
Hate That I Love You


Myunghee sighs as she turns off her alarm clock. She dreams someone attacks her and it was Kim Jongin, the murderer that she saw on the television last night. “It was a bad dream I guess.” She says to herself while staring at the ceiling. She gets off from the bed and takes a shower.


While she changes her cloth, someone knocks the door. She freezes at her spot. “Who's there?” she asks. She feels weird because there is nobody in her house. Suddenly fear rush down her spine, she shivers a little.


Jongin keeps knocking on the door. “Yah! Wake up!” he says.


Myunghee walks to the door, her legs are trembling, her body is shaking, she feels scare for real.


“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” She screams after she saw Jongin. Her scream making Jongin jumps. “Yah! What's wrong with you?” Jongin yelps, making Myunghee stop screaming. “You.. I.. What...?” Myunghee still cant accept what ever she sees right now. Jongin grins at her stupefied expression. “You.. who are you? What are you doing here? How do you get into my house?” She wants to ask more but Jongin put his hand over . She is flinching.


“Okay. Let me introduce myself. I am Kim Jongin. I am a murderer. I will live in your house. How I get into your house? Thats a difficult question to answer. And the most important, I will kill you and your family if you try to hand me to the police.”

Myunghee steps back after Jongin introduces himself. “I am in front of Kim Jae Wook's murderer! God, please help me!”


“Please spare my life. I will do anything you ask me but please dont kill my family.” Myunghee put her hand together, making a sorry gesture.


“I'll be good to you as long as you be good to me and do anything I ask.” Jongin smirks, staring into Myunghee's eyes. She looks down to the floor and nods after that.


“Make a breakfast for me. I'm hungry.” Jongin rubs his stomach, making a way to the kitchen. Myunghee follows him behind.


Pancake for Jongin and milk for her. She doesnt really like breakfast. She just drinks milk in the morning to fill her empty stomach. Jongin eats like he never ate for a week. Myunghee making an 'ewww' face.

“What?” Jongin says, in kinds of embarrassed tone.
“Nothing. You just like you never eat pancake. Is that pancake so delicious for you until you didnt look up?” Myunghee takes a sip of her milk, avoiding Jongin's gaze. Jongin shrugs, continues to eat his breakfast.

Myunghee stands up, making a way to sink and put her cup. She looks at the clock hanging on the wall. “Oh my god! I'm late.” She rushes to her bedroom to change her cloth. Jongin just stares at her, dozing off. Myunghee leaves her bedroom five minutes later, with her handbag and some papers.


“Where are you going?” Jongin is watching television, turns his head to Myunghee.
“Work.” A simple answer for a simple question. Myunghee put her heels and walks to the door.

“Wait!” Jongin gets up from the couch, blocking her way.

“I'm late. Can you step aside?” Myunghee try to push Jongin but Jongin grabs her wrist.
“Can you wait for a second, woman?” Hard voice. Stone face. Myunghee lowers her gaze. Her heart is beating so fast. Jongin releases Myunghee's hand, she rubs at the red spot.


“I dont have money. I want you to buy me cloths, pants, underwears and buy me some foods after you back from your work.” Jongin says, staring at her face. Myunghee blushes after she hears underwear. “Do I need to buy that thing?” She thinks.


“Question?” Jongin asks, making her back to reality.

“Err.. do I need to buy that thing?” Myunghee asks in embarrassment. Her cheeks are red as tomatoes.


“What thing?” Jongin asks.


“Err.. that underwear. Do I need to buy that thing?” She asks again.


“Why? You feel embarrassed? Just buy or you want me to wear yours?” Jongin smirks. Myunghee's eyes wide open.


“ert!” Jongin is laughing so hard while holding his stomach. Myunghee pushes Jongin harder this time.




At the office, Myunghee cant do anything. She keeps staring at the laptop, dozing off. Finally, she grabs her phone and wants to call the police. Suddenly, Jongin's voice haunts her.

“ I will do anything to kill you”

“I will kill you and your family if you try to hand me to the police.”


She put her phone back to the desk. Her hand is trembling. “What if he really mean it? I love my parent I dont want them to die because of me.” She says to herself. “What I'm gonna do now? God, help me!” She rubs her face with the both of her hand and staring at the phone.




She goes to the shopping mall to buy what Jongin needs. The promoter keeps staring at her, smiling sheepishly while she try to choose underwear for Jongin.


“May I help you, Miss?” The girl with a white blouse, black skirt approach Myunghee from back.
“Do you want to buy for your husband or boyfriend? Can I give some suggestion?” The girl asks. Her face is burning, her cheeks are rosy, she feels so embarrassed right now. She walks to the cashier to pay and rushing off from the store.


After tiring and embarrassing day, she gets back to her house and finds Jongin sleeps at the couch soundless. She walks to her bedroom to clean up herself, study herself in the mirror, tears flick at the end of her eyes. She feels scare.




Someone is knocking her bedroom door, making her startled. It was Jongin for sure. “Yah! What are you doing in there? Where is my cloth?” Jongin screams outside her bedroom. She grabs the cloth, opens the door and shove off to Jongin. She try to close the door but Jongin blocks her way.


“Cant you give me nicely, woman?” Jongin grabs her wrist. She freezes.


“Why would I be nice to a murderer?” She spats. She can see anger in Jongin's eyes but she try to calm herself. Suddenly, Jongin grabs her hair, making her scream in pain.


“What did you just said?” Jongin yelps. Tears are running down her cheek.


“I'm sorry. Cant you let me go? It hurts.” She says groggily. Jongin finally releases his grip and leaves her alone.


Myunghee shuts the door close and leaning her back into the door. She feels her breath stop as tears are falling.




She try to sleep after takes a shower but she cant. Her stomach needs some food. She just realize she didnt eat anything from morning, just drink some milk for breakfast before went to work.


“Damn! Why you always hungry huh?” She doesnt want to meet Jongin actually, thats why she locks herself in her room. She walks out from her room and finds Jongin is watching television, laughing like a retarded seal. “Doesnt he feels nothing? He killed someone. He dares to laugh?” her heart whispers.


Jongin turns his head when he saw Myunghee walks to the kitchen. “I save some of pizza for you.” He says. She nods.


Myunghee walks toward the couch with pizza and mineral water in her hand. She sits beside Jongin.


The room is silent just the sounds of the television fills the room. Jongin studies her. She runs a finger through her hair and twist it around a little. She turns her head toward Jongin, she blinks and caught Jongin staring at her. Jongin clears his throat in embarrassment as he takes the magazine in front of him.


“I dont know that you kind of stalker too.” Myunghee speaks.


“What do you mean?” Jongin asks, frowning.


“Nothing. I talk to myself.” Myunghee stands up, take her plate and ready to walk to the kitchen. Jongin grabs her wrist, signaling her to sit back on her seat.


“What is your name?” Jongin asks, making Myunghee furrows her eyebrows.


“Why do you need to know my name? Its not important.” Myunghee speaks, blinking on and on.


“It easier for me to search where is your family and kill them if you try to do something stupid.” Jongin smirks. Myunghee gulps.

“I just mention your name to my friends and they will search your family. Do you get it now?”

“M-Myunghee. Park Myunghee.” She is stammering. She cant imagines what will happen to her parent if she try to report Jongin to the police.


“Nice name, Park Myunghee. You may go now.” Jongin releases his grip. Myunghee stands up, walks to the kitchen and put the plate in sink.


***so how's the chapter 2? hehe


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epilogue posted! thanks for read this fanfic :)


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Chapter 18: Was nice!
Kayjelly #2
Chapter 3: Oh...I love it....I cant stop reading ha ha:))
i really loved this ff eonnie.. <3
Chapter 17: awww... I hope Jongin would show himself and not visiting Myunghee creepily... π_π
the story is really nice~
I'll be waiting for the sequel patiently~ author-nim~ <3
Chapter 17: Daebak! I love it!
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 17: i hope they will live happily...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 1: i feel like i have read this story????
Chapter 16: Its sad but beautiful in the same time :'
RangerDita #9
Chapter 17: sequel pwlease authornim-ah..

N keep fighting for ur final year..
am still waiting ur sequel. . . . kekeke