

Whats it like to loose someone important inyour life?

and it was simply taken away without you even having time to say bye to them

But what happens if you know the cause of the lost of your loved one,

will you show revenge or forgiveness?


park jinyoung(20)

she is a very happy go lucky girl who leads a very luxurious life with her parents and a older brother who is 6 years older than her.

she soon became very quite and wanted to find the killer of her parents.she wants to take revenge upon them because

she wants that family to know how its like to loose your parents or someone you love at such a young age.Coincidentally she manage to find them

on day.She is in her  last year of her university majoring in business management.


A very good looking guy,has a avery baby like face which explains why he looks very innocent.

He also comes from a very rich family and he has not found his life partner because of his quiet side.

He is also in his last year of his university majoring in IT.

park jungsoo(26):

jinyoung's one and only older brother .he is a very responsible person and he is also very caring.He cares for his one and only younger sister

whom is very close to him and would also show aegyo towards him when she wants something or is just having fun.He always protects her

since she is a girl and is scared anything would happen to her.He is also a good son towards his parents always respects them and listen to them and

never once rebelled against them.

Some more soon to come in the story as it goes by.



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