4. Measurements

The Dressmaker
It was finally Friday. Kyuhyun runs into meeting after meeting, having three business lunch and in the end of his day, he was making some raports. He was tired, his stomach was way too full, in other words he has some really painful stomachache, his secretary was on her annual holiday, the cleaning lady was sick and he was beyond of pissed off. The only thing, what was making his feelings bit better, was evening with Ryewook. 
The darkness was already fallen, it was raining, it was almost storming. Kyuhyun drives his new black car in grey almost pitch balck streets of Seoul. He was muttering under his breath: coffee machine was broke in the middle on day, in the nearest grocery shop isn't his favorite mint pastels, and dammit that weather! He waits that lights would turn into yellow, so he woulds just continue his drive. Of course he knews, that "red is stop, yellow is wait and that ing green is go", but he was in hurry. So he drives in yellow, blasting some music from his high tech radio. For 's sake, he was late in good thirty minutes, but usually that would not even lightly bug him. Geez.. He is only some worthless dressmaker, like I even care that his day will be really long. He grins evilly, maybe even longer night. He chuckles and parks his car somehow in front of Kim's Dress and Suit. The welcoming light was illuminating from big window of shop, in door was "Open"-sign and now Cho Kyuhyun would see how in the very back room (folding screen was taken away for more light) was small figure in front of sewing machine. That little man looked really tired in his position on the chair, still he keeps doing his stuffs, God knows what. Without another thoughts Kyuhyun steps inside of warm shop and smells instantly hot chocolate, he chuckles. He rings that bell on the desk again.
- "Would you wait a minute, please! I've this only one seam anymore!" Kyuhyun walks to group of armschairs and takes a seat. Yeah, what a customer service.. paying customers have to wait even there's much more important things to do. Geez, nowadays dressmakers. Kyuhyun was glancing to the back room, what the hell takes that much time?!?! Soon he hears light steps coming near him.
- "Good evening Mr. Cho, would you come with me to take measurements?" Ryeowook bows lightly and waits until Kyuhyun was on his own feet. Brown haired man was amused of his customer's cold behavior: Kyuhyun didn't answer to him. Taller man's hands were suddenly really sweaty.
They went another room than yesterday. That room was full of mirrors, in fact, walls were covered with mirrors, and the lighting was really bright. There was also tall table, and chair, which looked like bar chair.
- "Please, would you take your clothes off and keep only those pieces what you will use with your suit. Oh, and you would give me those clothes: I'll put them to desiccator."  
- "What if I don't wear anything under my suits?" Taller man says with smirking tone. "Then I've to be ."
- "I'm sorry Mr. Cho, but you have to at least wear underpants, otherwise it's ual harashment, and public y is forbidden in law, and shops are also  public places, so please Mr. Cho." Ryeowook shows no expression, but his voice was bit shaky. And finally  Kyuhyun starts to take his clothes off, of course his dressmaker wasn't peeking on him, but it still feels weird to Kyuhyun. Usually he was stripping others first, and lastly he would take his clothes off. But hell no, not now. He was taking his clothes off by himself, while another was standing beside the table and was writing something. And wearing clothes.
- "There." Kyuhyun hands his wet clothes to shorter male, who takes them with him to somewhere of shop. Soon Ryeowook was back. He was again smiling gently.
- "So, lets get this done.  Please, step center of this room." With gentle hands smaller man leads Kyuhyun to stand in right spot, so he was able to see his customer in right way from mirrors.
- "I'm going to put that rubber band around your waist." Gently, he places his soft hands on sides of Kyuhyn. Taller man feels something weird in his stomach. Maybe three lunches was way too much.
- "There's your waist, right?" Kyuhyun nods. He can't take his eyes off from mirror, where he would see whole time that petite man doing his work. How he takes measurements from his waist, hip, chest.. He was like dancing, while taking those measuruments.
-  "Would you keep your arm like you would be keeping beer bottle, thank you." He takes measruments of his arm, while silenty humming something.
- "Okay, you would relax your arm."
- "Oh, you're so tall.. I've to take stool, that I reach your neck." And then dressmaker brings the stool behind of Kyuhyun, and steps onto it and takes more measurements. Kyuhyun really didn't know what the hell that dressmaker would do with all those numbers what he was writing to some paper. But it wasn't his problem. Couple of minutes later dressmaker takes that stool away. He kneels besides the Kyuhyun,and that was the moment, what Kyuhyun was thinking the whole day. He glances that little dressmaker, how his eyes were innocently twinkling, how he was biting his lower pink lip while he was taking some measurements. On his ceeks was lightly pinkish color, God only knows why. Ryeowook was feeling bit odd, like some one was stalking him in that very moment, so he looks up and was meeting with Kyuhyun's almost black eyes, which were looking him with hungry stare. Smaller man feels how his cheeks were warming up more, so he fastly moves to the another side of Kyuhyun, and takes measurements even faster than earlier. Nothing really happens, but still Kyuhyun would feel some familar warm in his lower areas, only the fact, that petite, oh okay, also beautiful man was kneeling on that level, his hands oh so close of his private areas. (And that fact, that Kyuhyun hasn't get his daily dose of for few days..)
- "Okay, it's done now." Ryeowook's cheeks were red, and he tries to avoid his customer's stare.
- "I... I'll bring your clothes, just moment, please." And then that blushing dressmaker was on his way. Kyuhyun was lightly smirking, that was.. easy. But that awakening problem down there wasn't that easy in this situation. That cutie wasn't yet ready to real measuring.  Kyuhyun was grinning like idiot now. Old grannies, old, old, greasy pedos.. damdamdam.. over the week old cheese in the corner of fridge damddam oh holy , there's is for real that freaking old cheese..!!!
- "Mr. Cho?" Kyuhyun turns to Ryeowook, who was nervously playing wiht his measuring tape.
- "I'm sorry, but your clothes aren't dry yet.. So, you might be freezing.. It's raining and that shop isn't the warmest.. So, would you like to drink hot chocolate, or tea?"
- "Of course."
- "Oh.. yes.. fine. Uhm.. I'll give you something to wear.. you're almost .." And Ryeowook turns on his heels and he diseappers somewhere. Soon he comes back with some thich fabric and he handles it to Kyuhyun.
- "There." His cheeks were redder than earlier.
After some minutes they were in the same room than yesterday, and dressmaker was pouring hot chocolate to mugs. He also brings cookies and finally takes seat in front of Kyuhyun.
- "Well.. mind you tell me, why you have problem to have me without clothes in drinking hot chocolate, while some minutes ago you were.. touching my bare skin, hm?" Kyuhyun raises his brow in very cocky way.
- "It... it's just really bad behavior to come drink or eat without any fabric around your body." Kyuhyun reminds silent and were just observing another male. It was silent around them. Really, Kyuhyun wasn't into small talk, or he definetely wasn't sweet talker, so he silently eat cookies after cookies.
- "I was thinking, that your suit would be made from that fabric - what you're wearing now. It's really comfy, and it doesn't wrinkle easily, and it's really easy to wash." Ryeowook speaks after drinking his drink.
- "And that color, black, it seems suit you really well, but if you don't like that color, I've same fabric also in colors of grey and navy. That grey it's more like, oh I would bring it that yo-"
- "Black is good."
- "Oh. Okay." And again they were sitting in silence. Ryeowook gets more and more nervous under Kyuhyun's staring.
- "I think that your clothes are dry, pease wait a moment." And that male was again gone, and back couple of minutes later with dry clothes. Kyuhyun wears them back, and now they were standing in front room of shop.
- "First fitting for your suit would be next Thursday, is it good for you?" Mr. Kim glances to his customer, who just stands silently in front of desk.
- "Or, if your Thursday is already full, I've time on -"
- "On Wednesday, at seven." Kyuhyun answers coldly and something in his tone told to Ryeowook, that it was better to agree.
- "Okay, it's then next Wednesday, at seven. Good evening and good weekend, Mr. Cho." Smaller man sighs.
- "Do you need drive to home? It's raining, badly."
- "No, I don't need, but than-"
- "You haven't a car, you dont' seem person who has a car." You look too poor.
- "I live upper floor of this shop, but thank you again Mr. Cho for yur sweet offer. And have a really good weekend, I'm closing this shop now." 

(I'm sorry somehow, but I just love that gif of Leeteuk...!) (That was really.. nice... show. :D:D)
I'm sorry for updating that fast! I've to make everything while I've energy/inspiration/TIME.
I'm trying to get that story to move, but Kyuhyun's character have some minor temper problems here.. 
But, please: comment?
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I updated, it was a miracl--eeeee ~ !!


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Chapter 18: At the end I wanted more. I loved that we have a happy ending all but the conclusion was so abrupt for me. I mean Kyu was on another side of the world and they only talked over the phone. It was not enough for me T_T Can we have a sequel please?
Chapter 18: Wow..what a whirlwind!
Im so happy that everything ended well!
Kyuhyun is absolutely adorable with Ryeowook!
Chapter 18: already completed?
why is it so sudden? T_T
sequel pleaseeee
Chapter 18: so, this is the ending??
huwaaaa make sequel please ..i wants kyuwook's moments ..
btw, thanks for the happy ending :D
ateena1618 #5
Chapter 18: Waaahh! I am sad dat the story is over :( . Cute kyuwook!. I will miss the story!
ateena1618 #6
Chapter 17: Poor wookie baby!! Rolling around the room! Aaii aaiii cute ^-^.. and kyu waaah!! Such a sweet boy friend!
Chapter 17: Awww kyu so sweet as a boyfriend^^
Thankyu 4 updated \^_^/
ateena1618 #8
Chapter 16: Update pleawwsee!~~
Chapter 12: I love it when at some point you could stop my tears from falling. I was glad at that. Who would know how hard I'm going to cry for Ryeowook and Heechul.
It's hard to believe when Ryeowook said this has been better, and that he has gone through things which are lot more worse than this. I'm sorry, I can't stop crying thinking about that.
Chapter 10: Damn Jongwoon! Ryeowook tried so hard to survive, and you just come in - destroying everything again. Thank goodness he came to Sungmin. Poor soul.