Chapter twenty-one

Midnight Lovers

Sungmin smiled as Ryeowook appeared at his side with Kyuhyun behind him. The wind user was happy to see his ex, without him, they may not be able to win this. But with him, Leeteuk had promised them victory.

“Exo are fighting below correct?” Ryeowook asked as he burned the enemy.

“Yeah, Kyu, I need your ice.” Sungmin ordered as Kyuhyun did as told and watched as the area around them became a winter wonderland.

“Let’s go, we have but one target. If we can pull this off, the war will be over.” Ryeowook ordered as his pupils turned white signaling him seeing the future. Both Kyuhyun and Sungmin made sure to keep his body safe until he returned to the present.

“The north tower, the Elder’s are keeping up there.” Ryeowook announced when he did return. Kyuhyun looked at the two confused.

“Why do we need the elders?” Kyuhyun asked dumbfounded. They were just three people. Just Siwon was enough of a challenge for Kyuhyun, how did Ryeowook and Sungmin hope to help?

“Are you sure Jongwoon will do as you saw?” Sungmin asked once they were close to the tower.

“If he doesn’t, then we are out of options, and one of us will be dead.” Ryeowook replied before kissing Sungmin. Kyuhyun averted his eyes from the sight upset that he couldn’t do such things with his lover. When they parted, Sungmin took a deep breath before rushing forward. Kyuhyun made to follow, but Ryeowook stopped him.

“Wook, he’s going to be killed if he enters by himself!” Kyuhyun yelped surprised the fire user was being so calm. Ryeowook nodded his head as if he knew what was about to happen.

“We all have sacrificed.” Ryeowook whispered before putting his hand down and ordering the younger to follow him. They climbed the long stairs as the sounds of explosions and fighting came from below. Kyuhyun could hear fighting above him now, fighting and screaming. Looking over, he saw how pale Ryeowook was and wondered why he had allowed Sungmin to go ahead of them if the destination was the same. When they appeared in the throne room that held the Elders, Kyuhyun’s breath caught. Lying at Yesung’s feet, was Sungmin. The wind user was not moving and a pool of blood surrounded him. The former king felt the room heat up as Ryeowook’s powers increased in his anger. Kyuhyun’s eyes focused on Yesung surprised and not willing to believe what he had just done.

Yesung stepped over the dead demons body, moving closer to the former king as Siwon stood behind him smiling. Kyuhyun growl feeling something  was up. Yesung was now in front of Ryeowook but Kyuhyun couldn’t move. He was frozen in his spot as Ryeowook was killed so easily, Yesung’s hand punching through his chest as if the fire user were just paper.

“Yesung, end it. This useless war, end it all.” Siwon ordered as he now stood beside Kyuhyun, his hand grasped around his arm nearly breaking it with his strength. Kyuhyun wanted to fight back, but his powers and his strength were nulled. He could only watch as Yesung followed Siwon’s orders and walked onto the balcony looking down at the many fighters Ryeowook had gathered. In just moments and with just the raised arms of Yesung, the sounds of war were silenced.

“Take a good look Kyuhyun, at your fallen legacy.” Siwon ordered before instructing several demons to chain him in the dungeons. Kyuhyun was wide eyed and unresponsive as the dark confines of the dungeon overcame me. Heavy chains were placed around him and he was stripped of his clothes. Kyuhyun knew his punishment, he would be their food. Haunted by the many deaths he had allowed to happen, would be starved and used as a blood donor to the demons who could not get a human. Tears fell down his face in humiliation.


Yesung knelt in a small corner holding his head as Jongwoon’s voice yelled at him, condemned him for his actions. He was in control of nothing. Who was he? He refused to be the slave Kyuhyun had told him he was, but he could no longer deny it. If he denied Siwon, Kyuhyun would die, and he did not want that.

“Baby, do you see my strength. This is a king, this is who you should love.” Siwon smiled as he admired his reflection. Yesung did not answer, he saw no king who held power. He saw a corrupt demon who used the power of an angel he held captive at his side.

“Fix this mistake Angel.” Jongwoon hissed from the back of Yesung’s head.

“H-how?” Yesung asked, his voice barely a whisper. Jongwoon was silent, but the image that floated in Yesung’s head told him his answer. The dark angels eyes widened as he stared up at Siwon who was now smiling and praising himself.

“You can bring him and everyone back, but you have to kill him before you can kill the Elders.” Jongwoon explained.

“I have to take a king, to get a king.” Yesung said.

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395 streak #1
Chapter 27: I'm not sure it's a happy ending or not 😅 but thank you for sharing the story! I enjoyed it so much!
395 streak #2
Chapter 16: From kyusung, then yekyu 😂
395 streak #3
Chapter 14: That between sungmin and wookie 🤭
395 streak #4
Chapter 6: I manage to read until this chapter tho I'm sick right now 😂

It's fantastic and made me want to click that next chapter button
Chapter 27: But ai kinda am still broken hearted for Yesung the angel. Sure Kyu has Jongwoon now, the human, the vessel. But how about Yesung? He has the memories of Kyu, but they cannot be together. I am sad. Well.. Bittersweet. Such a bittersweet ending :'(
Chapter 13: Oooooh I was seriously waiting for Siwon. Now this KyuSung fic is complete! (Oh of course, a happy endingg I guess will make it more perfect haha but I'll get to that later)
Chapter 10: I always like KyuSung stories with Heechul being protective to Yeye as a brother or as a friend.
Cenya14 #8
Chapter 26: Great story, happy that Kyu got to be with Jongwoon in the end
KrystalSeijuro #9
Chapter 27: this is so precious... a fic full of emotions, its just beautiful but i feel kinda sad but at the same time grateful with the last chapter... Kyuhyun reunited with Jongwoon... But poor Yesung, i still couldnt understand why he cant be just Jongwoon.. but still its a happy ending... Great work author-nim!!
Chapter 27: No .... my pooor Yesung ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ