chapter 15

So I Met This Crazy Guy called Onew!

Hey guys! So it seems everytime something big happens in my life, i come here and write a chapter! Which is good 4 u guys... heart



Onew gulped. Wow... God really hates me.. he thought to himself.

The girl was looking at him with wide eyes, showing a bit of hurt in her huge orbs. He DID want to rape me! She looked at Onew in disgust. That bastard! She shot daggers with her eyes at Onew. Onew gulped again.

Taemin seemed absolutely oblivious to the situation going on, and turned to the girl innocently, smiling. "Hi, I'm Taemin!" he waved his hand at her furiously, wanting to make a new friend. "Annyeong!"

"H-hi.." the girl looked away from Onew, blinking her eyes as if coming out of a trance. She looked at the boy smiling at her with all his teeth showing...Now thats kinda creepy... but kinda cute too... she couldnt help but smile back at him. Suddenly she had a thought. You think he could protect me from this rapist..?  She squinted at Taemin with narrow eyes and tilted her head to one side, studying his physique closely. Looks frail... she turned to his face. But looks cute.. she stared at him for the longest time.

"Whats your name?" Taemin asked, interupting her thoughts. Is she staring at me? Thats creepy... but kinda cute too.. Am I getting it on with a lady? FINALLY!

The girl frowned, as if trying to remember her name. "I- I-" she looked flustered and blushed slightly, looking down at the floor out of shyness. Oh my God, yes! Taemin thought.

Oh HELL no! Onew thought with his mouth wide open, looking at his girl all squealy and blushy over his dongsaeng. " I object to this situation!"

"Do you like dancing?" Taemin asked suddenly, ignoring Onew. Hyung should take some lady lessons from me.. he smiled to himself smugly and winked at Onew. Onew raised a shocked eyebrow.

"Y-yeh.. I like to dance." the girl said, looking up from the floor. Her eyes met Taemin's and he smiled at her sweetly. She blushed and looked down again. "But I dont feel like it right now.. " she mumbled. Taemin pouted.

"Yeh, I can only imagine!" Onew scoffed at her suddenly. "Dancing all night with lover boy werent you?"  he said mockingly, doing a little jiggy dance to emphasise his point.

The girl looked surprised. "Have you been spying on me?" she took a step back and pointed a finger at him sharply.  "You stalker! You stay away from me, you rapist.. if you think you can stalk andrape then you're disgusting!"

"You're deluded!" Onew shot back. "And who would want to rape you!"

"Oh, and anyway Onew hyung's doesnt rape!" Taemin chimed in. " Key and Minho hyung do the raping."

The girl looked at Taemin in shock and her mouth hung open. "Y-you do it too?"

Oh my God this is insane! Onew looked looked at the conversation going on. "For the hundredth time! You've got it all wrong- "

"Oh no! Not me!" Taemin said cheerfully, cutting into Onew's explanation. "I cant rape no matter how hard I try!"

"You - you've tried?" the girl looked from Onew to Taemin... Oh my God South Korea is full of perverted men.. And they dont even hide it! Whats the police doing!

"Of course I have... I wanted to rape too..." Taemin pouted. "I guess I dont have talent in that area.." Taemin rattled on in full speed, thinking he was impressing the girl.

The girl's jaw instead seemed to have dropped to the floor. Onew facepalmed himself. Wow WAY to go Taemin! he looked at the girl. She seemed to be creeped out of her mind. Well, atleast something good happened, Onew smirked. She aint interested in Taemin anymore..

The girl suddenly felt consious and a bit afraid in the room, though it was full of so many people.. She didnt really KNOW anyone.. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to her either..  What if they...? The music was loud, and many kids were drunk.. Need to get out of here!

Onew read her mind as he saw her looking for exits. You're not going anywhere after all this, missy! "Listen.. please, I need to talk to you.." he said gently, hoping she'd notice some sincerity in his voice. He didnt try to reach for her hand..he just felt it wouldnt feel right after the nonsense she had just heard coming out of Taemin's mouth.

"This is not what it looks like." Onew went on, emphasising on every word he spoke. "This boy right here  -" he pointed to stupid-innocent Taemin, who was now dancing a bit to the music, immersed in the dance moves he was pulling. " he doesnt even know what rape is..! He think its rap!"

"What?" The girl raised an eyebrow at him and folded her arms. "Which idiot told him that?"

Onew closed his eyes. "That would be me." he sighed deeply. Yes, I am an idiot, in so many ways..

The girl looked at him and scoffed.  "Liar!" she literally spat the words at him. What bullshit!

She was about to call Onew some more names when a boy came out from nowhere and pushed her aside, sending her flying to a spot on the floor a few feet away. The boy didnt bother apologizing and instead grabbed Onew by the collar.

"What the hell! Jonghyun!" Onew said angrily, trying to push him away and get a look at the girl on the floor.

"Time to leave!" Jonghyun said frantically.

Suddenly someone was on the microphone, and though Onew didnt hear what the person speaking on the mic said, the next thing he heard was girls screaming their lungs off. Uh oh...



Thank you to people who commented! You make me so happy with ur commenting!

This is a short chappie i know.. I'll post up one more real soon to make for it.. and yeh, not really a gr8 chappie, but I'll post a better one tomorro.. promise!


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Omg I remember this story xD
parkhyojin169 #2
Very good well done
PetShawal #3
Chapter 19: I still don't get i...
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Chapter 14: Oooooh! I like this! I definitely like this!
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Chapter 11: I love you so much right now... This is so great!