chapter 8

So I Met This Crazy Guy called Onew!

"So tired!" Jonghyun groaned, walking into the room. His shoulders were drooping from fatigue and he couldnt stop yawning. Today had been a long, long day. Remind me why I chose this proffession, he thought to himself.. Oh yeah, because of the attention from the girls. He smiled to himself.. There's nothing in this world quite like a girl.

Onew was fast asleep on the couch at the other end of the room. Where did he go today anyway, Jonghyun thought to himself. Onew gets too much play and no work these days.

He went over to Onew and looked over at him sleeping. "Hyung, wake up." he siad. "Where'd you go today?"

Onew didnt move a muscle. Had Onew just come back and slept the entire day? Lucky guy, Jonghyun thought. Should I wake him up? If I let him be, I would probably have the TV, and maybe the chicken in the fridge all to myself... Havent had chicken in quite a while due to Onew's monopoly anyway.. Jonghyun went to the fridge and opened the door. Wow. He ATE the chicken before he slept.

Hecame back and nudged Onew slightly. Onew just ignored him. Get up lazy bones! Jonghyun said. Oh well...You asked for it, he thought, poking a finger into Onew's stomache. Immediately Onew squirmed. He slowly opened one of his eyes. "Oh... its just you." he said sleepily and turned away.

"Hah, whats wrong with just me!" Jonghyun asked offended. For your information, the ladies love me!

Onew was falling asleep again. Jonghyun sighed. "Sleep if you want, I found more chicken in the fridge and I'm gonna eat it all!" Jonghyun lied, but the statement worked wonders. Onew's eyes shot open and he sat up straight. "No!" he whined."My day's been bad enough! Dont eat my chicken!" Onew had a bad day? Probably dropped some chicken somewhere, Jonghyun thought to himself. Thats as bad as his day gets.

Onew seemed to be in deep thought. "Well my day was not all bad actually.." Onew giggled to himself, staring into space. Did Onew just.. giggle? Jonghyun's eyes widened. He's becoming a bit girly these days. Guess I'm the only man left in this household..

Onew was still to smiling to be himself, lost in thought, when suddenly his eyes widened."What time is it?"

"Time to say Jonghyun Rocks!" Jonghyun said, throwing his hands in the air like a champion.

Onew did not look amused. He made a face. Jonghyun put his hands down.  "Its 6.30. Why do you ask, oh leader of SHINee?"

"Time to go!" Onew said quickly, jumping off the couch and darting for his bedroom, tripping on the way. Time to go where? Jonghyun thought.

"Where you going, ?" Jonghyun said, plopping himself on the couch.

"Out." came the reply. Well, duh.

"No way, I would never have guessed." Jonghyun replied sarcastically. Where was Onew going in such a hurry? He never goes anywhere without us.. He doesnt even have a life outside of us!

"Who you meeting?" Tell me, tell me...

"Uhh... umm.." Onew stammered. Jonghyun made a wtf face. You forgot who you're meeting? Seriously, hyung.. how are you gonna reach the venue?

"..uhh.. my mom."  Onew finally said. You're mom? Oh-kay.. maybe.. thats possible. But why did he take so long to say that? He usually loved his mom.. she supplied him with all the chicken in the world, and that was all he needed in life. He was lucky he's a butcher's son, otherwise he'd be in debt due to outstanding chicken bills. He would have probably put his entire country in debt. Food shortages everywhere.

Onew came out of his room."How do  I look?" he asked. Jonghyun looked up and his jaw dropped open. Is he going to meet his mom or to film a music video? He looks like a movie star.. And why does he have shades on for God's sake?

You're going to see your mom..Jonghyun scoffed and grunted. Yeh right, you trying to give your mother an inferiority complex? Suddenly an idea popped into his head. SURE, you're going to your mom's place, my dear Onew. I'll make sure of it.

"I'll drive you." he said smiling. Onew's expression faltered. Gotcha, Jonghyun thought.

"Oh no... thats okay." Onew said, looking away quickly into a full length mirror in front of him. He puffed his cheeks slightly. Wow, you're not that smart Onew, Jonghyun thought, I can see your expression in the mirror too.

"Oh, no, I insist." Jonghyun said sweetly.

"No, its okay... you look tired" Onew said, adjusting his hair for lack of anything else to do.

"Oh, I'm not too tired for this." Jonghyun said smiling cheekily. "Oh and by the way, hyung.."

Jonghyun looked Onew up and down "..why are you dressed like that?"

Onew frowned,"I wanna look good for my mother. It looks good right?"

"But wont your mother like it if she saw you all.. unstylish and normal. She'd think ahh, fame hasnt changed my boy!" Jonghyun said, folding his arms. "I think you should take it all off, really." he said innocently.

Onew gripped onto his shirt as if defending against ."No."

"As you wish, hyung." Jonghyun said laughing. Something was deifinitely up. "Anyway, do you wanna leave now? Lets be off to your mother's place."

Onew swallowed some saliva. I dont want you coming with me you fool, he thought.

"Sure." he replied unhappily.

Just then the door opened, and Taemin came rushing in with a bucket of chicken wings. He was followed behind by Minho, walking in with what seemed like grocery bags, and Key who dramatically screamed,"Almighty Key is in the building!"

"Hyung, Chicken!" Taemin said sweetly, handing Onew a piece.

Immediately, Onew was occupied.

Jonghyun went into one of the bedrooms and quietly motioned for Key to follow him. Key scrunched his eyebrpws and followed him in. Jonghyun pulled him aside and whispered in his ear."Something's up with Onew tonight.Wanna help me find out what?"

Jonghyun was explaining he situation to Key when Minho and Taemin entered the room and frowned a the huddling. "What you guys talking about?" Taemin asked innocently.

"Onew's hiding something. And we're going to find out what it is.." Jonghyun smirked evilly. Key laughed. He loved these things!

Onew came over with chicken in his mouth, looking happy with chicken by his side. "Jonghyun, do you wanna go now?" he asked absentmindedly, swallowing a large chunk of meat.

"Hyung we're all coming! We wanna meet your mother too!" Key said evilly and laughed, ushering everyone towards the front door.



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also! I've started a fic about Hermione Granger actually coming into Taemin's life.. if you wanna check it out!

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Omg I remember this story xD
parkhyojin169 #2
Very good well done
PetShawal #3
Chapter 19: I still don't get i...
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Chapter 14: Oooooh! I like this! I definitely like this!
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