chapter 15

So I Met This Crazy Guy called Onew!

OMG guys!! I'm so happy today! :D something seems to finally be sorting itself out! Yesh yesh yesh!!! Aaaaah, what a perfect day to write a chapter!


Onew scowled and looked on at the boy that was dancing away with his girl. He hated the DJ for playing such a song..

..Cause baby tonight..
..the DJ got us falling in love again..


Onew scoffed. Yeh,  they seem to be falling in love alright. He rolled his eyes.

..Yeah baby tonight..
..the DJ got us falling in love again..

..So dance dance..
..Like its the last last night..
of your life life..
Im'ma get you right..


Omg, look at them clinging to each other! Onew felt like someone had stabbed his heart.

Cause baby tonight..
the DJ got us falling in love again..



What does she think of herself anyway! Onew thought turning around, his blood boiling with jealousy.


______ put her arms around Abdul's neck, pulling him closer. Abdul looked a bit surprised, but quickle recovered and put his hands around her waist lightly. The contact felt so easy and natural.. ______ smiled to herself.

A few meters away, Onew looked close to tears. I did all this, for THIS? He looked down at himself, looking so stylish, wearing those glasses.. He looked at the couple for the thousandth time.

Dont make me puke! he thought and turned around, looking away from the scene. "Hey!" A young girl smiled at him ily,approaching him wearing a tight mini dress. Onew blinked. The girl tilted her head to one side and looked at him with a sly smile." Would you like to dance?"

Usually Onew would have shied away and run home to eat chicken, but this time he just put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, starting to move with the music. It was some semi-slow song playing now.. more of the type where you'd find people coupling up and dancing. Perfect for those two, he thought ruefully.

Onew put his head on the girl's shoulder. He breathed into her, sighing deeply, smelling her perfume. How he wished it was _______  dancing with him instead.. The world seemed so sad. He needed chicken.

"Oh my God, Hyung's a ert!" came a squeaky voice from behind him. Onew looked up and whipped his head sideways to find Taemin with his mouth wide open, staring at him with his huge eyes.

"Tae- ?" he said, stopping short of saying his name, lest the girl he was dancing with knew his friend. "What are you doing here?" he asked, groping the girl's waist in irritation. This is no place for 2 year olds..

"Ohhh!" the girl squealed with  surprise. Onew blushed. "Oh - I'm so sorry!" he began to bow but the girl came closer, sticking her body to him. "Oh, thats okay.. I like surprises." she said, making her hands into cat paws and pretending to claw the air. "Meow! Meow!"

Taemin looked at the girl in disbelief. "Hyung.." he came close to Onew and whispered in his ear. "I dont like your girl. She's scary!"

"She's not mine." Onew said, feeling insulted. He tried to pry away from the girl. Oh jesus, she's touching me..

Taemin pouted. "So you reject hyung after he came all the way for you?" he looked angrily at the girl. The girl looked surprised. "You came her... for me?" her eyes twinkled. Oh great! Onew thought.

"This isnt the girl I came here for." Onew told Taemin through gritted teeth. This could never be the girl... Oh my God.. DONT TOUCH ME THERE!

"Dont touch me you !" Onew cried at the girl, wriggling away.

"Oh!" Taemin squealed. "You're a ? My hyung's a too!"

"What?" the girl said, stepping away from Onew. Oh please! Onew thought. I'm not molesting you. YOU'RE molesting ME!

Suddenly an idea popped into Onew's head. He smiled like a ert and looked at the girl's face. "Yes.. baby, that is a confession I have to make. I've... been rough with a couple of girls here and there..." he said, taking a step towards the girl.

"What?!" Taemin cried with his mouth wide open. "Oh my God hyung you bastard!"

Did he just call me a - where did he even learn that word!  Onew stopped himself from screaming at Taemin and instead focussed on the girl. "And I would do it again.. 'cause it feels so good!" Onew said dramatically, his lips and looking at the girl lustfully.

The girl gulped and Onew almost laughed. It was all so comical. The girl took a step back. "Wh-wh-what do you mean?" she asked, feeling a bit afraid.

Onew was enjoying this. What happened baby, you dont want me anymore? Onew took another step towards her. "You know... if I dont get what I want-" he moved swiftly right in front of her and whispered in her ear. "- I take it anyway."

The girl backed away, let out a shreak and went running off into the horizon. Onew laughed. What happened baby, come back! he thought, smiling to himself. Now to go home and eat some chicken.

He his lips and turned around to find the girl he had come to this club for staring at him in shock and disbelief.


@hayeee : Minhoz story coming up sooN!

@Vengeance : lol Minho... i wanted to make him y lol

@theclumsywitch : and... Onew is bacK!

@-Onyuu : :) here ya go!


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Omg I remember this story xD
parkhyojin169 #2
Very good well done
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Chapter 19: I still don't get i...
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Chapter 14: Oooooh! I like this! I definitely like this!
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