
Wedding plan part 1.

Haneul was just laughing at the immaturity of these boys.After they managed to freshen up in the waiting room baekhyun told his manager that he and haneul needed to go somewhere today so the rest could just continue without him.Haneul was surprised, baekhyun has never skipped his schedules even when haneul is always there beside him.Haneul wondered where did baekhyun wanted to take her.

While in the car....

"babe where are we going? why are you skipping your schedules do you know how disappointed your fans would be  when they don't see you performing on stage.We could always go this place that you wanna go next time when you are free."haneul asking baekhyun.

"you will know when we arrive and don't worry about my schedule .Don't you know you should be appreciating these times when  we are together now ,you should be thankful to me for going out with you today."baekhyun replied.

Once they arrived at the place it was actually a bridal shop which also had wedding planners which you could ask for help to organize your wedding.When haneul entered the shop she was just shocked and was just speechless,she did not know what to say to baekhyun, wether to get angry at him for not going to his other schedules just because of this or happy.Baekhyun saw haneul's reaction when they arrived but all he did was just to lead her into the shop and had that reassuring face.When they arrived a lady ushered them to a table and then she asked a few questions about the wedding and wether if there was any special request for the concept or dress.Haneul just told the lady that she was fine with anything because she is still confused with all this wedding stuff and she is scared she would choose the wrong dress or just make the wrong decision for the wedding.

The lady that the couple talked to was actually the wedding planner,she then took out a book full of different pictures of wedding venues and concepts that they could choose.Haneul looked through it, she was kind of attracted to the nature themed wedding because it had beautiful flowers and the colours used were very beautiful.Haneul asked baekhyun wether he was okay with this theme baekhyun said he was fine with anything his girlfriend wants.The ladies than discussed about where the venue should be and some details .The wedding planner than moved on to the dress and tuxedo,She  led them to the dress and tuxedo section it was like heaven for haneul because it was her first time seeing so many dresses which were so beautiful.Haneul could not choose one because all of them looked pretty to her ,so the wedding planner helped her pick a few and she was told to tried them at the same time baekhyun would give his opinion on each dress.

The first dress was a bit too traditional the second dress had  too much bling on it the third dress was too simple.Haneul was so tired after trying out three dresses.Getting into one dress needs alot of work ,the lady in the dressing room has to fix the dress once haneul gets into it  just to tighten some parts of the dress or  adjust some parts of the dress.Finally it was the final dress , once she stepped out of the dressing room with the final dress baekhyun was so shocked because it was the first time he saw haneul in such a beautiful dress with the veil.Baekhyun felt as if he was going to get married with her right now,baekhyun then went to change to his tuxedo .Haneul also could not believe how could baekhyun look so sharp and neat looking in this tuxedo,he just looks so charming.

The couple than took each of their phones out and asked for the favour of the wedding planner to take a picture of them together so that this would be one of their memories together.At the same time both of them are going to brag about it to their friends and family members.They had a appointment with the wedding planner a few days later to discuss other details regarding  the wedding.

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Chapter 18: Wow. She really has a temper...
Chapter 4: I like your story plot. Different than other fanfics!!!