Chpater 15

Midnight Lovers




Yesung stares at the hunched figure in the make-shift room that was actually a jail cell. The figure was unmoving, and refused to meet Yesung’s eyes as he stood there behind the bars. Kyuhyun wasn’t being exactly a good slave for the elder’s, and Yesung didn’t have much to command for him, so Siwon just locked the ex-king up in a cell that was made slightly more comfortable with a bed in it. Although Kyuhyun was chained up, the chains that held him to the wall were long enough to allow him movement, but the vampire didn’t bother to.

It was dark down there, but Yesung could still make out his slight form from what little moonlight that leaked in through some small windows in the underground prison.

“You look a lot like him, you know.” A smooth but quiet voice breaks out into the silence, turning Yesung’s attention back over to the figure, the jingling of chains followed soon after the voice.

“Who?” Yesung questions, his small hands sliding around the smooth, thin bars as he looks down at the vampire curiously.

“Him,” Kyuhyun says helpfully, lifting his head a little from his hunched over kneeling position on the ground.

Yesung just stares at the demon before him, his violet eyes gleaming in curiosity. His mind was near child-like once again; curious, oblivious, and dedicated.

“Jongwoon, you look like Jongwoon. You resemble him so much. He also went by Yesung, you know. I liked to call him that because I had read an old book on Angels that I found in my father’s library, and Yesung was one of the angels name. Jongwoon was my angel.” Kyuhyun says, lowering his down again sadly.

Yesung continues to say nothing as he watches Kyuhyun sit there in silence. “Do you fear me?” he asks after a moment, breaking the silence once again.

Kyuhyun looks up a little, his eyes meeting the curious purple ones, and laughs a little. “No, I don’t fear you. Not really, at least.” Kyuhyun admits, getting up from the ground to sit on the bed. “What are you though?” he asks, and Yesung could feel his eyes gliding over his body.

Folded upon his back was a large set of magnificent wings, the feathers smooth as silk and as dark as the night, resembling greatly of ravens wings, contrasting against Yesung’s naturally milky white skin. Most would think he’s an angel, but those violet, cat-like eyes and glinting fangs said otherwise.

“A fallen angel.” Yesung answers simply, and Kyuhyun looks up with evident shock on his face.

“A fallen angel?!” Kyuhyun asks. “But…..angels don’t exist anymore, let alone a fallen one.”

Yesung shrugs once in response, not knowing how to respond since he doesn’t even remember anything, and whenever he tries to, a painful headache always seem to come through.

Kyuhyun falls quiet for a moment as he studies the demon-angel before him. “Can I…..can I touch you?” he asks. Yesung would’ve thought that Kyuhyun was just curious as to how a fallen angel works, but he caught the hesitant and sad tone in his voice.
Kyuhyun still see’s him as Jongwoon.

Yesung catches the near hopeful look in Kyuhyun’s golden eyes as he glances down at him. With a small grimace, Yesung reaches down into his suit pocket and draws out a simple key, and unlocks the cell door with a loud creak.

He stops and stands before the vampire who was still seated on the bed.

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll hurt you?” Kyuhyun questions quietly, reaching up with a hesitant hand, but stops right before actually making contact with the dark angel.

“Will you?” Yesung asks, his face expressionless.

“No.” Kyuhyun answers almost immediately.

“There’s your answer.” Yesung says, watching the vampires hand hover a little away from touching him. When Kyuhyun made no move to touch him for the longest, most awkward few seconds, Yesung reaches up and grabs the vampire’s wrist.

Kyuhyun jumps a little from the sudden contact, and his breath catches in his throat when Yesung pulls his hand forward a little more until it was pressed lightly in his dark hair. His jaw clenches as Kyuhyun gently runs his fingers through the smallers hair. It felt so much like Jongwoon’s. His hand slowly ran through the soft strands before sliding its way down to caress Yesung’s face softly.

“He had blonde hair, you know. But your face looks just like his” KyuHyun whispers, his eyes lost in a haze of memories. “You’re beautiful, just like him.”

Yesung was a little taken aback by the words that left his mouth. They were enemies, but why is Kyuhyun so comfortable with him? Does he really look so much like Kyuhyun’s old lover?

“I heard you haven’t been eating these past two days.” Yesung suddenly says, bringing Kyuhyun back into reality. “You’ll lose your energy faster that way if you don’t use human food to maintain that energy.”

Kyuhyun’s hand drops back away from the angel’s face. “Doesn’t matter.” He says with a shrug, slumping forward a little in his seat.

“You’re giving up already?” Yesung asks, taking a seat next to the other on the bed, taking note of how the other doesn’t flinch from their closeness. “I think your lover wants you to continue fighting though.” He says, watching as Kyuhyun turns to him with angry eyes. “He gave you his blood, did he not? He wants you to live, so I think you should put more effort in your struggle than to just give up already.”

“You have no right to tell me what to do, nor do you have the right to say what you think of my lover.” Kyuhyun growls, his hands clenching into tight fists. 

“Blood is precious to human. It is their life essence, and yet he was willing to give you so much, even knowing how thirsty you may have been, being a pure blooded vampire.” Yesung says, reaching forward and gently holding the demons chin softly, ignoring the other’s anger. “Your life is important to us right now, but also to yourself too. Your lover risked his own life to protect you; shouldn’t you treasure it more now?” he whispers, pulling the other close until their lips were nearly brushing.

Kyuhyun body trembled at their close proximity, his breath coming out in a nervous quiver as he couldn’t find the strength to pull back, staring into those mesmerizingly violet eyes. In a blink of an eye, Kyuhyun suddenly found himself laying flat against the bed, Yesung straddled across his chest with the most amused look in his eyes.

“You’re existence is precious, your majesty.” Yesung says, sliding a delicate hand up and into Kyuhyun’s shirt slowly, leaning forward again so there face were a mere inch away. “You should think about all the consequences that may happen before you give up like that.” He whispers, before pressing their lips together.

Kyuhyun gasps in surprise, feeling those soft, warm lips against his own. He doesn’t respond for a moment, knowing that he was just being a demon of seduction. But after a few seconds, he finds himself kissing back hesitantly. The lips were so familiar, soft and sweet with each movement of their lips, just like Jongwoon.

A small whimper escapes Kyuhyun’s throat as one of his hands came up to thread through the other’s hair, his other free hand coming to rest at the small of the younger back, pulling them closer together as he kissed him.  He was desperate for such intimacy, missing those tender lips and the feel of the other’s body that fit so perfectly against his, despite knowing that the demon in his arms was not his lover.

“One night,” Yesung suddenly says as he pulls away from the kiss, Kyuhyun gasping for breath as he tried to regain himself.

“What?” Kyuhyun manages to gasp out.

“One night.” He repeats.” If you obey us and eat normally, I’ll let you have one night with me. You could do anything with me; kill me if you want to.” Yesung says, staring down at the man beneath him, his hands resting on his chest.

“I…wh-what? What do you mean?” Kyuhyun asks, obvious confusion on his face.

“You understand what I mean fully.” Yesung says, giving the other a look before pressing a chaste kiss to the elder’s lips. “I’m sure you know what to do.” He whispers against his lips, and slides off of the other who was still lying there, stunned. “Good night.” He says, before closing the cell door and locks it behind him, walking out of the prison.

Kyuhyun sits up a little, unable to comprehend what had just been offered up. He runs his long fingers through his messy hair in frustration and confusion as he pulls his legs up onto the bed. He presses his face into his hands and lets out a broken sob for even thinking about it.

Why did he have to look and feel so much like Jongwoon?


“I’m sorry, your highness.” Sungmin whispers, his head hung low in shame in his kneeling position.

“It’s not his fault, your highness. Please, forgive him. It was my fault.” Ryeowook calls out, quick to be by his lover’s side.

“No, it was neither of your guys’ faults. Although you may have been the one to poison him, Sungmin, you were threatened and forced to. And Ryeowook, don’t blame your existence for the cause of it. We just…..we just need to find a way to save KyuHyun and the kingdom.” Leeteuk says, pacing back and forth in frustration around the small, but cozy house.

Kangin stands up and gently touches his lover’s shoulder comfortingly, and guides him to sit down in a chair.

“How big is the rebel army right now?” Leeteuk asks, two of his fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose.

“Small, but they are powerful because they mostly consist of members of the council and the elder’s.”Ryeowook explains, standing up and helping his lover up too.

“Who’s still our ally right now?” Kangin asks, putting an arm around the elder in reassurance

“A few of the council members, including Heechul. But some are a little indecisive. We also have the wizards and shape shifters.

“EXO? The wizards? You’d think they’ll be the first to join the rebellion.” Kangin says, his brows furrowing together.

“No. They may be quite dark with their words and magic, but they’re loyal to their king. They have contacted Ryeowook for any plans on what to do.” Sungmin explains.

“So we’ll be starting our own rebellion army too?” Leeteuk asks, sitting up straight again.

“This is our only way, your majesty. Please, help us in leading this army.” Sungmin whispers, looking up at the elder with determination. “Let me repay you for my mistake.”

Leeteuk stares at the two vampires before him, before glancing over at his lover who nodded once at him. “Yes. I will help you. We will get our kingdom back.”





A/N: Sorry, it's unedited again. i've noticed we're not getting much comments later, and I'm saddened by the fact. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! that'd be great.




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389 streak #1
Chapter 27: I'm not sure it's a happy ending or not 😅 but thank you for sharing the story! I enjoyed it so much!
389 streak #2
Chapter 16: From kyusung, then yekyu 😂
389 streak #3
Chapter 14: That between sungmin and wookie 🤭
389 streak #4
Chapter 6: I manage to read until this chapter tho I'm sick right now 😂

It's fantastic and made me want to click that next chapter button
Chapter 27: But ai kinda am still broken hearted for Yesung the angel. Sure Kyu has Jongwoon now, the human, the vessel. But how about Yesung? He has the memories of Kyu, but they cannot be together. I am sad. Well.. Bittersweet. Such a bittersweet ending :'(
Chapter 13: Oooooh I was seriously waiting for Siwon. Now this KyuSung fic is complete! (Oh of course, a happy endingg I guess will make it more perfect haha but I'll get to that later)
Chapter 10: I always like KyuSung stories with Heechul being protective to Yeye as a brother or as a friend.
Cenya14 #8
Chapter 26: Great story, happy that Kyu got to be with Jongwoon in the end
KrystalSeijuro #9
Chapter 27: this is so precious... a fic full of emotions, its just beautiful but i feel kinda sad but at the same time grateful with the last chapter... Kyuhyun reunited with Jongwoon... But poor Yesung, i still couldnt understand why he cant be just Jongwoon.. but still its a happy ending... Great work author-nim!!
Chapter 27: No .... my pooor Yesung ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ