Do you know me???


He left me 4 years ago and now he does not even remember or know me.

He does not even know if i lived well,ate well or was sick or even suffered without him,his living so well now

how could he even want to remember someone like me.




kim soyeon(20):living in a small neighbourhood all by herself but has friends to support her and if she needs anything and needs someone to talk to she would meet up with her friends. She is a very beautiful,gentle and caring girl who is quite shy and does not talk that much,she has a small shop in the neighbourhood which sells antique things.

key(20):working in his dads marine trading company and he is a very succesful business man and lives in seoul in his own apartment which overlooks the seoul city.Lots of girls try to hit on him but he does not like them and turn them away as he is not interested to fall in love .He went overseas to study business.He is a very cold looking guy but on the inside or actually when not at the office he is a very fun,humourous guy and likes to make jokes and has lots of friends.

lee junho(22):he is just a commoner living in the same neighbourhood as soyeon and he trying to move to seoul so that he can earn lots of money and escape from his hard live living in that small neighbourhood where earning lots of money is difficult and he has changed jobs alot of times.He is a very friendly,kind and understanding person who is quite good looking and tall.He always tries to make friends with soyeon as he always sees her being lonely everywhere she goes and what more he feels sad for her living alone.

key's parents,soyeon's friends as well as key's friends and many more will be introduced in the story.




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