1. In Need

The Dressmaker
Cho Kyuhyun knows how important was to look good and decent (and why not.. masculine in y way..?) in business world. He was really strict in this, he knows that he was naturally really handsome and y looking, young upcoming business man, he has already great amounts of power over South Korean's industry. And now, he was looking new suit for his business trip to Europe. That doesn't mean that he hans't already closets after closets never worn suits, but hell, he has money, he is bit vain, and he wants something new. As always.
Kyuhyun was meeting his business partner in good  and in bad, Lee Sungmin.  They was having nice lunch after successful meeting with some big names of fashion industry.
- "Hahaha, Cho Kyuhyun's long and evil fingers are taking a tight grip of fashion hobo's necks.. How many you already holding? Four?" Sungmin was smirking evilly. He was also successful business man, bit older than Kyuhyun, but not as greedy as Kyuhyun was.
- "Just nine." Kyuhyun answers nonchalantly. Sungmin rolls his eyes.
- "Well.. Have you get invitation to Mr. Choi's party?" Kyuhyun just coffs.
- "Of course. That old fart just wants to show off his wealth and his stupid ty daughters will be there too, showing their botox s and - "
- "It is latex what they put in women's s.."
- " Excuse me gentlemen, it is silicon what they put.. you know, but would I get your orders?" Waiter stand in the end of their table and was smiling amused of young business men's chat. 
- "Never mind, I don't really like those killer breats anyway. " Kyuhyun shrugs.
- "Numbers two and twenty three, and bottle of red wine. Don't bring any salad, it ." 
- " I just take number thirteen, and well.. bring salad also, please." Sungmin smiles and gives their's menus to the waiter, who said that they will get their food in twenty minutes, because of rush hour.
- "I take that you aren't going to go that party?" Sungmin continues their talk while eating his salad.
- " I think that I've to, maybe I'll get some one night stand, as usually." Kyuhyun smiles mischievously.
- "Geez.. Kyu. You will never grow up, won't you?"
- "Nope." And then their foods arrived and it was silent until plates were empty.
- "Sungmin.. Your suit. It's new."
- "Yeah.. what about it, you are never been interested my suits..?" Sungmin's voice was clearly skeptical about his friend's intentions right now.
- "It looks really good, it really fits really good in your odd bodyshape. "
- "Well.. thank you for your sweet words, Kyu-baby, but yeah.. It really is worth of every won what I paid of it." Sungmin was really proud of every inch of his very well fitting suit. You would tell it by only looking his sparking eyes, and the way how he was really confident in every situation.
- "Where you bought it?" Kyuhyun asks. He was still eyeing his blonde friend's suit. Maybe he was little jealous about it. He has always problems to find even decent looking suits, he was tall and he was in good shape, so "big boys"-suits never sits.
- "That is custom-made by really sweet and cute dressmaker." Now Sungmin was clearly proud of his suit: finally he has something what Kyuhyun was envying. 
- "What is her name, where is her shop?"
- "What you do in this information, if I give it to you?"
- "I'll order new suit for me. Of course, what the hell you're thinking, that I'm going to bang her instantly?"
- "It wouldn't surprise me.. But why, you have dozens and dozens of never worn suits?" It looks like Sungmin was protecting that "sweet and cute" dressmaker, and that only grows Kyuhyun's interest in that dressmaker. Meybe he should bang her? And only because of Sungmin's attitude, Kyuhyun chuckles darkly in back of his mind.
- "But my dear friend, if you aren't yet noticed that fact, I'm much more taller than avarage Korean male, and that might be big shock to you, but I'm in really good shape-"
- "And that because of all you have..."
- "So I never find greatly fitting suit.. You know, "big boys" mean fat boys, and look at me: no fat. So, give me now that little cutie's name and address, so it's sayonara." Sungmin rolls his eyes, oh great Cho.
- "It's some side street, so it's nameless, but it's in the same street as the 24h cafe is, that cafe is that place where you always go after night flights, so you know almost that place already. In the window is sign and it reads "Kim's Dress and Suit", so."
- "You're a true friend, ok bye, paid for me also." And after the last word Kyuhyun was out of the restaurant and on his way to the subway. Sungmin sighs heavily, his friend, that freaking Kyuhyun, how he does this everytime? Sungmin was always that one who paids every lounch, every bubble tea, sandwich.. And now, he will lost his dressmaker to that vain little devil. Maybe he should warn that dressmaker? They were pretty close. Sungmin takes his pink smartphone and was starting to type message, but when he swept buttonlock away, he gets instantly message.
From: Evil Kyu
To: Sungminnie
I'm pretty sure that..
I'll use ,
but if you want more cutipies I won't.
From: Bunny Brain
To: King Kyu
I think that I will kill myself if there's even one more of Kyuhyuns.
But I'm pretty sure that will not happen.
That dressmaker has some quality in choices.

That was first chapter! What you think about it? Comments, please! (U__U'')
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I updated, it was a miracl--eeeee ~ !!


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Chapter 18: At the end I wanted more. I loved that we have a happy ending all but the conclusion was so abrupt for me. I mean Kyu was on another side of the world and they only talked over the phone. It was not enough for me T_T Can we have a sequel please?
Chapter 18: Wow..what a whirlwind!
Im so happy that everything ended well!
Kyuhyun is absolutely adorable with Ryeowook!
Chapter 18: already completed?
why is it so sudden? T_T
sequel pleaseeee
Chapter 18: so, this is the ending??
huwaaaa make sequel please ..i wants kyuwook's moments ..
btw, thanks for the happy ending :D
ateena1618 #5
Chapter 18: Waaahh! I am sad dat the story is over :( . Cute kyuwook!. I will miss the story!
ateena1618 #6
Chapter 17: Poor wookie baby!! Rolling around the room! Aaii aaiii cute ^-^.. and kyu waaah!! Such a sweet boy friend!
Chapter 17: Awww kyu so sweet as a boyfriend^^
Thankyu 4 updated \^_^/
ateena1618 #8
Chapter 16: Update pleawwsee!~~
Chapter 12: I love it when at some point you could stop my tears from falling. I was glad at that. Who would know how hard I'm going to cry for Ryeowook and Heechul.
It's hard to believe when Ryeowook said this has been better, and that he has gone through things which are lot more worse than this. I'm sorry, I can't stop crying thinking about that.
Chapter 10: Damn Jongwoon! Ryeowook tried so hard to survive, and you just come in - destroying everything again. Thank goodness he came to Sungmin. Poor soul.