Midnight Lovers


One man forced to a life of solitude, the other chose it.

When these two outcasts meet, a string of red and a destiny neither expected will be walked.

Either by choice, or by force.


Hey! Guess what!? It's a collab story between SeoulStar and TheGreatRinnim!

I bet you guys didn't expect THAT! I hope you guys will enjoy this story, because the both of us will try our hardest to satiate those y Kyusung shipping minds of you guys ._.


PLEASE leave comments. Tghat way it allows us to know that people are actually paying attention to what we're writing. Also, don't be afraid to write down your own predictions, opinions, or critiques (Just don't bash). That way we can improve on what to write, get more ideas, and maybe give you guys a plotn twist.


Thanks and please enjoy! :)





Poster Credit: Created by shel123 from the poster shop violetkecil Poster Shop


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392 streak #1
Chapter 27: I'm not sure it's a happy ending or not 😅 but thank you for sharing the story! I enjoyed it so much!
392 streak #2
Chapter 16: From kyusung, then yekyu 😂
392 streak #3
Chapter 14: That between sungmin and wookie 🤭
392 streak #4
Chapter 6: I manage to read until this chapter tho I'm sick right now 😂

It's fantastic and made me want to click that next chapter button
Chapter 27: But ai kinda am still broken hearted for Yesung the angel. Sure Kyu has Jongwoon now, the human, the vessel. But how about Yesung? He has the memories of Kyu, but they cannot be together. I am sad. Well.. Bittersweet. Such a bittersweet ending :'(
Chapter 13: Oooooh I was seriously waiting for Siwon. Now this KyuSung fic is complete! (Oh of course, a happy endingg I guess will make it more perfect haha but I'll get to that later)
Chapter 10: I always like KyuSung stories with Heechul being protective to Yeye as a brother or as a friend.
Cenya14 #8
Chapter 26: Great story, happy that Kyu got to be with Jongwoon in the end
KrystalSeijuro #9
Chapter 27: this is so precious... a fic full of emotions, its just beautiful but i feel kinda sad but at the same time grateful with the last chapter... Kyuhyun reunited with Jongwoon... But poor Yesung, i still couldnt understand why he cant be just Jongwoon.. but still its a happy ending... Great work author-nim!!
Chapter 27: No .... my pooor Yesung ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ