A Day with TaengSicSunYulHyo

I heart U, Kim Taeyeon

Author's POV:


Taeyeon haven't been arguing with her elders for so long now. It seems they already had enough of lecturing her about that incident and decided to stop since she was an adult, already have the mind to think what best for her.


Even leaving her alone, going to Paris for some business then another to China. Thinking about it, shes quite happy that her elders won't be home for so long, maybe about 2-3 months starting from yesterday. Sending them off to the airport, bidding them a goodbye and have a safety trip even if she still in a bad term with them.


They are still her one and only elders that will stay to her side forever.




In her room, lying on her bed staring up on the cold ceiling, she thought what she want to do today since its a holiday. "I haven't spend much time with the girls. Maybe I should give them a call."


Grabbing her phone on the nightstand, she punched the numbers. Placing it on her ear to wait for the receiver. After some moment it was answered.




"That will be a blast Taeng. Lets do that. Its been a while since we went to catch some movies together. Dining in any restaurant after the show or shop till we drop." Jessica's voice ring in Taeyeon's ear, it sounded so cheerful. For some reason, it made Taeyeon to curve a very small smile.


"Yeah, we could then went to the night festival that'll be held at the street of Gangnam!" Yuri sounded so gleeful, she cheers like a 4 years old.


They made a group call, which the people that was in the group could listen to other callers. It wasn't that expensive.


"Ohh, that sound nice Yuri. A night festival after the cinema and dinner, man that'll be our best ending for the day!" Hyoyeon shouts, she even laugh thinking about how its gonna be today.


It was still early, its barely even 8 yet and the girls already scream and shout loudly in their houses. Sunny didn't really say anything, but to hear her giggles, laughing everytime they suggested something, they knew she was excited.


Taeyeon didn't laugh, she's holding it back. Strange to see that she didn't laugh along with her besties, when she knew them for years now, since of that accident, she just couldn't laugh or smile like how she used to. They know, so nothing can be done, unless someone manage to changed her, and knowing who that person is enough for them.




"Where will we meet each other? What time?" Sunny spokes, asking Taeyeon the places and time.


She thought for a moment before she speak, "11 am, we'll meet at Cheongdam-dong. Don't be late." the girls said okay and ended their calls. All of them was so excited for their day, each straight away went for a bath.


Taeyeon throw her phone to the side. "Hmm, today is gonna be a great day. Now, what should I wear." she started.




In the mean time, before the clock strikes 11 at Cheondam-dong, Kyungsoo and his friends were walking along the busy street.


Him, Chen, Kai, Kris, Lay, Joonmyun, Sehun and Xiumin. All 8 of them was hanging out, since it was holiday and Kyungsoo closed his cafe for 3 days, then Kris and Joonmyun having a week of holiday, so they decided to went out to have some fun with each other since they rarely have times to do so.


They look rather handsome, attracting attentions from all the people in the street. Girls was wooind, and drooling on them. But the guys just don't give a crap to them.


The first thing they do after meeting with each other is that being dragged by Sehun to the bubble tea shop, they ended up buying one for themselves.


"Hyung, what time is our movie starting again?" Kai asked, clinging onto Joonmyun most of the time when they met. "12:00 Jongin, its about 2 hours from now." he said, checking his wrist watch for the time.


They walk in pairs, Kyungsoo with Sehun, Kris with Lay, Chen with Xiumin, lastly Joonmyun with Jongin. Sometime they changed partners but ended up going to their partners again. Even sometime Sehun wrapped his arm around Kyungsoo and Lay walking with them, or Kris sometime went to Joonmyun whispering somethings.


Jongin making jokes with Chen and Xiumin, laughing so loud then stops when it attracts attention, but continue on still.




The girls arrived later on, with only Jessica and Taeyeon came with their car while the carpooled. Taeyeon and Jessica ended up picking them up, carpooling with Jessica was Yuri and with Taeyeon was Sunny and Hyoyeon.


Almost arriving at the same time, they met to where they promised to.


Showing up in so very awesome outfits, girls there envied them even when they were strangers. Guys were drooling over them, since they look so hot and beautiful.




Its not far from where the guys are when they arrived. Planning what to do before they went to the places. The first to spot them was Lay, Sehun and Xiumin.


Eyes blinking few times, thinking that it might be an illusions but its not. They poked their friends, trying to get their attention.


"Hey, isn't that Taeyeon ssi and her girls?" Xiumin spoke, all head turned searching the girl that he just said.


They caught her figures and her friends, "Yeah, it is them. Man, they look so hot in those outfits." Chen hearts was pumping loudly. "Dae--bak. It weird to say this, but everytime we or they went out, we'll ended up meeting with each other. Its like fate bring us to them everytime, everyday, every seconds." Kris claimed, thinking how weird it is.




The girls were pretty, with only Taeyeon and Hyoyeon wearing pants and the rest wore dresses. But Taeyeon was wearing shorts.




It was a suitable clothes for the hanging out day for them. Easy to walk and to wear. Kyungsoo stared only to Taeyeon, since he was her crush, love interest or friend.


Giggling, Hyoyeon tucked her hand behind her ear and caught the figures of the 8 guys. Noticed who they are she whispered. Now all of the turned to face them. Yuri waves her hand above the air, calling for them.


"It seems they see us and calling for us." Kai claimed, seeing the hand waving.




"Ahh, why is it that we always met in lots of situations by accident?" Jessica asked, obviously smiling with her crossed arm to her chest, looking at the 8 guys infront of her.


"Dunno. Fates?" Joonmyun said, smiling.


"Maybe...Wanna hang out? We're going for a movie that'll starts in an hour." checking her watch, Hyoyeon lifted her head again.


The guys gasped, "What a coincidence, so do we." Lay claimed, exchanging smiles with Hyoyeon. Very cheesy though, it almost look like they were flirting, since Hyoyeon sometimes look away and look flustered with him smiling at her.


"Then we could hang out together. Since we'll be going to the cinema." The guys agreed on Taeyeon decisions and now they walked together. Leaving only Taeyeon and Kyungsoo to walk together at the front, they watches as they drowned in their well flowed conversations without being disturbed.


It seems that Kyungsoo and Taeyeon is already comfortable with each other, since they don't stutter much like how they used to or how Kyungsoo actually do. Taeyeon never was stuttered in her talk with Kyungsoo before. Only the guy is.


It was so sweet to watch them like that. Arriving at the cinema, they bought the tickets to their desired movie and went in. And of course to give them another chances, They let the two sat besides each other, but in the middle part of the seats.




They ended up in this kind of positions, from the most left part starting with Chen, Lay, Kris, Joonmyun, Xiumin, Sehun, Jongin then Kyungsoo. Of course sitting beside him was Taeyeon and continue with Jessica, Hyoyeon, Sunny and lastly Yuri.


Most of the time while the movie plays, they were quiet. Only some whispered to each other about the scenes that they find very cool from the movie, or the cheesy parts where they think it shouldn't be added. The sipping sound of the people drinking from their huge jumbo cup of Coke or any drinks.


The munching and rustling sound of plastics bags also heard. Taeyeon shared the popcorn with Kyungsoo since Jessica already shared with Hyoyeon. Akward, but they didn't care much, too immersed into the movie that they didn't bother on sharing the same popcorn. What did startle them when their fingers brushed againts each by accident when they shoved their hands into the big bucket of popcorns.


Quickly pulling it out, the two blushed. Thank god it was dark, nobody could see their faces.




After the movie ended, they were talking so much how the guy should do this and that to save the world. Whatever the movie was about, they keep on talking about it from the time they walked out till they reached the street again.


"Next! What should we do next?" Sunny asked Taeyeon.


The girls look at her, even the guys, just to know where they are heading next. If its walking around Cheondam-dong, that its will be another coincindence. "We''l walked around the streets. Set eyes on the clothes, shos, bags, accessories, hats and more." the girls squeals.


It was indeed another coincidence as they thought. "So.." before Kyungsoo could say something, the girls already gone, seeing that they pulled Taeyeon going through the busy streets.


They sigh, "Girls are in a manic stage when it comes for shopping. They look like cannibals that hunger for clothes, shoes and etc."




Okay first it wasn't bad, but after for so long walking and walking throught the street, the guys were getting exhausted. Girls are hyper and manic when shopping time. They won't worn out till they feel like stopping.


They bought so much that ended making the guys to hold their things. It was frustrated but they try to endure it.


From 2 pm until almost 7 pm, the girls still shops. The guys stomach grumbles loudly, which mean that they are hungry, starving for food. Only waiting for the girls to end their shopping spree then they'll go to the restaurant.


"When will they end their shopping spree! I'm starving!" Kris grumbles, he was getting moody. Being shoved with bags of clothes, shoes, hats to him really irritates him. But he can't say anything at all.




Even when they carrying all that to Taeyeon and Jessica's car annoyed them. It was tiring but the girls still have lots of  oil in them to start pumping for more if they could. But they also became hungry in the process of their shopping spree.


"Dinner time. And I know just the right place for us to enjoy som dinner." Yuri winks, leading them to a restaurant.


Elegant, look expensive, beautiful, they stood there thinking about the prices of foods. Afraid if its going to be expensive. But the girls didn't say anything and just walked in, followed by the guys afterwards.


"Do you have tables for 13? Or maybe 7 and 6 tables." Yuri asked the attender, he nods smiling to them. Leading them in to the tables.


Divided into 7 and 6. 2 girls sat with 4 guys, and 3 girls sat with 4 guys.


Taeyeon and Jessica sat together with Kris, Joonmyun, Kyungsoo and Kai. It was a rounded table so its spacious enough for the foods to came and claiming the empty wide tables.


Clinging plates, spoon and fork played in the background. Some jazz music was playing, sounded so smooth, relax and soothing.


Quickly they made the order, since they were so starved. Of course they chats so friendly, sometimes laughing to the jokes the guys made. It was stupid but funny. Drinking the wine and enjoying the music everything was perfect.


When the meals arrived, they dined up. So hungry they wish to order all the food stated in the menu if they could.




Lastly, the night festival in Gangnam Street, not far from where they are.


How beautiful does the festival was, there were floats and some dances going on. So many colourful lights flashed the street of Gangnam. Packed with the netizens, to watch the festival. Also they'll be lighting up the lanterns to shine the night sky. Kyungsoo and Taeyeon shared their lantern together and let it fly when everybody was ordered to do so.


Jessica shared with Jongin, they all shared with the people. When all that lanterns float up to the sky, it look so pretty, full with lanterns lighting up the night sky that some people cried, finding it so beautiful. Snapping pictures of the skies being illuminates with lanterns and so much more.


13 of them sat down watching how it goes, and also the fireworks show. Wow it was truly an awesome day. Its a blast, they enjoyed it so much. Tired yes, but having to spend a day with each other was the greates memories for them.


"So pretty. Look at all that fireworks." Kyungsoo smiles, chuckling on all the fireworks sparking the sky.


Suprised when he felt something just landed on his shoulder, he slowly turned to look. Taeyeon landed her head on his shoulder, accidentally dozing off. She look so pretty, it made Kyungsoo wanted to steal her kiss. But he can't, its not appropriate to do that to a sleeping girl.


He let her rest until the firework show ends. Grinning all the way till it ends when her head rested on his shoulder with him landing his on hers.




Capturing that moment between the two was their friends, they chuckles, giggles when they snapped some pictures of them resting their heads on each other.


"Kyeopta.. Looks like I'll be seeing her in wedding dress soon. I could hear the bells ringing already." Sunny jokes, giggling to her own words.


"I know, the wedding won't be that far anymore. Soon it'll be Do Kyungsoo x Kim Taeyeon wedding day." Chen joined Sunny with the thought of their friends getting married.


All of them smiles, laughing to the idea of it. "I hope it'll happen."


"Then we'll see bay Kyungsoo and Taeyeon too." Yuri squeals, thinking how their baby would look like. Damn her with her imaginations. It was too far.


"KyungTae. Thats a perfect couple names for the two. KyungTae...hehehehe" Xiumin chuckles, he glances at Kris and Joonmyun who starts to do thumbs up to him "A nice name for them. I like it." Kris said, smirking.




Kyungsoo and Taeyeon should think much about it, they have lots of supporters on their sides.


Lets just wait to see them turn official.




To be continued......


I dunno how long does this chap is...Since I think its pretty long..

/yawns/ I'm gonna get my beauty sleeps now..

See you guys tomorrow for more updates xDDD

Khuakhuakhua... a KyungTae fans that is their friends...lol

Fanboys and fangirls xDDDD


Sorry for the typos...I wrote this in the state of sleepiness...













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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 22: I like that you chose 'different' friends for them, like Kyun with mainly exo m members and Tae with Hyoyeon & Yuri.
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 20: THOSE GIFS!!!!!! SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 2: I like the first chapter<3 I actually like calm Taeyeon
Baekyeonshippers #5
Finally! I finish it... STRAIGHT ㅋㅋㅋ NONSTOP!!!
Another great story i read from you! kamsahamnida!
KYUNGTAE ❣ ❣ what a cute and adorable couple..
Chapter 24: Wooolalalaaaaaa ~~~ it's been a long time since I last read this story /sigh/ everything has been so crazy.. :'(
yayyyyyyyy /clap clap clap/ that's such an adorable/lovely/hot/adorable/cute ending > ~ < > ♥️♥️♥️ <
lol I laughed a lot (idk why tho) when Joonmyun said sorry to the couple xDD
multi chapters puahahaaaaa :v lol sorry for the craziness.. I'm just too excited > <
I heart you Sukristae_ss <3 :v thanks for making this story ♥️
bai bai see you in your others stories /waveee/
Chapter 24: Wow! Many of you want multi chaps xDDD
unicornx #9
Chapter 24: multi chapters :")