that night

Wedding plan part 1.

That night all of the members from exo came to haneul's house for a gathering after a long time.All of the youngsters gathered together and what else do they do best , having empty talks while having good food and drinks.Then one of the members asked baekhyun about the wedding preparations and how has it been going.They wanted to know wether everything was settled and if they could help in anything,maybe in catering or getting a photographer for the wedding photos.Baekhyun said everything has been settled and that  they do not need any help but he thanked s for the offer.Baekhyun just told them that for the photoshoot all of them are going to be involved since haneul's bridesmaid will not be able to make it for the photoshoot.All them got excited once they heard that they would be able to take pictures for a wedding photo together with their sister in law haneul,thats what they have been calling haneul sometimes since she is baekhyun's fiance.

It was exos first time doing a wedding photoshoot.After all the talk and good company  the members went back except for baekhyun because he decided to stay with haneul tonight.When all of the members heard that baekhyun was staying behind they teased the couple and started becoming roudy and noisy.Baekhyun told them to keep quiet because it was late at night , the neighbours might complain because they were making too much noise.Exos manager acknowleged and allowed baekhyun to stay at haneul's house tonight since they were about to get married so the manager gave some time for  them together.

That night .......

"baekhyun ah do you feel excited or nervous as we are getting nearer and nearer to our wedding date?"haneul asked baekhyun while resting on his chest.

"umm well i feel normal because i am confident and im sure about whom i am going to get married to and thats you."baekhyun answering while playing with haneul's hair.

"awww you are so sweet"haneul getting up and kissing baekhyun on the cheek.

Haneul than slowly drifted to sleep while baekhyun was playing with her hair,Baekhyun  slowly got up and made his way to the living room and slept there for the night.Both of them have a pure love kind of relationship so they have not even once slept together in one bed.The maximum skinship they have among each other is kissing on the lips and thats all nothing more than that.The couple would always try to prevent themselves from going on to the next stage because they want to save that for their marriage.

In the morning.

The weekends are finally over and today baekhyun has a schedule in the morning.Haneul woke up earlier to get ready and prepare breakfast but before she made breakfast she woke baekhyun up so that he could bathe and get ready.Once baekhyun was done bathing he went to eat his breakfast and both of them went to haneul's work place so that she could do his makeup for today as well as the rest of exo.Once they arrived at the salon exo was already there and a few of them were done with their makeup haneul apologised for a being a little late today since baekhyun came along with her so she had to wait for him .The manager and her boss said it was okay ,so she quickly did baekhyun's makeup and hair since they were in a hurry.

The members teased baekhyun once they got in the car. Most of them asked what happened last night when they left both of them together. One of them guessed something that was very unappropriate,baekhyun than told them nothing happened .He told them as usual they would never spend a night together until they are married,baekhyun just wanted to be there for haneul for once before she went to sleep because she is mostly alone in that house.When they heard that all of them just rolled their eyes and went back to what they were doing before  because they found nothing interesting to about.

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Chapter 18: Wow. She really has a temper...
Chapter 4: I like your story plot. Different than other fanfics!!!