our story

Wedding plan part 1.

Today is another day whereby kim haneul has to make breakfast for herself and go through her usual routine.It is actually quite tiring but she likes it to be honest,Usually after haneul makes her breakfast she would cook some rice and some fingerfood for the boys later on when she sees them because thye are always on the run but never get to eat delicious and nutritional food.Since haneul is baekhyun's girlfriend the boys are always so lucky to get delicious food everyday so they won't go hungry or get sick.Haneul always make sure for baekhyun especially for him he gets his vitamins and food so that he won't fall sick or else they can't get married next year.

The exo members are always jealous when they see the couple together because they just look so loving and sweet towards each other ,sometimes when the other members are getting ready backstage and baekhyun is done changing,haneul would bring baekhyun to a place in the building where there are vending machines so that she could buy water for the both of them on top of that they would feed each other the food.Sometimes after they have finished their meal they would have some free time so baekhyun would hold hands with haneul and walk all around the tv station to just catch up with her.It was more of their time together and some privacy because 24/7 baekhyun is always busy with work and eventhough his girlfriend is with him most of the time they are always in a rush to get  ready ,touch up and things like that.by the time they enter the car baekhyun would try to have a short nap before going to the next schedule.

baby don't cry tonight~~~~

It was haneul's ringtone. She already knew who was calling at this time in the morning it was baekhyun her boyfriend.

"annyeong jagiya ,what are you doing? are you going to come today? if you are coming i would sms you the  address for our first schedule alright  and make sure you bring delicious food the hyungs really love your cooking."baekhyun sounding cute on the phone.

"OH! hi babe nothing i am just going to get ready to meet you as usual,and yes i have already cooked some delicious food for the boys don't worry.see you there babe byeee~~~"haneul hanging up with a cute voice.

After getting ready and packing the food haneul took a taxi. She told the taxi driver the place that she was  headed to.Today it was an M countdown stage, the recording starts at 11pm so she has to make it there a few hours earlier so that she can give the boys their food and also check on her boyfriend wether everythings fine,just in case his makeup needs touch up or his costume has some problems she could always tell the stylist to change it or fix it.Once she arrived she wore her special pass lanyard over her neck so that she would be allowed to enter the backstage.When haneul entered the waiting room she was greeted cheerfully by all the 12 members of exo because they were soo excited as haneul had brought food.The boys usually have no time to eat in the morning so when haneul comes its the only chance they get to eat food.

Baekhyun then came right up to haneul and grab her by the waist than kissed her on the cheeks ,haneul than give baekhyun a peck on the the lips.The other members were disgusted when they saw that ,they than told the couple to go out if they wanted to get intimate.Both haneul and baekhyun giggled at all the innocent boys who were just sooo cute.Haneul than gave baekhyun his food, while he was sitting down in front of the mirror  eating haneul took a chair and sat beside him,than started checking on his makeup by looking at his face and his hair to see wether it needs to be fixed.Baekhyun was already used to this because he had no choice or else he would have no  time to eat and if he does not eat he would not have any  energy to perform which would then disappoint his fans.



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Chapter 18: Wow. She really has a temper...
Chapter 4: I like your story plot. Different than other fanfics!!!