lets solve this

Wedding plan part 1.

It was lunchtime, when haneul opened her locker to take her wallet she heard her phone ringing.It was her message tone,it was a message from baekhyun he sent her the address for the meetup.Haneul took a cab to a cafe that baekhyun has planned to meet her.On the other hand baekhyun was waiting anxiously for haneul,he does not even know wether is she coming but he just sent the address to this place.Baekhyun hoped that haneul would come because he does not want to fight with her anymore he missed the good and sweet moments they had together.

When haneul arrived at the cafe she looked around for baekhyun and finally she found him and went towards the table.Baekhyun was just looking around to see if haneul has arrived and once he turned around he saw haneul there in front of him,baekhyun was just speechless because he did not know what to say at that moment.Baekhyun does not even know wether to be happy or sad.Haneul just sat down without a word,she crossed her leg and arms.Haneul looked agitated as if she wanted to get this thing over and done with.

Baekhyun than broke the silence and started talking.

"haneul ah how are you doing? i know its just been a day since i talked to you but please say something.you do know the reason why you are meeting me right? if you don't want to see me anymore just tell me we can break up if thats what you want.Well it would be ridiculous because we are breaking up  just over our marriage plans."baekhyun suggesting and asking haneul.

"hmmmm well i can say that i am fine.Anyway can we just get straight to the point,you want to solve this problem when it all started with you.In the first place i don't even know wether this problem could be solved.I know i have been very angry with you these days but i myself am confused with why i am like this.I don't even think you can solve this problem of mine.I don't want to break up with you over something small but i just cannot stand your mom.I like your mum, but she keeps saying things which you can never expect at the wrong time and i don't want to suffer through that when i am married with you."haneul slowly opening up.

"i know i know haneul but we can't do anything about my mum.I can't change the way she thinks or say because i myself have no right to do that because i am just the child.Its okay haneul ah don't worry we would figure this out once we are married and if we do stay with my mum for awhile just bare with it alright. Anyway we still have our house so we don't have to stay at my mums house for a long time,maybe just for a few weeks.Thats if we do stay at my mums house.Just be strong and remember i am always there for you."baekhyun assuring haneul while holding her hands.

"But you must promise me only for a few weeks if we do stay at your mums house.You must also promise me that you would protect me because by then you would be my husband and i would be your wife so you must always be my side.Promise me baekhyun,because i still love you and i don't want to suffer all by myself in this relationship."haneul making baekhyun  keep his promise.

"yes i promise.don't worry i would always love you and would never leave you."baekhyun promised haneul with a silly smile on his face.

Haneul than punched baekhyun's shoulder,baekhyun just shouted ouch! but haneul told him to keep it down.So thats how the couple got back together.

And just like that time pass by so fast and its already 2013.....


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Chapter 18: Wow. She really has a temper...
Chapter 4: I like your story plot. Different than other fanfics!!!