Chapter 10

My Father's Lover

Ryeowook’s POV

Kyuhyun’s back is so warm, he carried me easily along the way. “What should I do? You must be tired.” I said.

“Sing for me, like when you were drunk.” He said.

“Mwo?” I tried to recall what I did when I was drunk but couldn’t remember.

“You sang 3 bears.”

“Really? I must be crazy.” I said.

“Sing now.”

I hesitated for a moment before starting.

kom se ma-ri-ga
han chi-be-i-so
appa gom
omma gom
ae-gi gom
appa gommun dung-dung-hae
omma gommun nal-shi-nae
ae-gi gommun no mu-gwi-yo-wo
eeshuk eeshuk cha-han-da

I heard Kyuhyun giggling as I sand which actually gave me more energy to carry on singing. “Kyuhyun ah, do you like it?” I asked shyly.

“Mmm.” He nodded.

I smiled and hugged him tighter from the back. I really didn’t want this to end but we finally arrived at the main gate of the mansion. Little did we know that Heechul saw us piggy backing at the gate.

I got off Kyuhyun’s back and we walked in together.

Everyone should be asleep.

When we were outside our rooms, we looked at each other as we couldn’t bear to leave. “Good night.” I said to him.

“Good night.” I said. But we were still on our original position.

“You go in to your room first.” He said.

“You first.” I replied naughtily.

“You first.” I sighed and opened my room door. I took one last look at him before entering.

Kyuhyun’s POV

After watching my crush enter his room, I returned to my room too. I was shocked to see Omma in my room.

“Omma, you shocked me.”

“Why are you back so late? And why are you with Kim Ryeowook?”

“We happened to work over time today and came back today.”

“You are unusually close to him these days. Don’t forget that he is your father’s beloved. You may cause unwanted rumors if you continue being so nice to him.”

“Omma, what are you talking?”

“You know what I mean. You are my son, I know what you are like when you are….”

I scoffed and supported my mother out of my room. “Omma, I am really tired. I need to sleep. Let talked other days ok?” I quickly closed the door and fell to my bed.

I know. There’s no need for reminders.

I can’t love Kim Ryeowook.


Ryeowook’s POV

“Ryeowook ah, did you work late again last night?” Ahjussi asked as I was helping him with his walking stick in the garden.

“Yes. There’s so much to work.”

“It’s Heechul’s doing right?”

“…No. It’s just my usual work.” I lied.

“That rascal is facing the same predicament as you now because he spoke up for you when Heechul was complaining about you.” Ahjussi said. I was surprised that he said that Kyuhyun spoke up for me.

“Heechul isn’t someone that I can rely on.” Ahjussi continued. I looked at him innocently and smiled.

“He’s just worried that I’ll be an obstacle to him.”

Ahjussi shook his head and sighed. I helped him to the garden chair before leaving to the kitchen to brew tea.

Inside, Kyuhyun’s mother was already boiling the water.

“Madam, good morning.” I greeted.

“I don’t know what you are planning. But if you think that playing with my son’s feelings can further help you steady your position in this family, I am warning you, I will do everything I can to get you out of this house.” Madam warned me sternly. Someone telling me that I should stay away from Kyuhyun, it felt like a dagger stabbing my heart.

“Madam, you have misunderstood. Kyuhyun and I…”

“Enough. You get what I mean.” She cut my sentence.

I nodded and looked at the floor. She left me in the kitchen heart aching.

 I’m not ahjussi’s boyfriend! I wanted so much to tell them or rather…. him.


Nobody’s POV

“Aren’t you going to eat with Ryeowook ssi today?” Nayoung asked when she was having lunch with Kyuhyun. But he shook his head which made Nayoung smile brightly.

“There you are.” Heechul suddenly appeared from behind.

He gave Nayoung a peck on the cheek before sitting down with us and she looked awkwardly at Kyuhyun.

“You said you are not having lunch but you are eating with Kyuhyun here.” Heechul said.

“Um… because… I suddenly felt hungry.” Nayoung explained.

The love-sick Kyuhyun couldn’t bear to watch the couple in front of him. So, he used the excuse of being full to leave the table. Nayoung was having her head low while Heechul stared at her.

“You didn’t want to have lunch with me right?” He asked.

“Why would it be?” Nayoung answered nervously.

“I don’t know. But you have been avoiding me since me return. Did I do something wrong?”

“No.. I… I’m full. I think I should go back to work.” In a rush, she stood up and left the table leaving Heechul alone, feeling suspicious.


Ryeowook’s POV

Since the day Kyuhyun and I spent the whole night together, we drifted apart. For me, I was wary of what madam warned me about staying away from Kyuhyun. But Kyuhyun seem to be avoiding me too. Maybe even he thinks that I am trying to be close to him for some hideous reasons.

I really miss talking to him.

I paused outside Kyuhyun’s room when I found that he isn’t back for the night yet. I pushed open his door and entered his room for the first time. It has blue colored walls and plain colored bed sheets. Everything is neat and clean.

My fingers trailed the edge of his desk and I stopped at the photo frame. It was an image of him smiling while holding hands with his mother at the age of around 8? I couldn’t help the cuteness of this chubby boy that I took out my cell phone to take a picture of it.

Just as I was about to leave the room, I accidentally dropped the box at the side of his desk. The contents came rolling out and I picked it up frantically. There were papers, a couple ring and a photo. I took a careful look and realize that they are Kyuhyun and Nayoung in their teenage years. Kyuhyun stole a kiss from Nayoung, with her looking shocked.

I felt a sting in my heart.

I picked up the couple ring in the box and it engraved “Kyuyoung love forever”.

Nayoung? Heechul’s girlfriend?

I took the letter in the box too and read it. It says:

Nayoung ah… How should I say it? We have known each other for 3 years and I really like being with you. Would you be my girlfriend? I really like you.

He used to like Nayoung ssi? Maybe even now. Disappointed, I placed the items back into the box and put in back at its original position. With heavy steps, I walked out of his room back to mine.

Is this what people call love? Keeping all the memories even though they are not together and getting upset when you see that person still missing his first love.

A drop of tear escaped from my eyes as I fell asleep on my bed.



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mykyunie #1
Chapter 25: This is beatifull
Chapter 25: I almost gave up during the first chapters because the story felt angsty for me and my heart can't handle angst. I mean how can I handle Wookie being Kyu appa's lover. It's a good thing I continued until the truth about their relationship was revealed. I'm glad I stayed because the ending was so sweet. I like the way how everything was sorted out with a baby bonus for our KyuWook.
Chapter 25: Heh
DoKwangYeol #4
Chapter 25: yeahhhh ! kyuwook will having a baby and that is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. iluvit.
Chapter 25: This was so fun I finished it in a day!!! Great job!
cutiepiesehun #6
oo ill read it later
shokolat #7
Chapter 25: that was soooooooooooooooooooooo warm
Chapter 25: Awwwwww lovely story...
Thankyu so much for perfect ending...
By the way, i love the pregnant part soooooo much♥
Now i think about a seque kyuwook with the baby ehehehehe
I hope you'll make it.... Someday^^
cmngcm #9
Chapter 25: Its a perfect story as like your other story and the ending is sweet ....except the preggy part....don't mind but not fancy mpreg. Thanks for completing the story...been reading 3x while waiting.....esp the beginning part - cool wookie - I love cool wookie!