Chapter 6

So I Met This Crazy Guy called Onew!

Onew stumbled into the elevator.. What did I just do? he thought to himself.. Honestly he had no idea what was going on.. But, one thing's for sure, it was all his fault..

He never should have left the stylist Noona just because he smelt chicken in the dormitory building.. His senses had just taken over, and he'd wandered over to the Dorm cafetria. Now, a celebrity walks into a room full of boys and girls in their late teems, what could you expect! I'm really stupid, he told himself. The boys really didnt car about his presence, but the girls! Omg! Boy, they went crazy...

... They were more like kids who'd been offered free candy...

He began running for his life, thinking,  God Please save me from this mess.. He'd made enough of a mess of his day already.. Getting into a quarrel with a pretty girl.. Staining her shirt, no less.. but the most unforgivable of all..he'd wasted chicken... And just when he thought the bad parts in his day were over - voila! A bunch of crazy teenagers were hunting him down in this God foresaken building..

He turned a corner and suddenly saw an elevator. He made a run for it. The door was open, and girls were running behind him at full speed screaming "OPPA! OPPA!" .. Hell I wouldnt be you're oppa if you paid me.

Just as the elevator was closing - YES! he made it inside! Pah, he was safe! I am safe... arent I? he thought, scared of being mugged. He remembered one time when Jonghyun was kissed forcefully at the airport.. He didnt want something like that happening to him.. After all, I guess can happen both ways.

The elevator stopped on the 5th floor. Okay, will do... It would take them a while to climb up 5 floors by the stairs.. right? 

Aaah, well, I need a place to hide..! Onew dashed out the elevator, looking for a good hiding place.. a broom closet.. a janitor room.. anything! But that is where they'd look for me first!

He started checking all the rooms on the floor.. First one - locked... Second one - locked. Damn it, he was going to be in  real trouble at this rate.. He knew times when fan mobs had gone.. A bit too wild for him to handle. Over all that he seemed to be in some kind of dorm infested with teenagers.. its all hormones, he thought to himself. Hormones.

Suddenly, as he was checking one of the doors - Eureka! It clicked open! His eyes twinkled and a wide smile spread onto his face - yes saved! Thank you God!

But as soon as he'd thanked God, there came panting noises from the opposite  of the floor.. Holy moly, the girls were on his floor.. They seemed to be panting after climbing up 5 floors.

Serves you right, he thought, a bit annoyed. But then he darted into the room and shut the door behind him quickly. He looked around. Yes, it was a dorm.. A slightly messy one, in fact.. Like someone had just moved in. There were some cardboard boxes lying around here and there.. If only I could fit into one of them and hide..

He went over to one and tried sitting inside.. He felt huge. He struggled to fit in and tried to practice looking inconspicuous.. but a boy sitting inside a cardboard box with his head sticking out was anything but normal.. he actually seemed to look like just a dangling head from afar.. nope, this wouldnt do.

He looked around. There was a closet he just might fit into... could I? Should I  try?

He was about to attempt a closet invasion when keys turning in the lock of the room sent shivers down his spine. Omg! They found me! I'm cornered in a room! How will I get out! Oh my.. heart attack.. Girls.. scary..

Onew just made a dash for the corner of the room farthest away from the door. Maybe they wont notice me, he thought, crouching down like a ball.. I swear, I am so not manly sometimes, Onew thought to himself. Why am I scared of girls anyway.. Oh yeh, cos they scream like hell.

He huddled in his corner, listening to two girls talking away about some .. party? .. they seemed to be right at the door or something. He wasnt looking, he didnt want to. And then one of them had to run off somewhere. Oh my God.. One of them entered the room.. What if this girl made a scene and told everyone I was here? My manager would kill me.. Hell, the girls around here themselves would kill me.. What if the press found out I went to a dorm filled with girls.. they wouldnt leave me.. they'd call me a playboy.. a ert.. he started shaking

Dont let her notice me... Dont let her notice me... Dont let her notice... I hope I look like a stuff toy, or furniture..

"Excuse me." The girl in the room was talking.. Had she discovered him? Or was she talking to someone else, or on the phone... Or maybe even to herself..  he just ignored her and continued sitting still like a ball.

"Excuse me..?" she said, a bit louder.. I'm not here.. I'm not here.. Shooo... go away..

The evil woman seemed to have come closer. He could feel a presence behind his back. "Excuse ME!" she said like those black people say it on tv.

He turned around and looked. Oh  hell? It was Mall girl.. The girl who undermines the authority of chicken..

She looked him in the eyes, recognized him, and was not amused. She was about to scream,  "What the-?"

All that was going on in his mind was.. the press, printing photos of me in a girls' dorm. No! No! I'm not like that! So... he did something you only do in dream sequences. He jumped on the girl and, not knowing what to do next, pinned her to the nearest wall.. She tried to scream, obviously a bit panicked, and in response he pressed his lips against hers, muffling her voice.

The girl was scared and struggling, but he just held her tight and kept his lips in place.. Sorry, he told her mentally. I'm not going to hurt you.

After a minute, she stopped struggling and just sort of hug lose in his grip. He felt sorry for her. She wasnt one of his chasers, he could tell, because she wasnt particularly thrilled that he had his lips on hers. 

After sometime, voices outside the room grew quiet. People seemed to have thought he'd left the building. Onew slowly removed his lips and unpinned her. She just stood there, a bit too shocked to move.

He wanted to explain, but really what could he say.. he looked around sheepishly and started walking away. He wasnt really looking where he was going or what was around him. He kept on stumbling over the cardboard boxes on the floor.

 As he walked away he suddenly stopped.  He looked back slowly at her. Damn it.. he liked her. I dont like to admit it, but she's beautiful! Should he try and explain to her, that he's not a ... What should he do?

I'm... attracted to you, he frowned to himself.. I loved holding you like that against the wall..being close to you.

Without thinking, he walked back to her, pinning her against the wall again. She just stood there. Her reflexes arent that strong, he thought. when he

He kissed her without thinking, and was about to pull away when he realised what he'd done.. but he felt her kissing him back. She.. likes me?

"Wow...You like me?"

"What? No I -"

He cut her off. "I have to go" he said, trying to act all cool,feeling all smug that she liked him. Of course she liked him! Why else would she kiss him back. She probably doesnt want to admit it, he thought to himself smugly.

He cant believe he'd just kissed her right now! It made no sense.. Actually, it made perfect sense! She liked him! He blushed red.

"Goodbye." he said and walked out the door.

I'll give you a good time tonight at the party, he thought to himself.


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Omg I remember this story xD
parkhyojin169 #2
Very good well done
PetShawal #3
Chapter 19: I still don't get i...
PetShawal #4
Chapter 18: Wait.. What? How did he get kidnapped? Why is he suddenly with th canadian girl? Huuuuh?
PetShawal #5
Chapter 17: Ha! Ha! Ha! *this is how I laugh when i laughed to much and can't breath*
PetShawal #6
Chapter 15: Omg i'm dying... If I wasn't sitting so comfortably I would rolling around like a ...roller
PetShawal #7
Chapter 14: Oooooh! I like this! I definitely like this!
PetShawal #8
PetShawal #9
Chapter 12: Ufufufufufu *clicks next while cackling like an evil witch*
PetShawal #10
Chapter 11: I love you so much right now... This is so great!