Baking Class with Kyungsoo

I heart U, Kim Taeyeon

Author's POV:


"Chen hyung, I told you to not take orders on anything! What tis this 5 giant pieces of cakes that needs to be delivered on this Wednesday afternoon?!" Kyungsoo walked out of his office, face was red, feets stomping to his friend at the counter.


Chen turn to face Kyungsoo, "What cakes? I didn't made...any...oh wait, I did.." he facepalmed, seeing the paper that Kyungsoo holds, written 5 ginormous cake to be delivered on Wednesday afternoon which 2 days from now. And there is even Chen's signature on it, proof of he is the one that takes the order.


"Do you have any idea what you have put us in right now? We all need to stay up for 2 days until late night to get those cake baking! And I am not freaking kidding about this. Hyung!" Chen try to calm Kyungsoo down, but knowing that Kyungsoo is quite a hot head, he give up on his second try. "I admit it, that its my fault." he claimed.


Xiumin and Lay both smack his head, "Nice going Chennie. Now you just made us all a new problem to deal with, which is staying up late!" Xiumin hissed, pissed by the fact he won't be sleeping  on his bed for two days.


Kyungsoo sigh, "When did you made this reservation? This morning? Yesterday?" he sounded calm, a bit. Chen grin, "3...days..ago.?" his voice lowered down, as he suddenly see Kyungsoo's expression changed again, "3 days ago!!! Chen hyung!!"




Taeyeon walked around the mansion, she was bored in listening to his halmoni and haraboji scolding her about how humiliated they are when she cancelled the wedding one week ago. They even told her to stop seeing Kyungsoo since he was the caused of it, but Taeyeon back him up, saying that it was her plan in asking him to take her away so its not his fault.


The three bickeres non stop for hours, until she decided to step outside getting some fresh air in the garden.


"Why won't you ever let me do what I wanted to..That arrangement was only for your sake haraboji. Do you think I didn't know about that? Do you think your grand daughter is stupid? You only want me to marry him so that your company and his father's tie up a bond and for the company, not for my happiness." I tell you this, that son of Jang, Wooyoung ssi..He only have eyes on your money and not me. So never ever arranged me with any men, without me knowing it. Or else, I'll ran away again like before and never return.!"


"Sometime, they are just too stubborn to listen to my words." thinking back on what she said to the both few minutes ago, she hope that they'll have their on it. Its better if she have proof on Wooyoung's true nature. Its her mistake for not record his conversation that day.


Taeyeon walk around the garden, she passed by lots of flowers, from different country. Lilies, tulips, hibiscus, orchids, sunflowers, morning glories, dafodil, all coloured roses, apple blossom, anemone, camellia and other types of flowers. She admire the beauty of the garden, full with flowers. It made her heart bloomed, loved when she smells, touches the flowers.


As she take a smell on the roses, she heard footsteps coming from behind, knowing who those footsteps belong to, she sigh.


"Yunho oppa, Yoochun oppa & Jaejoon oppa.. Can you not follow me around when I am just wandering around the garden?" turning her head to face the 3 men she just called.


The 3 have been her most trusted bodyguards ever since her parent died in that tragic accident. They were the ones that have been on her side for the longest, and the ones who dared to do anything for Taeyeon, even if abandoning their contract with the haraboji and halmoni if she wanted them to.


"Taeyeon ssi, we only worries if you wander off, like that night." Yoochun claimed, stepping closer to the girl. "That is all because of their faults, and I was just letting myself out and away from them." she said, harshly, but they were used to it.




"Taeyeon ah.. will you agree on what they said for just once in your life and never argue with them?" Jaejoong said, looking almost like pleading to her, he wanted or they wanted her and them to be in good terms, like how a normal granddaughter and grandparent should lead their relationship, not the everyday bickering ones.


Lifting her eyebrow, she wanted to chuckles on his word. "Me..and them, in good terms? Oppa, you know I can't. I will continue on blaming them for my parents death, even if they are my elders. Since I have all the ears, and eyes on that day, I will always remember it."


She walk off with the 3 following, then she stops and sigh. "Oppas, I love you. You guys are just like my most cherished brothe that I ever had, but me and not them when I need you to.. I want to fall in love by myself and not with being arranged, I want to choose my own future and not by them." she has that faint smile on her.


"We will Taeyeon ah..And if you claimed that you want to fall in love by your own is meaning with that short red haired guy crashing your wedding...then we'll definitely support you. He's handsome, and I think he is the right man for you."


She blushed, thinking that they were talking about Kyungsoo. Whats up with this, her hearts racing like crazy whenever she think about him.




Tuesday, Kyungsoo closed her cafe since he needed that whole day just to focus on baking those 5 gigantic cakes that Ms Wang has ordered. Its for her BFF's wedding and also for her boyfriend's birthday together with her parents anniversary. 5 cakes, 1 for her BFF, 1 for her boyfriend and 1 for her parents. While the other 2 is for the school festival. Ms Wang is a teacher by the way.


"Okay let see the drawing that she want us to do on each cakes." Kyungsoo look into the scrapbook on the drawing. He flipped onto the next page, and the another, until the last cakes.


He put the scrap book down and run his fingers along his hair, he facepalmed. "This is a only suitable for maniacs." he mutter, everybody look at him. Whatever happen does the drawing had made him to be like that.


"Kim Jongdae, once this is all finished, I am going to slaughter you." he lifted his head and glared at him. Sending chills down his spines. "Okay...I really don't know how to say this but look through the book by yourself, then we'll get ready for it." he walk away from the table that has the scrap book, everybody ran to it and open.


Slowly their eyes widen. when they finished, they all glared at Chen.


"Chen you...." Kris really wanted to punch him, he and Joonmyun was called for an extra hands since they can't finished them up by on 20 hands, adding them both, they'll have 22 hands, still that is not enough for them to finished everything fast. They pray that they'll have some more extra hand to help.


"Alright everybody, less talking more working! We need to start baking, and mixing the dough like now!" Kyungsoo shouts, everybody starts to ran around the place. All the window in his shop was put on blinds, they have occupied the whole place until the front just for this cakes.


Sehun, Kai, Joonmyun, Kris, Chen, Lay, Xiumin, Kyungsoo and 4 more of his staff was getting the cake ready. He did asked 5 more of his staff to help but each one were on holiday since he agree in giving them, and all were out of his league.




It has been 4 hours since they starts the operation cake baking things, and only one cake is almost finished while the rest was still under construction. Kyungsoo was not happy, so not.


He wanted to kill himself. "This is killing me!" he screamed, then the door to his cafe open. "Umm, are you guys having some sort of renovation or something?" the voice made all 12 of them to turn and look.


Kyungsoo smiles when he see who it was. Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sunny, Jessica and Taeyeon were standing at the door, all looking at the place in awed. The messy floor, the cakes that was tall and huge, is slowly piling up.


"What are you guys doing?" Jessica asked, she look all over the place, with eyebrow knitted.


"Baking, can't you tell?" Kris replied sarcastically, "If you girls don't have any business, can you leave peacefully?" he continued. Jessica glared at him, "We came because we thought of having some cakes here, and not just coming to bug you." Kris rolled his eyes, "Whatever."


"Do you need help? You look like not so close on finishing them.. and obviously its not only one cake, it looks like more than one, maybe...5?" Sunny guessed. "You absolutely right, 5 cakes. Thanks to our friend here, named CHEN he just made us all work our out for 5 huge, enormous cakes!" Kris was really ticked off, he just wanted to kick the boy's so badly.


Chen ran to Kai's back hiding, he was really guilty in getting themselves in this problems, he really was sorry for it. "No its fine, we'll uh...can handle it." Joonmyun answered, smiling.




"No, we'll insist..Let us help." then Taeyeon spoke, she really wanted to help them. "You guys look like having trouble in doing those. So how about me and my girls gave you a helping hands?" Taeyeon continue, and Kyungsoo coulnd't help but to accept their help.


The worst cake that they need to do is the anniversary cake and wedding cake. Those two was lead by Kyungsoo and Lay, the master in baking. Joonmyun and Kai was handling the birthday cake with one of the staff, Chen is handling the school festival cake with Sehun and Xiumin. Kris helped Kyungsoo and Lay with the 3 staff. Then, Taeyeon and Hyoyeon lend their hands.


Jessica and Sunny helping Chen, Sehun and Xiumin and Yuri with Joonmyun and Kai.


With their help, they finally get to get into their pace and bake it all without any problem.


Kyungsoo always stick with Taeyeon since the girl didn't really have the skill in baking, and so does Lay to Hyoyeon. Kyungsoo keep his eye on Taeyeon when she struggle to bater up the flour and egg with her hand. Supposely it will be easy with the machines, since it was occupied at the momeont, she decided to use her hand.


He chuckles and went over to her, standing behind her, he stretch out his hand, placing both hands on hers, "Here, like this.." he holds her hand which is holding the huge spoon like thingy, and stirred up with her. His other hand was holding the bowl, which his hand was on top of Taeyeon's.


She was blushing when she finds herself in Kyungsoo's somewhat back hug, or whatever it calls.


The guys and girls saw that and smiles, "Ooh, being romantic again..." Sehun teased, chuckling to the cootie attack he is currently looking at.




After for so long, about 8 hours straight the girls help them out, they finally get to settle the last cakes completely. Only some decorations was left, and that can be continue tomorrow morning.


They all wiped off their sweats, happy with the results of it. "Phew...we managed to pull it off. At last." Kai sigh in relief, he smiles looking at the 5 very tall, huge cake infront of him.


"Yeah, and thanks to them, we get to finished it off." Xiumin, his friends all bow to the girls, they were truly blessed to have them helping, grateful with it.


The girls laugh sheepishly, "Nah, its okay. It was fun, having to learn how to bake." Yuri claimed, making thums up.


"At least I get to have that baking lessons with you afterall, Kyungsoo ssi." Taeyeon glance at Kyungsoo, he smiles, nodding his head. "Yeah, finally.."




Wednesday afternoon, the cake was delivered to their destinations. Ms Wang was really satisfied with their masterpiece.


Kyungsoo thanked her, happy to what he had just accomplished. "Looks like all that works finally pay it off, Chen hyung." Kai teasingly punched Chen's shoulder. "Yeah.."


Wedding Cake:



Anniversary Cake:



Ms Wang's boyfriend birthday Cake:



The School Festivals special cakes:


(its bigger and longer than this ^^)


(just ignore the words, but the cake was like this and bigger ;D)




She's my Black Pearl~ My beautiful Black Pearl~

I love listening to Kyungsoo's voice in this song ^^

Kyaaaa......more fluffiness on KyungTae ^^, even if it was short but xDDD

Still so cute kekekekeke.... khuakhuakhuakhua :33

Sorry for the typos, lazy to reread kekeke

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 22: I like that you chose 'different' friends for them, like Kyun with mainly exo m members and Tae with Hyoyeon & Yuri.
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 20: THOSE GIFS!!!!!! SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 2: I like the first chapter<3 I actually like calm Taeyeon
Baekyeonshippers #5
Finally! I finish it... STRAIGHT ㅋㅋㅋ NONSTOP!!!
Another great story i read from you! kamsahamnida!
KYUNGTAE ❣ ❣ what a cute and adorable couple..
Chapter 24: Wooolalalaaaaaa ~~~ it's been a long time since I last read this story /sigh/ everything has been so crazy.. :'(
yayyyyyyyy /clap clap clap/ that's such an adorable/lovely/hot/adorable/cute ending > ~ < > ♥️♥️♥️ <
lol I laughed a lot (idk why tho) when Joonmyun said sorry to the couple xDD
multi chapters puahahaaaaa :v lol sorry for the craziness.. I'm just too excited > <
I heart you Sukristae_ss <3 :v thanks for making this story ♥️
bai bai see you in your others stories /waveee/
Chapter 24: Wow! Many of you want multi chaps xDDD
unicornx #9
Chapter 24: multi chapters :")