Chapter 19

So I Met This Crazy Guy called Onew!

"Chicken.. chicken.." Onew moaned, imagining himself eating chicken drumsticks. He rocked forwards and backwards, huddled in a ball.

"Of all the people I could be stuck with.." _______ muttered, rolling her eyes. I get stuck with an annoying chicken addict who seems to be having withdrawal symtoms..

"Stop acting like you're a holocaust prisoner!" she said, looking at his knuckles turning white.. Could there be people that ACTUALLY are addicted to CHICKEN? she began wondering, looking at him. He DOES have typical rehab symptoms..

Onew looked up at her and made a face. Then he started talking to himself. "Holocaust.. speaking of which, I dont think holocaust prisoners got to eat chicken either.." he muttered, looking horrified. "Oh my God, those poor things!" 

_______ looked at him like he had lost it. He IS crazy, she thought.

"Have you thought of a way to get out of here, smarty?" she asked, trying to change the topic.

"Nope," Onew said dully.

"Wow, what kind of guy are you?" she asked. "We're being held captive by a bunch of goons - unhygienic goons, if I might add - and all you can think about is chicken!?!"

"We only think of what matters most to us in these situations.." Onew said, pouting.

Wow, his own LIFE doesnt seem to be high on his priority list, ________ thought to herself.. Suddenly an idea struck her.

"When was the last time you kissed someone?" she asked suddenly, turning to him.

Onew seemed a bit taken aback by this question, and turned a nice shade of beet root red. "W-w-why are you asking?" he mumbled, his voice almost turning into a whisper.

Gotcha, _______ said, smiling inwardly. She narrowed her eyes slightly. "Tell me," she said, her eyebrows a bit. "When was the last time you kissed someone?"

Onew seemed to squirm in his place, and his face that was earlier white with fear over never eating chicken again, not seemed to be filled with a scarlet colour. "It was with you.." he whispered sheepishly, looking at the ground and pouting shyly.

"Whaaaaat?" _________ stretched the word to exagerate as if she hadnt heard. "I couldnt hear you.." she said innocently.

Onew kept looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. "You.." he mumbled. "Last time was with you.. in your dorm.." he looked so flustered, ________ almost laughed out loud.

"So," she said, moving a bit closer to him. "I was the last person who kissed you?" she asked a bit seductively, making her voice low and husky.

"Y-yea.." Onew mumbled. __________ moved further closer to him, until she was sitting right in front of him, her face close to his. 

"How did it feel?" she whispered huskily, breathing a bit heavier so he was well aware of how close her body was to his. Onew looked like a lost child that didnt know what to do. 

"W-w-what?" he mumbled, looking up shyly at her. She had never seen a boy this lost. Is he really this innocent? she thought to herself. She looked at his face, her eyes looking at his every feature, and finally settling on his lips. 

"How did you like it?" she asked again, her lips, her eyes leaving his lips to look into his eyes.

Onew was now breathing a bit heavy, not sure what had gotten into this girl before him. Is she trying to lose her ity before she dies or something? he wondered..

"I liked it.." he mumbled, his lips feeling a bit parched and his throat feeling dry due to the conversation. Time to own up, he thought.. I liked it. A lot.

"Really?" she whispered, tilting her head slightly and moving towards his lips. "Would you want to do that to me again?"


Onew looked like he had seen a ghost. He couldnt believe what he was hearing as her sat there with his legs crossed. "W-what do you mean?"

The girl let out a low mewl as she scooted her body closer to his. "Do you wannt to kiss me again?" she asked, hovering her lips centimeters away from Onew's mouth. Onew seemed transfixed, staring at her lips with his mouth slightly ajar. His eyes were slowly getting heavy with lust as he stared at the girl moving so close to him. 

"Oppa.." the girl whispered suggestively. Onew felt himself slowly losing control. "I can do anything for you.." he whispered, breathing a bit heavily as he tried to will himself not to kiss her. 

"Anything, oppa?" _________ asked seductively, pulling herself back a little to look at his face. 

"Anything.." Onew whispered.

"You can do anything to me, if you can help me get out of here.." she whispered. She rested her forehead against his and rubbed his nose lightly with hers. "You can make me yours.."she whispered in a breathy voice.

Suddenly she felt two strong arms around her waist, pulling her and forcing her to scoot onto his lap. She could feel his body heat, it made her a bit nervous. He breathed deeply as he said. "I will do a lot to you once we get out of here.."


Do not kill me for not updating! Please! I just felt like my chapters werent good enough and I wasnt doing this story justice.. Today I just felt like - YEAH I feel like I could write a chapter. So i did. Here it is!


This chapter is totally dedicated to HaeRin ~ who's biology exam i may have ruined - my apologies - I hope you liked the update and forgive me for being such a late updater! I'll update regularly now!


Also, thank you to Uknow, vengaence, RinRinri and Ri-chan for commenting! :D



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Omg I remember this story xD
parkhyojin169 #2
Very good well done
PetShawal #3
Chapter 19: I still don't get i...
PetShawal #4
Chapter 18: Wait.. What? How did he get kidnapped? Why is he suddenly with th canadian girl? Huuuuh?
PetShawal #5
Chapter 17: Ha! Ha! Ha! *this is how I laugh when i laughed to much and can't breath*
PetShawal #6
Chapter 15: Omg i'm dying... If I wasn't sitting so comfortably I would rolling around like a ...roller
PetShawal #7
Chapter 14: Oooooh! I like this! I definitely like this!
PetShawal #8
PetShawal #9
Chapter 12: Ufufufufufu *clicks next while cackling like an evil witch*
PetShawal #10
Chapter 11: I love you so much right now... This is so great!