finding a job

Wedding plan part 1.

Today haneul woke up late since yesterday she went back late from exos schedule. Haneul decided she is going to prove baekhyun's mum wrong and get a job for real so that she does not have to depend on baekhyun all the time.Haneul prepared the boys food for today since she is unable to be with them throughout their schedule.Haneul called baekhyun to tell him that today she is going for a few job interviews so she will be unable to be with him ,she called exos manager to come to her house to collect the food before she goes off so that the boys still has some food to eat.

Haneul actually has  a few interviews to go to which are at the spa since she is interested in beauty and wellness.Haneul also has a few  interviews at beauty salons.

It has already been half  the day and haneul still has not found a job because most of the places she visited was not interested in someone to young, they wanted someone with experience and some of them wanted prettier girls. Most of these places she visited were just mainly too picky.Haneul was already tired and hungry so she decided to go eat her lunch at a cheap restaurant nearby. While she was eating she received a text from non other than her boyfriend baekhyun.

"annyeong jagiya what are you doing now?where are you?"baekhyun curious.

"oh i am eating my lunch right now at some cheap restaurant.why? how about you have u eaten the food i brought?is it nice?"haneul asking baekhyun.

"yes i have eaten the food you gave me ,it was delicious as usual.Nothing i am just worried about my girlfriend you know if anything happened to her or if she needs someone to talk to.If my girlfriend is sick or anything i can't get  married to her right so i must make sure she is just fine when she is not by my side."baekhyun worried.

"ohhh alright you take care of yourself today  without me and do your best in all your schedules.byeee~~~ muah!"haneul putting a kissing emoticon when she replied.

"you too jagiya.FIGHTING! don't give up."baekhyun supporting haneul before ending the conversation.

After baekhyun ended the conversation haneul suddenly felt so happy and energised because she got to hear her boyfriends voice after a long and tiring day .Haneul then continued her search for jobs.The last place that she went to was a beauty salon,she hopes this interview would turn out well and she would get the job.

Once she entered the salon she  asked the receptionist where she should go for the walk in interview.The receptionist then led her to the owner of this salons room.Haneul knocked on the door before coming in ,after the owner allowed her to enter she was ushered by the receptionist to a seat in front of the desk.The recptionist explained about haneul's visit.The interview was going on quite well so far but while the owner was checking her profile and listening to her answering the questions asked, the owner than remembered something.Haneul's face and name was familiar because the owner remembered one of her clients in this salon was a boy band and one of the members of the boy band recently got engaged ,so the owner thinks its haneul.

After the interview ended the owner asked her to go and wait at the waiting area so that the owner can make the decision wether or not to take her in.After 15 mins haneull was called back in.

"congratulations ms haneul you have been accepted to work here,you would start work next week."owner shaking haneuls hand.

"thank you so much thank you thank you.I would try my best to be the best worker and also promise to work hard."haneul standing up while bowing a few times with her hand still shaking the owners.

The owner was just laughing at how cute haneul was.

"oh by the way are you by any chance baekhyuns fiance?because my salon also serve celebrities and one of them is exo.I remembered him inviting me to his wedding next year."the owner asking haneul.

"OH! REALLY! omggg this is going to be exciting .Oh and yes i am baekhyuns fiance."haneul getting excited.




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Chapter 18: Wow. She really has a temper...
Chapter 4: I like your story plot. Different than other fanfics!!!