My Father's Lover

Hi guys! I'm thankful that there are still new subscribers. I promise to complete this story soon but currently, my creative juice has dried up for this story. I am constantly thinking of how to continue. Give me more time ya?

In the meantime, I am starting my new kyuwook fic: Kaleidoscope

Thank you!!!

*bow 90 degrees*

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mykyunie #1
Chapter 25: This is beatifull
Chapter 25: I almost gave up during the first chapters because the story felt angsty for me and my heart can't handle angst. I mean how can I handle Wookie being Kyu appa's lover. It's a good thing I continued until the truth about their relationship was revealed. I'm glad I stayed because the ending was so sweet. I like the way how everything was sorted out with a baby bonus for our KyuWook.
Chapter 25: Heh
DoKwangYeol #4
Chapter 25: yeahhhh ! kyuwook will having a baby and that is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. iluvit.
Chapter 25: This was so fun I finished it in a day!!! Great job!
cutiepiesehun #6
oo ill read it later
shokolat #7
Chapter 25: that was soooooooooooooooooooooo warm
Chapter 25: Awwwwww lovely story...
Thankyu so much for perfect ending...
By the way, i love the pregnant part soooooo much♥
Now i think about a seque kyuwook with the baby ehehehehe
I hope you'll make it.... Someday^^
cmngcm #9
Chapter 25: Its a perfect story as like your other story and the ending is sweet ....except the preggy part....don't mind but not fancy mpreg. Thanks for completing the story...been reading 3x while waiting.....esp the beginning part - cool wookie - I love cool wookie!