
Hate That I Love You


Suho cant stand by looking at Myunghee condition right now. Her work performance drop, she always take a leave, she always sick. He just knew Myunghee already broke off with his fiancée and her fiancée got married after broke up with her. Maybe it gives a big impact to Myunghee life he guess. So he try to cheer Myunghee by taking her out when office hours are over. Luckily, Myunghee didnt avoid him just like what she did before this.


They are being silent in the car. Suho takes a glimpse of Myunghee, she is staring outside the window. Her face looks so pale.


“Are you okay, Myunghee?” Suho asks. Myunghee turns her head toward Suho and smiles.

“I’m okay.” She says.


Suho brings Myunghee watching movie, shopping and eating dinner after but Myunghee still the same. She rarely talk, just smiles and nods if Suho asks her question. They are eating at one of Suho favourite restaurant.


“Are you really that okay? Because I think you are not.” Suho says, staring at Myunghee.

“I’m okay, Mr. Suho. Why are you asking?”

“Stop calling me by Mr. Suho. We are not in the office. Just call me Suho or oppa because I was 4 years older than you.”


Suho is not smile while talking. He really pissed when Myunghee try to act normal but actually she is not and other things that makes him pissed is Myunghee keep calling him by Mr. Suho even not in office. He wants to be friend with Myunghee not just being her boss. He wants to take care of Myunghee, loving her and hears all her problem.


“I’m sorry, Mr. Suho. I mean Suho oppa.” She calls Suho awkwardly.


“Starting today, I warn you just call me Mr. Suho when we are in the office only.” Suho says while Myunghee nodding.


“I know about your engagement. I feel sorry.” He continues. Myunghee stop eating, her face still looking down at the plate.


“Just forget about that man. He’s not belong to you anymore. Besides, he never appreciate you as a fiancée. Look, he got married with someone else and leave you alone. I dont think he is a good man.” Myunghee’s eyes starting to burst tears. She feels guilty toward Yixing. Suho feels panic when he sees Myungee crying.


“I’m sorry I didnt mean to make you sad. I just want to say that your work performance drop after your engagement broke off. You always taking leave and you always sick. I want my beloved secretary be cheerful like before, always smiling, making a joke and I dont want you to be sick anymore.” He speaks like a mom try to coax her daughter. He takes tissue in his pocket and passes them to Myunghee.


“It was my fault.” She pauses.


“I didnt mean to hurt his feeling. He was sincere toward me. Maybe you are right he’s not belong to me. He’s belong to someone else which is deserves him better. Thanks for the advise and I’m sorry about my work performance.” She adds and wipes her tears with the tissue.


“Its okay. Just stop crying and move on. Life is great if live it well.” Suho smiles while talking, giving Myunghee some spirit.


While they are eating and sharing some stories, a man approaches their seat. It was Jongin.


“Hyung! Why you didnt  tell me you are here? I thought you are in the office.” Jongin greets his hyung. His eyes gazing toward Myunghee sometimes. Myunghee’s eyes wide open when she sees Jongin.

“Jongin-ah! What are you doing here?” Suho stands up, signaling Jongin to sit beside him. Jongin shakes his head.


“Hyung, you dont want to introduce your girlfriend to me?” Jongin says, smirking toward Myunghee.


“Oh God, are you trying to play a game on me? Why he looks so calm?” She thinks in her mind.


“Oh, this is Myunghee, my lovely secretary.”

“..and Myunghee, this is Kim Jongin, my only one naughty little brother.”




Her hand is trembling while shakes Jongin’s hand. She cant believe what just happen. Jongin looks so calm. He even pretends that he didnt know her.


“Jongin. Kim Jongin.” Jongin says, smiling.


“My-myunghee, Park Myunghee.” She is stuttering while quotes her own name.


“I guess I’m disturbing both of you. Hyung, see you at home and Myunghee, nice to meet you.” Jongin bends his neck and walks away from them.


“Suho, can I ask you something.” Myunghee asks when Jongin has disappeared from them.



“Jongin is really your brother?” Myunghee asks and waiting calmly for the answer.

“Yes. He is my brother. My real brother.” Suho smiles while saying.


She seems cant focus when Suho talking about his brother. About Jongin was suspected as murderer, about Jongin was disappeared before. She feels dizzy suddenly.


“Suho, can we just get home? I’m not feeling well.” Myunghee says, squeezing her forehead.

“Oh my God, are you okay? I will bring you to clinic if you want.” Suho says, helping Myunghee to stand well when she almost falling down to the floor.


“Its okay. No need. I’m just tired.”




            Jongin is staring outside the window, enjoying the night while smoking. He has stopped smoking before but he starts smoking again tonight. Its all Myunghee’s fault. Suho approaches him from back, patting his back.


“I thought you have stopped smoking.” Suho starts to speak. Jongin gives a thin smile while toss away the cigarette. He sighs.


“Nothing. Just tired of life.” Jongin says, heading to his bed and sits at the edge of his bed.

“Is there anything that bother you? You are being different after back to this house. You always loss in thought and you are even start smoking now.” Suho sits beside Jongin, patting his thigh.


“I like someone, hyung. But I will never get her.” Jongin says, staring at Suho.

“Why? Confess to her and maybe she has feeling toward you too.”


“I dont think so because she has someone that better than me.” Myunghee’s face popped out in his mind. He really misses that girl but unfortunately he needs to stay away from her since Suho also likes her.


“Talk to her. Express your feeling toward her. You will get her someday.” Suho says, patting Jongin’s shoulder.


“I shall sleep. I feel so tired. Good night.” Suho adds, walking out from his brother’s room.


“But you like her too, hyung.” Jongin says after Suho walks out from the room.




            It was hectic day for Myunghee and she is going home late from office.  When she park her car, she sees Jongin leaning his back to his car, smoking.


“I never seen him smoking.” She thinks.


She walks pass Jongin but Jongin grabs her wrist.


“Wait!” He says.

“What do you want Mr. Jongin? Is this how you treat your ‘new’ friend? Besides, this is our second meet.” Myunghee pulls her hand from Jongin’s grip, smirking.


“ off from my life! I just want to give you this.” Jongin hands her a piece of paper, look alike a cheque.


“What is this?” She asks.

“That is all my payment. I promise I will pay all of your hardwork before and I did that today. I hope that amount is enough for you.” Jongin says.


Her heart is beating so fast. She feels angry. She feels sad. She feels frustrated. She feels the air traps in her chest. She takes the check and smiling toward Jongin.


“Thank you so much Jongin. Oh my God, this is more than enough.” She says.




“Oh God, I accidentally ripped this cheque. I’m sorry.” She rips the cheque into pieces and blows to Jongin’s face.


“I dont need your money, Mr. Arrogant! All I need is your respect but I dont think you have a respect.” Myunghee’s voice is hard as rock. She feels disappointed toward Jongin. She walks away from Jongin and leaving him alone.


Silent tears running down her cheek while she walking to her house. She didnt turn her body back until she hears Jongin’s car leaves her house.


p/s : this fanfic is going to end soon hehe :)

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epilogue posted! thanks for read this fanfic :)


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Chapter 18: Was nice!
Kayjelly #2
Chapter 3: Oh...I love it....I cant stop reading ha ha:))
i really loved this ff eonnie.. <3
Chapter 17: awww... I hope Jongin would show himself and not visiting Myunghee creepily... π_π
the story is really nice~
I'll be waiting for the sequel patiently~ author-nim~ <3
Chapter 17: Daebak! I love it!
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 17: i hope they will live happily...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 1: i feel like i have read this story????
Chapter 16: Its sad but beautiful in the same time :'
RangerDita #9
Chapter 17: sequel pwlease authornim-ah..

N keep fighting for ur final year..
am still waiting ur sequel. . . . kekeke