Element of Lightning

The Sun and The Moon

♡ Chapter 8: The Element of Lightning ♡
For the next two days, Yun Ae remained unconscious. Lay tried umpteen times to heal her, but no matter how hard he tried, she wouldn't wake up. Calling a doctor was out of the question as Yun Ae was not actually a human. Everyone was worried sick.
It was a Sunday evening and rain was pouring down heavily onto the streets. Lay and Tao had spent the most time with Yun Ae, especially Tao. He insisted to stay awake until she woke up as he was afraid she might wake up being confused and no one to be with her. 
Tao stared at the clock, "12 midnight already?". He hadn't slept a wink, eaten anything nor left Yun Ae's side for 2 days. Tao held her hand tightly, "I know this is a really weird time to say this but, I think I love you." Tao's voice wavered, he knew she couldn't hear him.
"It's saddening to know that you were destined to be with another person. Everyone deserves at least a chance, don't they?" He grabbed her hand even tighter.
Suddenly the lights went out. Tao looked up, his eyebags were severe. He got up and slowly rummaged through the house looking for a candle and a lighter. When he finally found it, he was exhausted. He brought it to Yun Ae side and lit it. The candle illuminated only a small part of the room, but it was enough to see Yun Ae. Tao smiled satisfactorily, took out his phone and dialled for the technician. He was hoping someone would pick up even though it was long past their work hours. And someone did.
"Hi, Bolt Technicians at your service. How may we help you?"
"Hi, i think my power outage just broke."
"Alright, leave us with your address and we'll be right there. Oh and what's your name sir?"
"It's Tao."
Tao told the man his address and hung up. He was surprised that they worked so late into the night, but didn't put much thought into it as he was dead tired.
20 minutes, there was a knock on the door. Tao got up and opened the door. The technician looked like he was in his 20s, which was pretty young for a working technician. 
"Nice to meet you, I assume that you are Tao?" The technician stretched his hand out to shake my hand.
"Yes, and you are?" Usually Tao wasn't this polite, but it was because he was sleepy so he didn't have the energy to act sassy.
"I'm Chen." The technician smiled. He was a little bit too cheerful on a rainy night like this.
"Um okay, come in Chen." Tao awkwardly tried to deal with his cheerfulness. 
Tao was about to lead him to the power outage but he was already off. 
"Chen? Don't you need to know where's the-" Tao walked towards the power outage and saw Chen already settled down and working on it.
"Oh don't worry, you can just rest! Just leave the money on the counter and when I'm done I'll pack up and leave."
"But how did you know where the-" Tao scratched his head in confusion.
"I didn't, went with my gut feeling." Chen smiled.
Tao nodded his head slowly and backed away to the kitchen to get a glass of water for the poor man. He seemed quite out of his mind.
He grabbed the pitcher filled with water and poured it into a small glass cup. Tao decided to close his eyes for awhile because he was that tired but unfortunately he closed them for too long a time and fell asleep. When he woke up, the water was overflowing and spilling everywhere. 
"." Tao quickly grabbed a cloth and cleaned the place up. "Really need to get some sleep after Yun Ae's alright." he rubbed his eyes a few times and scurried back to Chen.
"Chen, i got you some-" Tao dropped the cup.
Chen was an element?
There was a bolt of lightning, and Chen was extracting a white substance from it. Tao's mouth dropped open, never in his life has he seen someone who could control lightning.
Chen turned around and gasped. The lightning went away the moment he lost concentration.
"Y-You're an element?" Tao asked, a little afraid that he would hit him with lightning. Even though he could stop time, lightning was way too fast for him.
"A-A what? I'm just a technician!" Chen yelled out, he was scurrying to pack his things to leave.
"Is that why you knew where the power outage was- and why you said you'll leave by yourself? You're an element?" Tao asked.
"No! I need to go now, I'm sorry!" Chen tried to leave the room but Tao blocked him.
"Look, we can help you. We're just like you, elements. And we need you." Tao started convincing him,"I can control time. There's people who can teleport, heal, freeze things, move objects with their mind and even fly. We don't belong here, we're from another planet. If you come with us, we'll take you back." Tao explained.
"Are you serious?" Chen stared at him hard, trying to make out whether he was lying.
"Dead." Tao was actually quite dead right now, but it was no time for puns.
"I need to see them for myself." Chen said, standing up. He seemed calmer now.
"Alright, I'll wake them up." Tao said, walking to the other room where the others were sleeping soundly.
Tao inched slowly to the other room, he felt as if he was going to be attacked any time now. Chen was walking behind him. The storm didn't stop, in fact it just got stronger- and louder. Lightning was flashing every few seconds, was Chen waiting to kill them? The lightning seemed too close for safety. It was soon clear to Tao- who was nervously fiddling with the rim of his shirt, that if the others failed to show him their powers, everyone's life would be endangered. 
They both reached the room. Lay, Kai, Xiumin, Luhan and Kris were all in deep sleep. Tao went by their side and woke them up.
"Wake up guys." Tao couldn't switch the lights on as the electricity was still down- Everything was dark.
Kai was the first who woke up,"What? Did Yun Ae wake up?" He rubbed his eyes sleepily. The rest sat up slowly, all looking extremely tired. 
"No, but there's someone here. He wants to see all of your powers. He's an element." Tao's voice was shaking. 
This was the moment- whether they would die or live. He knew that their powers would definitely work but Tao had a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen.
"I'm Chen. Get up, and show me your powers or i'll send electricity through your veins." Chen warned them with a hand stretched out.
They all had no idea what was going on but they were all terrified. All of them quickly got off their beds and stood around the room. 
Luhan was going to try first.
He set an empty bottle opposite him and stretched out his hand towards it. Luhan concentrated on the bottle, trying to move it with his mind.
 A minute had passed.
The bottle didn't move.
"Liars!" Chen exploded.
The only thing that could be seen was the terror and confusion on everyone's faces.
"Maybe it's just him! Let's try someone else! Lay maybe! I'll volunteer to have the wound." Tao was desperate, but not because he wanted to live. It was because he knew if even one of them died, the tree of life would not be reunited. He grabbed his dagger and implanted a small cut on his arm.
The rest wanted to object to this but they were all too afraid to say anything. Lay reluctantly inched forward and placed his hand on the wound. Lay's eyebrows furrowed together, concentrating very hard. 
The wound was still there.
Chen's face was glowing red by now. "I knew this would have happened! What was I thinking- to believe that there were people like me!" He paced back and forth clutching his hair in frustration.
Tao was sweating cold sweat, he glanced around the room. The pain from the wound bothered him a little but he did his best to ignore it. It was then that he realised that all of them were wearing bracelets, including himself. A silver string with a small red ruby in the center. Tao didn't remember putting this on. Just then, a wild idea came to his mind. Was it the bracelets that were stopping their powers from working? It was a crazy idea, but anything was worth a try at the moment. 
He stopped time and took off all of their bracelets, and time resumed again.
"Wait Chen, let us try again. I'm confident that it'll work this time." Tao said.
Chen merely stopped pacing and stared at him.
"Xiumin?" Tao suggested, he stepped forward and placed his hand on the wall.
The room was frozen in seconds.
"Amazing." Chen gaped.
Suddenly, Tao spotted a shadow from outside the room. 
He squinted his eyes to get a better view. 
Someone was running- with Yun Ae in it's arms! The Shadow.
"Hey! Stop there!" Tao shouted and ran after it. His first instinct was to stop time- but as he did, searched the entire house and outside of it-
The shadow was no where to be seen.
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, my exams are coming. It's getting exciting! I'm super stoked to write the next few chapters! Hope you guys are enjoying it so far. Who was the shadow? Why didn't time stop him? What did he want with Yun Ae- and what was he going to do? 
ϟ✍ not edited
( Chen is freaking cute omg ) 
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ILoveKDramas1 #1
Chapter 9: I thought baekhyun was the sun since his power is light.
Chapter 14: *now* (spelling mistake at the beginning :)
Chapter 14: Awww not I get the ending. So sad, felt like crying for a sec there, but I didn't though. By the way, loved your story<3
Chapter 1: Omonaaa Tao :'( :'( i wish you'll get The best.. Daebak chingu ~ Love it..
Chapter 14: The end is just sad :( in the end no one gets her TT
coolkidkudo1215 #6
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS STORY A LOT!! I cried SO hard when Yun Ae died T_T
Frida-lm96 #7
Chapter 14: I LOVED it! I cryed soo hard! TToTT <3
Chapter 14: THID WAS SO AWESOME. . . .but. . . I feel srry cuz both Tao and Yeolie lost their love. . .*sniff sniff* TTT^TTT BUT IT WAS DAEBAK
huihui97 #9
Chapter 14: The story seems incomplete somehow...I mean there is still the mystery of having two hearts? I mean she mentioned the heart with powers, what about the one does not have powers? Oh well. It was a wonderful ride through this adventure with you author-nim! Looking forward to your next production!
Chapter 14: i hope u will made part 2 of this :'( huhuhuhu moon didnt even remember her memories -,-