12. Awaken

The Dressmaker
Hours passed, and later, Sungmin has to leave for very important business meeting. Sungmin feels really bad about it, he was concerned about Ryeowook, he wants to be next to him when younger would wake up. Anxioysly he glances Kyuhyun, who sits on the side of the bed. Latter was absentmindedly caressing Wookie's hair, while staring blanky into the ceiling. The eldest didn't know what to say, or to do, they, or in fact, Kyuhyun could only wait that the shorter male will woke up, and then.. Then they have to discuss about what happened last night.  But now, Sungmin has to go.
Not long after that, Ryeowook starts to stirring up. Before he was fully awaken, Kyuhyn moves sit to the chair, beside the bed. Kyuhyun feels suddenly really nervous, what will happen? Did Wookie remember? What if.. he acts somehow different? Worriedly he follows how that bruised and beated man takes his surroundings while he get up into sitting position, clearly taking his situation, where he was, why he was, how he was? How the shorter male blinks his eyes, furrows his brows, and with shaking hand he touches his dry lips, swollen face.. Until that adressed male glances towards Kyuhyun. The eye contact was short, Ryeowook's eyes grew bigger, and hurriedly he bows his head in ashamed manner. His hands was shaking more. Kyuhyun clears his throat, his dull attempt to get older's attention. Of course it didn't work the latter only became more stiff. Then, Kyuhyun stoods up and sits next to Ryeowook, back to that place, where he was hurriedly escaped to sit on the chair.
- "Wookie..?"  Miracles didn't happen, Kyuhyun knows it, but when the situation was awkward like that, he really hope that miracles would exist in the real world - not only in those sickly sweet korean pop songs and dramas.
- "Mr. Cho..?" Ryeowook's voice was thin and just and just above the whisper.
- "How.. how are you feeling..?" Kyuhyun earns a crooked smile, and again, they make short eye contact, but now, there was some meaning. Ryeowook knows that Kyuhyun knows, and Kyuhyun knows that Ryeowook knows that he knows. Then, Ryeowook laughed dryly.
- "It has been.. better. But also much more worse."
- "I'm really hoping that Sungmin didn't tell to your brot-"
- "WHERE'S MY BABY OH MY GOD MY BABY UMMA IS GOING TO KILL THAT BLOODY BASTARD!!!" It was like a speak of devil when Kim Heechul barks into the dimly lighten bedroom of Lee Sungmin. After him was running the said Lee Sungmin, but also overly worried Leeteuk. They were just casually (okay, just casually when you only could be) talking about not so important or personal issues, when the trio runs into room. Quickly Ryeowook tugs blanket to cover his mangled body better. It was failed attempt, if you only know how sharp was heechul's gaze when it comes to notice the blemishes on Ryeowook. No one could stop him when he pulls the blanket away and the scenario which welcomes him, make him shriek in horror and drop on his knees, the three other in room also turns their head away in horror. Despite Sungmin's care, Ryeowook was bled rather great amount of blood because of his teared backside. With the tears in his eyes, Ryeowook covers his body again with blanket, clearly ashamed oh his current situation. He wasn't proud of his body - it was marked with older scars, but now also new cuts and bruises, although he has his breafs covering his private areas, the amount of blood was visible.
- "I'm going to kill that sick bastard." Heechul hisses angrly, clenching his fist and biting his jaw tightly together.
- "H-hyung please, no, no, don't kil-ll Yesung-h-hyung!" Ryeowook suddenly cried in the desperate manner and sharply turns towards Heechul and clungs hsi arm, while crying silently.
- "No.. Hyung.. No no." Heechul character softened instalntly, and he softly caresses Wookie's soft hair.
- "Shhh.. Relax baby, hyung will not kill, ssshh... Everything is alright." Everyone would hear the pain in Heechul's voice, while he tugs silently sobbing Wookie back to bed.
- "Shh... Hyung will be back, hyung will go to kitchen, sssh.. darling, relax." Leeteuk and Sungmin leads now silently crying Heechul out of the room.
- "Idiot." Kyuhyun could hear how Leeteuk mutters to Heechul, while he slapped him.
Without hesitation Kyuhyun sits back next to Ryeowook, and without second tought, he leans his back on the headpost and wraps his left arms around Ryeowook's fragile shoulders and with his free right hand, he caresses softly latter's shaking hands, which were resting on his lap. Slowly Ryeowook gets calmer, and nuzzles deeper on the Kyuhyun's warm side. Kyuhyun didn't really understand his own thoughts, or his acting, of course he knows, tht it was something what åeople usually calls "affection", even boldly "love", but he really can't be sure. He was know Ryeowook only a short time, he could count their meetings with one hand's fingers. But still.. something in his rodden heart screams to him, that he has to protect Ryeowook, that he needed that smaller male, and that.. smaller male would need him?
- "My father murdered my mother." Kyuhyun only hums.
- "I.. I saw everything. I.. I tried to, tried to stopt it. B-but, my father didn't care a-about me, he said, that he was going to k-kill me also, if.. I don't go away from my mmother" And what he was back then, he was just five? He was naive five year old boy, who was believing that he could defense his fourty years old mother from his fifty years old, strong and angry father. With his small and innocent childish faith he was sure that he could save his mother. But no. His father was pointing him wiht a gun, saying, if you don't go, it's sayonara kiddo.
- "He.. was really going to, but.. Yesung.." Ryeowook's tears were big and warm, but his voice remaind still clear under that stuttering.
- "He.. he saves me." Kyuhyun only hums again, he didn't know what he should say, but he hugs the smaller male. Within the long minutes, which turned into half an hour, an hour, half and hour, Kyuhyun finds himself cuddling with dozing Wookie. And he didn't mind at all. Sometimes he would faintly hear how someone (usually Heechul..) would peek from the slighty opened door. Shortly after the fourth peeking, Kyuhyun gets enough of that spying, and carefully he frees himself from sleeping Wookie's grip, and tiptoes into the living room.
- "Spill your beans, what are you staring at?" Silence filled the room, and Heechul takes more diva-ish position in the white armchair.
- "Mr. Cho, what is your relationship with my Ryeowook?" uuugh.. again that "my Ryeowook". Kyuhyun cringes silently in the back of his head.
- "I..."
- "I'm warning you Cho Kyuhyun, if you never, ever, and so on, hurt my Wookie physically or mentally, I'm going to bite your little poor off and show it down on your throat while fist ing your un-prepared in one go." Kyuhyun pales instantly.
- "That means, you, my dear friend, have Heechul's approval to your and Ryeowook's relationship." Leeteuk clears Heechul's friendly mesage.
- "I.. uhm.. I.. well. we-"
-"Heechul, please, be more quiet my neig-"
- "N'T LOVE MY PUREST ANGEL OH HOLD UP I'M DEFINETELY GOING TO SHOW THAT ING GLASS VASE INTO YOUR AR-" Kyuhyun was backing off while Heechul was nearing him with that said rather heavy and big vase.
- "Hyung.. what there's happening? Why you're chasing Kyuhyun?" Ryeowook stoods on the doorframe of living room, he was coming from kitchen, where he was taking more painkillers, while he heard that yelling and.. then he comes in to that situation, where his beloved big brother was chasing some poor Kyuhyun wiht expensive glass vase.
- "Ah, sweetie, nothing! I'm just teaching some manners to that little brat." Heechul was all the way smiling and beaming. Kyuhyun feels how his stomach dropped somewhere on the floor, while he notices how his angel were supporting his hurting body to the wall, but how he still was gently smiling to his hyungs.. and to him..? The weak hope in his heart was gaining more strenght. Sungmin beckoned that shortest male to sit on the couch, while mice (Kyuhyun) and the cat (Heechul) were setting back to their abandoned seats.
Soon Sungmin was serving hot chocolate and ice cream, and they were discussing about not so serious issues.
- "But you like Ryeowook, right?" Kyuhyun didn't know how that question was related to their latest topic (New York's fashion week) at all. Stiffly Kyuhyun glances Ryeowook, and even his eyes' was speaking to him.
Do you like me?
Would you protect me?
Am I worth of you..?
And thent the eye contact was gone.
Do you still remember that story? I'm sorry about the lack of update, but I had some writes's block because of that chapter. Byt yay, it's done now, and I'm making the next one ~ !!
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I updated, it was a miracl--eeeee ~ !!


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Chapter 18: At the end I wanted more. I loved that we have a happy ending all but the conclusion was so abrupt for me. I mean Kyu was on another side of the world and they only talked over the phone. It was not enough for me T_T Can we have a sequel please?
Chapter 18: Wow..what a whirlwind!
Im so happy that everything ended well!
Kyuhyun is absolutely adorable with Ryeowook!
Chapter 18: already completed?
why is it so sudden? T_T
sequel pleaseeee
Chapter 18: so, this is the ending??
huwaaaa make sequel please ..i wants kyuwook's moments ..
btw, thanks for the happy ending :D
ateena1618 #5
Chapter 18: Waaahh! I am sad dat the story is over :( . Cute kyuwook!. I will miss the story!
ateena1618 #6
Chapter 17: Poor wookie baby!! Rolling around the room! Aaii aaiii cute ^-^.. and kyu waaah!! Such a sweet boy friend!
Chapter 17: Awww kyu so sweet as a boyfriend^^
Thankyu 4 updated \^_^/
ateena1618 #8
Chapter 16: Update pleawwsee!~~
Chapter 12: I love it when at some point you could stop my tears from falling. I was glad at that. Who would know how hard I'm going to cry for Ryeowook and Heechul.
It's hard to believe when Ryeowook said this has been better, and that he has gone through things which are lot more worse than this. I'm sorry, I can't stop crying thinking about that.
Chapter 10: Damn Jongwoon! Ryeowook tried so hard to survive, and you just come in - destroying everything again. Thank goodness he came to Sungmin. Poor soul.