Time flies.

Wedding plan part 1.

Time sure flies and its almost end of the year.During those few months the couple have been very preparing for the wedding in spite of their busy schedules they would try and make time for each other to plan the wedding so that all of the decisions made would be fair.They have even sent out all their invitations as well as place an order for their wedding cake.The wedding cake is going to be a 3 tier cake and each tier has different flavours.The lowest tier which is the one that their going to cut is chocolate mousse cream with chocolate sponge. Apparently this is  the couples favourite flavour, while the other two tiers would each have  one of the their favourite flavours.The couple is just sticking to the traditional design for the cake nothing fancy.

Eversince its nearing their wedding day which is actually next year, haneul has been going to baekhyun's house with him to visit his mom.This allowed both the mother in law and daughter in law to bond.They did bond a little and everything seemed fine but we may never know when baekhyun's mom will act up again.

One day during the visit to baekhyun's house....

Haneul was in baekhyun's room talking about some nostalgic things.While talking haneul noticed an old picture of them together,haneul giggled when she saw that picture.In that picture haneul was smiling while baekhyun kissing her on the cheek.It was a selca picture of the both of them at the themepark.

"wae? whats with  the giggle?"baekhyun curious.

"look at this ,do you still member those days when we just started and this was one of our first few skinships that we did.You were so cute back then."haneul smiling while looking at the picture and asking baekhyun.

"of course why would i forget.Thats the reason why i did not take this picture back to my dorm because i want to keep our old memories here.so are you telling me i am no longer cute.hmph!"baekhyun sulky with a pout and his arms crossed facing away from haneul.

"awww come here babe.My boyfriend is still and would always be cute to me."haneul trying to cheer baekhyun up by making him face her.

Those were some of the sweet moments they usually have when they are together or just reminiscing the old days.No one could stop them from being too lovey dovey or sweet towards each other not even their parents or friends.Haneul does not really have friends but she is quite close with some of her classmates in college,sadly she has lost contact with some of them over time.

After their visit to baekhyun's house they invited the boys to come over to haneul's house to just hang out and release their stress since all of them must be so tired from all the schedule these  few weeks.

In the car....


"yayyy! we get to meet haneul again.i miss her.she is so fun to play with and talk to.i can't wait."chanyeol,luhan and sehun shouted in the car.

The rest of the members were just laughing at how funny their members were while getting all excited just to meet haneul.Meantime at haneuls house baekhyun was helping haneul preparing the food and drinks.Once they heard all of the roudy and noisy footsteps nearing their apartment they knew it was the boys.Haneul went to open the door for them.

"HEY! haneul its nice to see you again."all them shouting once entered and some even hugged her.

"oh okay,its nice to see you guys too."haneul looking shocked and expressionless.

"hey guys calm down don't touch my fiance like that.she is my angel you know,very precious"baekhyun taking a hold of haneul's hand.

The guys just ignored him and some even rolled their eyes and ridiculing him.Whats important to the boys now were the food and drinks on the table.


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Chapter 18: Wow. She really has a temper...
Chapter 4: I like your story plot. Different than other fanfics!!!