meeting oemma.

Wedding plan part 1.

'Annyeong oemma are you free today can i come and visit?i miss you and i have good news for you too."haneul calling her mom.

"oh haneul my are you? sure i am free today anyway where else would i go other than the supermarket and being at home."haneul's oemma asking about haneul.

"ASSA! love you oemma. see you later oemma.bye bye."haneul hanging up.

While waiting for haneul to come that afternoon haneuls oemma cooked up some of her favourite dishes because haneul must have not eaten her favourite home cooked food for a long time.Haneul on the other hand decided to wear casuals since it was just meeting her oemma and today was a weekend so she got a half day from work since not many customers are coming in today.Since baekhyun is busy with his schedules she does not want to disturb him,only for today she is not making food for the boys but she has already told baekhyun that she is visiting her mum today.

In the afternoon....


it was the doorbell to the house and haneul's mum immediately rushed to the monitor to see who was there.It was her one and only daughter whom she has not seen for a few weeks.

"Annyeong oemma,Appa. i missed you soooo much.i know it is has only been a few weeks but still who does not miss their parents."haneul  hugged both of her parents tightly.

"awww our aegi we misseed you to but could you please."haneul's mom speaking breathlessly.

"OH! mian appa oemma."haneul releasing the hug.

After all that reunion moment they all settled down at the living room.Haneul  told her parents that she got a job recently and she is working at a beauty salon it was something she liked, doing peoples makeup and hair.When she was in college she used to do a little freelance makeup for important events or weddings.Haneul than told them another good news and that was working in the beauty salon that exo goes to for their hair and makeup.Both off them were extra happy for their daughter because she did not have to be seperated from baekhyun even if she is working.

Time really flies  while talking  haneul's mom broke the conversation and told them to have lunch first than they could continue talking after that.When haneul saw her favourite home cooked food on the table she was sooo happy and speechless and thanked  her mum for taking the  time to cook all of  this just for her daughter.Haneul than dug into the food.Her parents were just so happy to see their daughter eating so well.

After the meal haneul's mom brought in a plate of fruits which she has peeled and cut.Haneul's favourite fruit was watermelons and mangoes.Soon it was already 6pm ,haneul had to go because she wanted to go home and rest so that she could wake up early for work tomorrow eventhough it was sunday. Some idols still have schedule.It was hard to bid farewell but haneul promised to come again if she is free.

On the other hand baekhyun also decided to call his oemma since he was unable to meet her because of his schedules.When baekhyun called his oemma he asked about how has his oemma been ,wether has she been taking care of herself and eating the vitamins that haneul gave her.Baekhyun's oemma said she did and she feels healthier now but there was one thing she had to ask baekhyun.

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Chapter 18: Wow. She really has a temper...
Chapter 4: I like your story plot. Different than other fanfics!!!