
Hate That I Love You


>> Here the real ending.. hehe :)

The sky is blue and the sunset is red. The wind hitting her cheek softly. She smiles while caressing her tummy. She will gives birth to a baby boy in a few weeks. Jongin? She still missing that man even he already left her with his baby. “Baby, I’m sorry because you will not meet your father after you are born.” She mutters while rubbing her tummy.


“I told you to wait in the car. Why are you so stubborn? This preggy woman.” Suho, the person that always taking care of Myunghee after Jongin left. Sometimes Myunghee feels guilty toward him. He always be there when Myunghee needs someone but she never accepts Suho’s proposal. Its not because she doesnt appreciate what Suho did to her, but she doesnt want to hurt his feeling. She loves him as a brother not more than that. She only loves one person and it was Kim Jongin.


“I was so bored in the car so I come here. Look at the sky. Isn’t it pretty?” She says, pointing to the sky. Suho shakes his head while smiling.

“Could you please wait for a moment? You say you want an ice-cream.” Suho says while giving the ice-cream to Myunghee.
“Are you mad?” Myunghee speaks, pouting and hugging Suho’s arm.

“Dont make that face. You know that I will go crazy because of your cutie face?” He says, knocking Myunghee’s head.

Myunghee gives a short laugh while rubbing her head.

“Come, I take you home. You must be tired after buying those baby clothes. Suho says while extends his hand to grab Myunghee’s hand. She put her hand over Suho’s hand, smiling. Their fingers interlock with each other.


Suddenly, Myunghee freezes on her spot. She gasps while putting her hand over .

“Why? What is going on? Are you sick?” Suho feels worried, touching Myunghee’s tummy.
“Oppa, I saw Jongin.”


“Where?” Suho asks as Myunghee points to the place where she saw Jongin.

“I dont see somebody else. Are you daydreaming?”

“But—“ Myunghee pauses. Yes, she saw Jongin was standing under a tree while looking at her but he is gone when she try to look at him again.


“You are tired and hallucinating. I take you home okay?” Suho says while grabbing Myunghee’s wrist. She nods while trying to look at the tree again. Theres nobody just like what Suho said.


            “My baby is growing in her tummy and will born soon.” He smiles when he thinks about Myunghee while leaning his back on the tree.






She jumps a little bit when someone touch her arm. “Hey~” Suho calls.

“What happen?” She asks.
“You were dreaming just now and you called his name.” Suho feels sting in his heart. He feels jealous but he try to control himself.




“Myunghee-ah~” Suho’s voice starts to break the ice of awkward silent. Myunghee turns her head around to face him.

“Yes?” She answers.

“You still not thinking about my proposal dont you?” He takes a deep breath while saying even it is hurt for him. Myunghee looks down at her tummy, playing with her dress. She being silent for a while, thinking for a good reason to tell Suho.


“Its almost a year. Why didnt you just say no?” Suho says while his eyes still stick in front not looking at her. Myunghee feels warm tears at the end of her eyes.

“I’m sorry. You were so nice to me.”

“I cant even pay for what you did to me. You will find someone that appreciate you more than me.” She adds.


“But I just want you.” Suho extends his hand to touch Myunghee’s hand but he feels a pang in his heart when Myunghee pulls her hand apart.
“I’m sorry. Thats all I can say for now. I was being selfish.” Suho pulls back his hand, trying to focus on his driving.


As they arrive at Myunghee’s house, Suho kisses Myunghee at the forehead all of sudden making her eyes wide open. When she try to say something, Suho shuts by putting his finger over .

“Dont say anything. Just pretend that was a goodbye kiss from me. A kiss from a brother to his little sister.”


She bursts into tears while staring at Suho’s face. Suho wipes the tears with his thumb.

“We are arrived. You should go inside the house and have some rest.” He smiles.

“Thank you oppa! Thanks for everything you did to me. It was great meeting such a nice person like you. I hope you will meet someone better than me. I will pray for that thing to be happen someday.” She says while kissing Suho’s cheek and ready to get off from the car.


“You better pray hard this time because I want to get married and have a cute baby just like you too.” Suho laughs at this time. She can feels it was a bitter laugh from him. She just smiles.


“Sure things!” She says, getting out from the car.

Suho’s car drive off leaving her house. She is standing in front her house, smiling. “This house has so many memories between me and Jongin.”

She walks in to her house with a smile still across her face. When she try to open the door, she feels weird when the door is not locked. Her heart is thudding so fast. She feels scare if someone try to break in to her house. She walks in and luckily theres nobody in the house. She takes a deep breath while her eyes stick at the sandwich on the table at the living room. “Sandwich?” She says, try to recall something.


“Oh my God! Jongin!” She screams his name while wandering around, try to look for Jongin. But, theres no trace of Jongin.


“Jongin, please show yourself. Do you know how much I miss you, idiot?” She cry hysterically while hugging herself.

All of sudden, she feels a strong pain in her stomach. “Baby~” She mutters. She wants to give birth. She try to walk to take her phone to call Suho. “Baby, please be patient.” She rubs her tummy, try to persuade her baby.


She takes her phone in the handbag and dialing Suho’s number.
“Oppa~ I’m hurt. Please, I want to give birth.” She says as soon as Suho picks up his phone call.




            She has gave birth to a cute baby boy and he resembles Jongin too much. The eyes. The nose. The mouth. She kisses her baby while she is feeding him.
“This is my love.” Her heart whispers.


She put the baby in baby’s crib while she trying to sleep. Suho just went home a while ago.


Theres someone sneak in to her room while she is in a deep sleep. He walks to her bed, standing beside her, touching her hand while looking to the baby beside her.


That man kisses her forehead and mutters something. “I’m sorry.” He says. He then walks to the baby’s crib beside her and takes the baby in to his arm, touching his hair. This is the first time he holding a baby.


“Hi baby. Appa is here.” Jongin says, while kissing his baby’s head.



So, how was the ending? I read you guys comment about the ending and I laughed so hard. You guys are so funny xD I didnt say anything about Myunghee and Suho.  HAHA I'm such a Jongdae. I was trolling you guys about the ending HAHA sorry :)

Dont mad please? /pout/ I like to make a joke :)

Thanks for reading this fanfic and see you guys on the sequel in the next fanfic :) 


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epilogue posted! thanks for read this fanfic :)


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Chapter 18: Was nice!
Kayjelly #2
Chapter 3: Oh...I love it....I cant stop reading ha ha:))
i really loved this ff eonnie.. <3
Chapter 17: awww... I hope Jongin would show himself and not visiting Myunghee creepily... π_π
the story is really nice~
I'll be waiting for the sequel patiently~ author-nim~ <3
Chapter 17: Daebak! I love it!
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 17: i hope they will live happily...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 1: i feel like i have read this story????
Chapter 16: Its sad but beautiful in the same time :'
RangerDita #9
Chapter 17: sequel pwlease authornim-ah..

N keep fighting for ur final year..
am still waiting ur sequel. . . . kekeke