chapter 10

So I Met This Crazy Guy called Onew!

"So Onew.." Jonghyun said, looking at him slyly from the corner of his eye."How come Mrs. Lee wants to see you suddenly? You never told us before about meeting her today."

Onew sighed. He was getting no girl, and no chicken. Thanks to them..

"You guys are a big problem.." he muttered.

"What did you say?" Jonghyun asked.

Onew stammered."I-I said, w-we're having family problems."

Taemin's eyes widened with concern. "What type of family problems hyung?"

I have to get to the party!  Onew rubbed his hands over his face in frustration. "I DONT KNOW!" he whined.

Wow,Taemin thought. It must be a pretty big family problem!

"What do you mean you dont know the problem?" Key asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hyung.. " Minho began,"Its time to tell you the truth. We know you're not go-"

Key put a hand over Minho's mouth and stamped on his foot. Minho doubled up in pain yelling "Owww.. what the!"

Key glared at him and turned forward to face Onew. "What Minho means is, we know you dont want to tell us your family problems, but I think you should let it all out." Key smiled evilly. "I'd never lie to us, right hyung?" Onew flinched. Why was everyone acting so strange tonight? Is it a full moon or something?

Taemin looked close to tears. "Is something wrong with Mrs. Lee, hyung?"

"What - no!" Onew said, jumping in his seat out of frustration.

Taemin didnt look convinced. "She's leaving Mr. Lee, isnt she?" he asked in a shrill voice. "Thats why hyung didnt want me to come!"

"What - no!"

"Yes! She is !"

"No she's not!" Onew said wide eyed. Stop trying to get my parents divorced, Taemin! "Why would you think that!"

"Cos she always calls him a fat old man..."

"My dad is not fat!"

Taemin sniffled slightly. Key looked angrily at Onew "I hope you're happy now! You jerk!" he said, wrapping an arm around Taemin's forehead and pulling him in for a hug.

Uh huh, Onew thought, Taemin's trying to get my parents divorced, and I'M the jerk...

"You!" Key pointed sharply at him. "No chicken for a week."

"What!" Onew cried.. "No, this is just unfair! I have family problems! I should be excused!"

"Yeh right!" Key scoffed.

"We're here!" Jonghyun said suddenly, pulling in to a driveway very familiar to Onew. Oh no... why wasnt there any traffic on the roads! How'd we get here so quick..?

Key  smiled at Onew's priceless expression. Oh yeh, baby.. You make my baby Taeminnie cry.. Now you shall see revenge.

"Taemin!" Key smiled brightly, looking into the Taemin's eyes. "Go ask his mom her problems!"

"Oh yeah!" Taemin said excitedly.

"No no!" Onew cried, but it was too late. Taemin had already opened the car door and dashed out at full speed into the house.

" hit the fan?" Key asked evilly.

Its about to..Onew thought. My mom already thinks I'm an idiot..

Everybody just sat in the car in silence.Onew rolled down his window and took in the night time breeze. It made him smile a bit.  After about a minute, two figures were seen outside the house.. One was Taemin.. and the other was -

"Why did you tell Minho here I'm leaving your father?" Mrs. Lee asked Onew angrily, looking into the car. My son is a REAL idiot..

"No Mom, I didnt.." Onew whined like a 5 year old.

"No chicken for a week!" his mom said annoyed, furrowing her eyebrows. That should set him straight..

"Mom NOOOO!" Onew cried in anguish as if South Korea was about to be bombed.. "Why, why, why!"

"Beacause, because, because!" Mrs. Lee said in the same tone. "You made little Minho cry!" she said, pointing at Taemin.

The Minho sitting in the car raised his eyebrows.

"How come you suddenly turned up here anyway?" Mrs. Lee asked her son. Does he want more chicken from the meat shop again..

"Family problems!" Taemin answered for Onew.

"What?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"He- He's talking about someone else's family, mom." Onew said. Why is my mom so scary sometimes..

"Which family?" Mrs. Lee asked.

" family...YG Family!" Onew said. Jonghyun hit his head on the steering wheel. Onew has lost his mind..

His mom was busy lecturing about not meddling with other families but Onew just ignored her.. He looked down at his lap. He glanced at his watch. Uh oh, the time.. it was 9 ! He should have been at the venue  by now.. Damn this entire situation! What if the girl leaves early or something..

Onew looked at Jonghyun, pleading with his eyes.  Jonghyun smirked and spoke up. "Need some help?" he asked. Onew pouted. "Yes please.."

Jonghyun looked out the car. "Mrs. Lee. This is a big misunderstanding. I think Onew has somewhere else to go to.. He wasnt supposed to come here.." Jonghyun turned to Onew and raised a brow. "Right?"

Onew turned a bit red. What.. how..? "Right.." he muttered.

Jonghyun suddenly took charge and turned to Taemin. "Taemin get in the car!" he said authoritatively.

Mrs. Lee seemed confused. "Taemin's already in the car." she said, pointing to Minho. Minho scoffed.

"Okay then," Jonghyun said smiling. "Then Minho get in the car!" he said sweetly but with a strictness in his voice.

Taemin stuck out his tongue but got in the car. "Goodbye Mrs. Lee! I'll miss you!" he said sadly, pouting.

Mrs. Lee waved at Taemin. "Come back anytime! I wish my son was more like you.." she muttered, whacking Onew lightly on the head and then giving him a big wet kiss on the cheek. She went back in the house.

Jonghyun laughed. He looked at Onew. "You're crazy."

"Sort of."

"So.. where to?"

"We're almost out of time.." Onew said, glancing at his watch again " but I have to reach the SNU Dorm."

"The SNU Dorm? The SNU Dorm?" Jonghyun said, laughing hysterically."What for?"

"There's a girl..." Onew started off and blushed.

"Oooh a girl!" Key cooed from the back seat. "I knew it! I knew it!" he let out a shriek like a parakeet.

Minho chuckled. "Finally, Onew. I thought you'd gone gay."

"Sorry Minho...I'm not like you!" Onew shot back.

"She y?" Jonghyun asked, starting up the car.

"She's y. And mine." Onew growled.

"And after she's yours, she's mine!" Jonghyun said ertedly.

Key rolled his eyes and poked Jonghyun in the cheek."You're mine, Jongy." Jonghyun chuckled.

"Hang on tight . I'm making you reach that girl even if I have to break every traffic rule in the city." Jonghyun said, revving up the engine. I've always wanted to spend a night in jail anyway.. he thought to himself.



Hey... So I hope you do like this chapter..!  had a split headache when i wrote this so sorry if its crappy.. They're meeting in the next chapter ;)


@ForeverInLove - Now you ARE awesome :P

@theclumsywitch - thnx fr commenting! now ur awesome too :P


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Omg I remember this story xD
parkhyojin169 #2
Very good well done
PetShawal #3
Chapter 19: I still don't get i...
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Chapter 18: Wait.. What? How did he get kidnapped? Why is he suddenly with th canadian girl? Huuuuh?
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Chapter 17: Ha! Ha! Ha! *this is how I laugh when i laughed to much and can't breath*
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Chapter 15: Omg i'm dying... If I wasn't sitting so comfortably I would rolling around like a ...roller
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Chapter 14: Oooooh! I like this! I definitely like this!
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Chapter 12: Ufufufufufu *clicks next while cackling like an evil witch*
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Chapter 11: I love you so much right now... This is so great!