Chapter 15

My Father's Lover

Ryeowook’s POV

It is unusual for Heechul to ask me to get him a cup of tea to his room because he NEVER talks to me. But tonight, he made me bring him a cup of tea to his room. When I was his doorstep, I heard him speaking on the phone.

“Kyuhyun ah, how are you today?”

Kyuhyun? I sticked my ear to the door to listen more carefully.

“Oh… are you still working at the BBQ store at Myeongdong?” He said.

I strained my ears to hear what Heechul was saying.

“You are busy? Hyung shall not hold you up. Call me again.” I heard him say after that. Before I could react, his room door swang open and heechul was in front of me. I was shocked and almost dropped the tray of tea but he was fast to hold it while accidentally touching my hands too.

“Be careful, will you?” He said sternly. But I was too focused on remembering the address he mentioned in the phone that I was unable to react to his scolding. I turned away as soon as he took over the tea from me.

I start to turn anxious as I change my clothes in the room.

Kyuhyun ah, wait for me. I’m coming for you…


Kyuhyun’s POV

A typical working day at the BBQ day would be endless serving of customers despite being hired as a shop manager. Fortunately, my summer jobs in America as a waiter paid off, I am a skilled waiter here too, except for the occasional scalds I get when clearing the hotplates. I am just back from my 15 minutes break and start serving customers.

“Ahjussi! One set of marbled beef set!” A familiar voice called to me from the corner of the restaurant. I turned immediately to find Kim Ryeowook waving at me cheerfully. I was totally shocked to see him here.

“Yah, what are you doing here?” I asked him as I pulled him out of the restaurant to corner him at the alley.

“To fetch you home.” He answered.

“No I’m not returning home. Omma is suffering there and she hates to see aboji now. For her, I won’t return.” I replied him firmly.

“For me, can’t you return home? You have to prove your innocence too!” He pleaded.

“Precisely it because of you that I can’t return too. Do you want me to go crazy seeing you in the house with my father everyday?”

I tried to chase my crush away but he pulled my sleeve to get my attention. I was surprised to see his eyes watery. It hasn’t been too long since I last saw this cute boy but gosh, I miss him so much. I couldn’t resist myself, I wiped his tears away from his face.

“I am not his lover.” Ryeowook suddenly said to me.


“I am not ahjussi’s lover.” Ryeowook repeated.

This is totally unbelievable, so I laughed out loud. “Ryeowook ssi, do you think I would feel any better if you say it like that? It is the truth that I fell for my father’s lover and you do not gave to lie.”

“I am not lying, pabo.” Ryeowook said desperately.

But I was sort of happy that he said that to make me feel better. At least, this also shows that he loves me too.

Ryeowook stormed his feet and said “I am not…” Before he could repeat his sentence, I hugged him into my arms.

“I miss you.” I whispered into his ears.

Ryeowook hit my back softly. “I hate you.. You abandoned me and now, you wouldn’t listen to me.”

“I can’t return.” I explained apologetically.

He split from me slowly and looked into my eyes. “You are one stubborn man, aren’t you?” Ryeowook asked smiling.

 “Mwo?” I asked.

“Nothing.” He said. “Ryeowook ssi, it’s late now. You should return home, aboji must be looking for you.” I forced myself to push the love of my life away from me.

But Ryeowook wilfully pouted and hugged me tightly at the waist. “I want to be with you, Kyuhyun ah.” He said with aegyo which I couldn’t help but to smile.

“I need to get back to work.” I tried to explain to him but Ryeowook whined and said “I will book the whole shop tonight. I want you to play with me!”

“Ryeowook ah…” I shook my head at him. He looked disappointed immediately and looked down at the floor.

“I have to go.” I said to him.

He released me from the waist and moved away from me. I walked away from him, heading back to the restaurant but when I turned back, I see his lonely back. I couldn’t bear leaving him so pitifully like that.

I ran back to him to hold him at the waist and pressed my lips against his. I know that he was surprised by my action as he held his breath and blushed as I initiated the kiss.

I his lips and he allowed me to kiss him deeply.

I released him when I was out of breath. “Don’t come anymore. We can’t do this anymore. Its adultery.” I said to him.

“Let’s elope then!” He giggled as he spoke, still blushing.

I hit him on the forehead and said “How can you say it so easily?”

“Ouch… But… I don’t care! I will come again! I will make sure you prove your innocence and try to settle any misunderstanding between your parents.”

“Forget it, Ryeowook ah.”

“You are not stopping me and Cho Kyuhyun!” Ryeowook suddenly grabbed me at the collar and pulled me towards him.

“Listen carefully. I love you.” He kissed me again on the lips and ran away shyly while covering his face.

HI dears! My laptop revived! Hooray!! Patience really paid off. At first, the power button was lit up but the screen wasn't starting but then, i left it on and went to sleep. I woke up in mid night and found that my laptop is on! Yeah!

So this fluffy chapter 15 for all of you! Thank you! Comments

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mykyunie #1
Chapter 25: This is beatifull
Chapter 25: I almost gave up during the first chapters because the story felt angsty for me and my heart can't handle angst. I mean how can I handle Wookie being Kyu appa's lover. It's a good thing I continued until the truth about their relationship was revealed. I'm glad I stayed because the ending was so sweet. I like the way how everything was sorted out with a baby bonus for our KyuWook.
Chapter 25: Heh
DoKwangYeol #4
Chapter 25: yeahhhh ! kyuwook will having a baby and that is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. iluvit.
Chapter 25: This was so fun I finished it in a day!!! Great job!
cutiepiesehun #6
oo ill read it later
shokolat #7
Chapter 25: that was soooooooooooooooooooooo warm
Chapter 25: Awwwwww lovely story...
Thankyu so much for perfect ending...
By the way, i love the pregnant part soooooo much♥
Now i think about a seque kyuwook with the baby ehehehehe
I hope you'll make it.... Someday^^
cmngcm #9
Chapter 25: Its a perfect story as like your other story and the ending is sweet ....except the preggy part....don't mind but not fancy mpreg. Thanks for completing the story...been reading 3x while waiting.....esp the beginning part - cool wookie - I love cool wookie!