Chapter 1

My Father's Lover

Kyuhyun’s POV

“Kyuhyun ah!!”

I ran towards the only woman I have ever loved in this world.

“Omma!” I called and hugged her tightly.

“My precious son. You are finally back.”

“But not in a very glorious manner.” I winked at my mother as she smiled worriedly at me. “Let’s go home.” She said to me.

“What? I’m not going home.”

“Your father must be waiting. I have told him about your arrival today.”

“And he must have said ‘That rascal only bring trouble, don’t bring him back.’” I imitated my father’s voice. My mum hit my back lightly and shook her head.

“I know that you dislike this family and I’m sorry for bringing you to this family. But… he is still your father. You have been out long enough, go home…” She pleaded to me.

Unable to oppose my mother whom I know have suffered so much in the family, I sighed and agreed.


On the journey home, I pretended to sleep with my eyes closed but in fact, I’m nervous. So nervous to see my father for the first time since I was 15. He sent me to America to study but I know, the true reason is that he hates me. Because I did not meet his expectations of being a good boy like my other brothers and what more, I am the son of the hostess he picked up from a bar.

Of course we would have despised us.

No matter how bad his wife and other lovers treated us, he wouldn’t say a word. I hate him but deep inside, I want his attention, just an ounce will do.

“Kyuhyun ah, we are home.”

My mum shook me lightly. I opened my eyes and looked out of the window, it’s an unfamiliar architecture, so different from what I remembered. I stepped out of the car and walked into the house with butterflies in my stomach.

“Omo omo. Who is this? Aren’t you little master kyuhyun?” The ahjumma cleaner exclaimed. I bowed slightly at her and she hugged me tight.

I smiled at the warmth of her body and hugged her back. “Long time no see, Ahjumma.”

“You have become such a handsome fine young man.” She pat my cheeks softly. Just then, her expression changed when I heard footsteps nearing behind me.

I turned around to see a familiar wrinkled face. “Unnie, Kyuhyunnie is back. Kyuhyun, greet Omonim.” My mother pulled me towards my step mother.

“Kyuhyun. It’s been such a long time.” She feigned a smile at me.

I bowed to her and turned away without saying a word at her.

“It seems that your manners didn’t change.” I heard her saying. I paused and turned back angrily at her. As I was about to fire back at her, Omma squeezed my arm and shook her head lightly at me. I know that my mother doesn’t want to cause more trouble in this house. That is why we have been belittled for so many years.

“Unnie…” 2 other ahjummas came to join us and they stood beside my evil stepmother.

“Kyuhyun, these are your father’s… um…” Omma was trying to explain and one of the 2 woman continued the sentence for her “Lovers!”

I frowned at that word as I glared at them.

“So this must be our Kyuhyunnie!” The other same to me to pinch my cheek but I swang her hand away.

She was shocked by my action. “Take your hand away from me.” I said coldly to her.

She scoffed and changed her expression to a fierce one. “No wonder your father didn’t want you. You are such a brat.”

“You!” I shouted.

“ENOUGH!” A strong coarse voice came from the main door where I previously entered.

“Yeobo.” All the ladies said at the same time. Slowly, I turned around to see my father, much older and weaker than I last saw 10 years ago. Beside him, is a young boy seemingly my age, linking his arm as my father held a walking stick with the other hand.

“Ab…aboji.” I called.

He did not even look at me in the eye. He simply made his way to his room beside the spiral staircase.

“Stop causing more trouble if you want to live here.” He said as he walked into his room.


My heart beat quickened when my father passed me. The sense of oppression coming from my father is just suffocating. After the duo entered the room, my stepmother laughed a little and said “You better behave yourself if you do not want to find yourself kicked out of this house like 10 years ago.”

The 2 mistresses behind her laughed together.

“Please lower your volume. Master just retired to his bed and you wouldn’t want to incur his wrath.” The laughter died out immediately.

It is the boy who followed aboji into the room. I saw that my stepmother’s facial expression changed, the previously confident and smirking face gone was replaced with caution. I’m curious who this boy is.

He was cold yet confident when facing the women of the family. “I’m Kim Ryeowook. You must be Kyuhyun.” He extended his hand to me with a smile on his face.

“Yes I am. Nice to meet you. You are my father’s…?”

“He is your father’s latest lover.” One of my father’s mistresses answered.

I froze. This boy is my father’s lover too? How many partners does he intend to have?

I scoffed at the petite boy. “So you are just another item to my father’s collection.”

Surprisingly, he did not get angry. Instead, he smiled lightly at me and said “Do what you are supposed to do and stop making your father worry.”

“Who are you to tell me this? My additional stepmother?”

“You are definitely like what I heard. Anyway, behave yourself. I’m going out for a moment.” He bowed at my mother and my stepmother before leaving the house.


I jumped onto my bed as soon as I returned to my room after 10 years.

“I renovated a little for you. I hope you like it.” Omma said sweetly to me.

“Of course! But that… what’s his name? Yeo-ok? Who is he? He is so irritating.”

“It’s Ryeowook, he is a lawyer. You better not let your father see you mistreating him. Your father dotes on him so much. He brought him into this house 3 years ago, introducing as a friend. But that’s how he introduces all his lovers, you know it.”

I laughed a little as I hugged my pillow, listening to Omma speak.

“Since he arrived, your father seldom sleep with the other mistresses, even unnie. Ryeowook spends his night with your father every day and of course, it’s obvious what they do in the room. Anyway, he trusts Ryeowook so much that all the legal issues in the company is controlled by him. At home, even Unnie has to be wary of him since your father listens to almost everything he says.” She continued.

“I may dislike that Yeo-ok but I love how that witch is afraid of him.”

“Ryeowook…” Omma emphasized.


That Kim Ryeowook, it’s gonna an interesting.

First chapter! I'm so excited! How is it? My dongsaeng is doing the trailer so wait for a while more for it!!

Comments!!! I'm at chapter 12 now in fact, i can't wait to show you alll of it! I really love this story myself. Please give me lots of support!

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mykyunie #1
Chapter 25: This is beatifull
Chapter 25: I almost gave up during the first chapters because the story felt angsty for me and my heart can't handle angst. I mean how can I handle Wookie being Kyu appa's lover. It's a good thing I continued until the truth about their relationship was revealed. I'm glad I stayed because the ending was so sweet. I like the way how everything was sorted out with a baby bonus for our KyuWook.
Chapter 25: Heh
DoKwangYeol #4
Chapter 25: yeahhhh ! kyuwook will having a baby and that is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. iluvit.
Chapter 25: This was so fun I finished it in a day!!! Great job!
cutiepiesehun #6
oo ill read it later
shokolat #7
Chapter 25: that was soooooooooooooooooooooo warm
Chapter 25: Awwwwww lovely story...
Thankyu so much for perfect ending...
By the way, i love the pregnant part soooooo much♥
Now i think about a seque kyuwook with the baby ehehehehe
I hope you'll make it.... Someday^^
cmngcm #9
Chapter 25: Its a perfect story as like your other story and the ending is sweet ....except the preggy part....don't mind but not fancy mpreg. Thanks for completing the story...been reading 3x while waiting.....esp the beginning part - cool wookie - I love cool wookie!