kisses his tears away and was beside him. He felt safe while lying against his boyfriend's broad chest, those muscular arms wrapped around his torso, but why.. Why his heart gets jumpy when he hears Yesung's voice on the corridor's of Fashion House?

Was he being crazy, or was he just losing his mind? Still feeling those touches on his skin, burning and hurting, leaving invicible burn marks, which only Kyuhyun's kisses would fade away.

Or was he just being sleepy?

Should he be sleeping?

Was Kyuhyun sleeping already, what time it was in Europe?


/// Noooooo.... My chapters is getting shorter and shorter.. but hey! I updated! What you think about it..?
Have a nice mid-summer, I'm going to spend Mid Summer Festival with my friends ~ 

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I updated, it was a miracl--eeeee ~ !!


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Chapter 18: At the end I wanted more. I loved that we have a happy ending all but the conclusion was so abrupt for me. I mean Kyu was on another side of the world and they only talked over the phone. It was not enough for me T_T Can we have a sequel please?
Chapter 18: Wow..what a whirlwind!
Im so happy that everything ended well!
Kyuhyun is absolutely adorable with Ryeowook!
Chapter 18: already completed?
why is it so sudden? T_T
sequel pleaseeee
Chapter 18: so, this is the ending??
huwaaaa make sequel please ..i wants kyuwook's moments ..
btw, thanks for the happy ending :D
ateena1618 #5
Chapter 18: Waaahh! I am sad dat the story is over :( . Cute kyuwook!. I will miss the story!
ateena1618 #6
Chapter 17: Poor wookie baby!! Rolling around the room! Aaii aaiii cute ^-^.. and kyu waaah!! Such a sweet boy friend!
Chapter 17: Awww kyu so sweet as a boyfriend^^
Thankyu 4 updated \^_^/
ateena1618 #8
Chapter 16: Update pleawwsee!~~
Chapter 12: I love it when at some point you could stop my tears from falling. I was glad at that. Who would know how hard I'm going to cry for Ryeowook and Heechul.
It's hard to believe when Ryeowook said this has been better, and that he has gone through things which are lot more worse than this. I'm sorry, I can't stop crying thinking about that.
Chapter 10: Damn Jongwoon! Ryeowook tried so hard to survive, and you just come in - destroying everything again. Thank goodness he came to Sungmin. Poor soul.