chapter 11

So I Met This Crazy Guy called Onew!


10 minutes later...

"Jonghyun slow DOWN!" Onew shouted in exasperation as Jonghyun hit the brakes roughly once again at a red light. The car screeched to a halt and everyone took a deep breathe.

"Couldnt you see the red light from like a mile away?" Key screamed, putting his hands on his forehead.

"It was yellow at the time!" Jonghyun defended, feeling adrenaline pumping in his veins. "Like I could have seen the red coming!"

"The yellow indicated that it was going to be RED!" Onew screamed.  Why did this guy become a singer.. his real calling is Formula One..

"He's going to kill us all, isnt he?" Taemin whined, tugging at Key's shirt.

"Aww.. no baby he wont!" Key replied, comforting Taemin by rubbing his back gently, though in his heart Key was repenting not taking life insurance.Oh, I'm going chop Jonghyun's balls off for this, Key thought angrily. The only thing keeping me from strangling him right now is my seatbelt..

I'm okay.. I'm in one piece Minho thought, feeling for his arms and legs. Not for long, if Jonghyun keeps this up..

"Jonghyun.." Onew began, "Maybe you should let ME drive." It would be nice to reach the venue alive and not in a casket.. I have a lot more chicken to eat in this lifetime..

"I think he wants to send us to heaven tonight..." Minho mumbled, clutching his seat as he saw the red light turn green Oh no...Not again...Here we go.."Hyung, for all the times I havent been the best to you, please, please dont take it out on me tonight!"

"Wooooo!" Jonghyun celebrated the signal turning green. "Hang on!" he hooted, revving the engine and letting go of the breaks. Immediately the car jerked forward at full speed, leaving all other vehicles at the signal behind. Way behind.

He has serious isssues, Minho thought..

Key gave Onew  a look."Is the girl worth all this?" he asked, holding onto his seat.

"Its not the girl's fault if Jonghyun's gone Lewis Hamilton on us!" Onew whined.

"It is her fault!" Key said, getting cranky from being bounced around the car. "I'm gonna puke at this rate!"

"I know how you feeeeeeel!" Onew cried, ducking in his seat as the car narrowly missed running into a truck. "Jonghyun! Please! I'll meet the girl some other day... just stop scaring the out of me!" he begged.

...Minho sat in the back visualising tomorrow's headlines...

...SHINee Members Caught Rash Driving!... SHINee members in Hospital...

"You have a serious case of road rage." he said. "We just want to live some more time, Jjong.."

"Jonghyun hyung!" Taemin suddenly pouted. "I think you're overdoing the urgency of the situation. Onew hyung doesnt have to donate his blood to the girl or something! No one's dying!"

"His heart is dying!" Jonghyun declared dramatically.

Oh yeh as if you care! Minho thought. "Hyung - think of tomorrow's headlines please!"

"And  just so you know my heart is NOT dying. Aaaaah!" Onew said as they narrowly missed hitting a squirrel that was trying to cross the road. The squirrel must have had a heart attack..

Jonghyun laughed evilly. " This is my one chance to be the racer I always wanted to be..." he mumbled to himself, taking a sharp turn  and almost colliding with the sidewalk. " you are not going to steal my thunder!"

I dont want to steal your thunder, I want to come back alive! Onew thought.."I dont think I even want the girl anymore... just let me go home!" he screamed, covering his eyes with his hands.

Jonghyun chuckled and slammed on the brakes. The car skidded to a stop. "Took a short cut. You've reached." he said pointing out the window. Onew slowly lifted his eyes, relieved that he was still alive.

Everybody looked out the car. Indeed, they were in front of the SNU Dorm. Everybody heaved a collective sigh of relief.

"Get me outta here!" Key screamed as he threw the car door open and jumped outside. "Oh my God. I'm Alive. I'm Alive!"

A couple of students passing by looked at him as if he was nuts. He ignored them and lay down on the sidewalk next to the car. "I'm ALIVE!" he screamed. If I survived this, I must be invincible...

"Is he drunk?" one student asked.

Minho stumbled out of the car, trying to steady himself. It was a tough battle, and in the end he lost and ended up on the ground along with Key. "Never again.." he said.

Taemin jumped out. "I feel queasy.."

Jonghyun was still pumped from the adrenaline rush. "Who's up for round two!?" he exclaimed, punching his fist in the air.

"What did you say?" Key's voice came from somewhere  down on the footpath. "I swear if you drive like that ONE more time, I'll chop you into tiny pieces, make tandoori chicken out of you and feed it to Onew!"

"And I'll help him.." Minho warned.

"And I wont tell the cops.." Taemin said seriously.

Loud music could be heard across the road. "Thats your party, I guess." Key said, pointing at one of the windows.

"Yeh.. well.." Onew mumbled, getting out of the car. He adjusted his clothes and ran a hand through his hair. My Juliet is waiting... he smiled. "I guess then I should be going then.."

"Wait a minute!" Key said, sitting up straight. "Who the hell said you were going in alone?"


@lynnsiow : glad you like it! u AWESOME

@thclumsywitch : Update is here! btw i lyk ur username :)


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Omg I remember this story xD
parkhyojin169 #2
Very good well done
PetShawal #3
Chapter 19: I still don't get i...
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Chapter 18: Wait.. What? How did he get kidnapped? Why is he suddenly with th canadian girl? Huuuuh?
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Chapter 17: Ha! Ha! Ha! *this is how I laugh when i laughed to much and can't breath*
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Chapter 15: Omg i'm dying... If I wasn't sitting so comfortably I would rolling around like a ...roller
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Chapter 14: Oooooh! I like this! I definitely like this!
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Chapter 12: Ufufufufufu *clicks next while cackling like an evil witch*
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Chapter 11: I love you so much right now... This is so great!