Chapter 9

My Father's Lover

Kyuhyun’s POV

It’s been 3 months since I start working in the company and I am getting the hang of it. But I realized that Heechul hyung has been making things difficult for Ryeowook in work. Contract clauses tend to be rejected over and over again for Ryeowook to revise. There’s been so many days that he had to work overtime.

After receiving an sms from Hyung, I took the lift to the 38th floor to meet aboji and him for lunch. I really hate meeting my father out of the house but since hyung ordered me to join, I had to.

“How’s work?” Aboji asked me coldly.

“Fine.” I replied.

“Appa, I really enjoyed working here.” Hyung suddenly exclaimed.

“Really? Good, make sure you do your best.” Aboji answered.

“But, I can’t agree with Ryeowook ssi’s working style…” And so, heechul proceeded to tell a long list of what he found ‘wrong’ that Ryeowook done. I know, this meal is another complain channel, especially to complain on the person he hate most.

Aboji did not respond while Heechul was explaining his about his complains about Ryeowook. I couldn’t take it anymore and said “Ryeowook has been working in the company for so long and no one has ever found him unproductive.”

Both Aboji and Heechul stared at me, as if I said something unbelievable. Just then, aboji stood up from his seat and said “Alright, I heard what you said, heechul. I’m full already.” He walked out of the room.

I start to help clear the packed food boxes on the table and Heechul suddenly said “Why did you say that?”

“I felt that you were just finding fault with Ryeowook ssi.” I explained

“Yes I am. But all the more you should stand at my side. If Appa were to treat him better than our mothers or even us, don’t you think that it would endanger our position in the family?” He asked.

“Well, my position in the family is negligible so I have nothing to worry. But still, complaining like a kid to Aboji is not something I would want to do.”

“You…” Heechul warned with his face turned red and left the room angrily.

Ryeowook isn’t someone who can be defamed by people like you.


“Cho Kyuhyun, you are not allowed to go home if you do not finish doing all these by today.”

My supervisor threw a pile of documents for me to update in the system when it is just 30 minutes before its time to knock off.

“Kyuhyun ah, let me help you.” Nayoung volunteered.

But it's obvious that it is the doing of Heechul that I am given so much work to do. “It's ok. I have to do this myself.” I told her.

She looked at me worriedly and nodded.

When everyone has left the company, I read the documents one by one. I've always not bothered about putting my best in anything I do since I know that my father will not be there to praise me. Even if I were to do well, my achievements would have been overwhelmed by Heechul's small achievements. But this, time, the fact that Heechul is trying to make sure that I do not do well in front of Aboji, all the more I want to prove to everybody.

“Last one!” I threw the last document on my table when I finally finish reading it. I stretched my hands straight and bent my body to relax. When I looked around, no one is around except that one brightly lit room, the legal consultant's room.

I peeked into the room to see Ryeowook laying his head on the desk, sound asleep. As if automatic, I walked to his side to remove my coat to wrap him in. But I was too clumsy that I jerked him accidentally and he woke up.

“Oh... I was asleep?” He asked when he saw me with my coat awkwardly over is shoulders.

“What are you still doing here?” He asked.

“Working overtime because of the same reason.”

He laughed and said “Heechul ssi?” I nodded my head.

“Are you done? I'll call the chauffeur to  come fetch us.” I suggested.

“No, I want to take the bus home today.” Ryeowook suddenly said.

“What?” I asked in surprise but that angel-like boy just smiled at me cutely.


The bus stop is a distance from the company building so Ryeowook and I walked together without words exchanged. Just then, we saw a late night snack stall. Ryeowook, like a child, ran to the stall excitedly.

“Ahjumma! 2 sets of Sundae!” He shouted.

“Yah, it’s so late now. Quick go home!” I tried to pull him away but he threw my hands away and waited for his food anxiously.

“There you go.” The stall ahjumma presented us with the food. Ryeowook pushed one of the plate to me.

“Eat! You have been in America for so long, I’m sure you forgot the taste right?” Ryeowook started to eat it. I looked at the food suspiciously as I teased it with my chopstick.

“It’s pig’s intestine. It’s delicious!” He encouraged.

I was still hesitant to put the piece of unknown looking food into my mouth. Ryeowook sighed and shoved one piece into my mouth.

“Yah!” I shouted with the food in my mouth.

“Chew!” He said. Slowly, I bite it and the taste start to diffuse in my mouth. It tastes heavenly! Or at least, to me.

“It’s nice right?”

I ignored him and continued to eat my share.

I love to watch how he would enjoy every bite as if there was nothing more blissful in this world. Without noticing, I was staring at him until he looked at me, blinking. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Nothing.  Are you done?” I stood up and left the stall coolly. In fact, I was trying to escape from the awkwardness I felt.

Soon, Ryeowook caught up with me. “The bus!” He shouted and pulled my hand to chase the bus.

“Yah! Slow down!” I shouted as I was dragged along by him.

We caught up with the bus. We took the last row and he sat beside the window.

“Yah, do you have to be so troublesome? Chasing the bus all the way when we could have called our chauffeur?”

“I want to live like any other seoul citizen too. I want to chase buses and take a long… time to reach home. It’s a way of enjoying life too, don’t you think?” He smiled at me.

“I think you are the only one in the world who would think like that.”

The nightscape of Seoul is beautiful. It’s the first time I could enjoy such scenery since I returned to Korea, thanks to my… father’s lover….

Just then, Ryeowook dozed off again and leaned his head naturally on my shoulders. I used my palm to feel his cheek and thought to myself, “Why did you have to be his man?”

Ryeowook was sleeping so soundly that he linked my arms in his.

“Cho Kyuhyun, what are you thinking? He isn’t someone that you can have designs on.” I reminded myself.

I saw that we have arrived at the our house’s bus stop but Ryeowook was still sleeping so peacefully and I cound’t bear to wake him up. So I let the bus pass by…



“Kyuhyun ah! Wake up! We have overshot!” Ryeowook woke me up on the bus moments later.

I jumped up on my feet and rushed down the bus with him.

“Don’t you know which stop to alight? Why did you fall asleep too?” Ryeowook asked me angrily.

“Yah! If you weren’t sleeping, I would have alighted! We can just take the opposite direction bus home!” I argued.

“Look at the time! It’s the last bus, Pabo!!”

“Why are you getting angry at me? It’s your fault too!”

“My fault? You should have waked me up!” Ryeowook snapped.

“You were sleeping so soundly.” I explained.

“Why should you care?”

“Because I….”

We looked into each other’s eyes as our anger slowly reduced again. Ryeowook sighed and said “Never mind. But looks like we have a long walk home.”

And yes, it’s a LLLOOONNNGGG walk home with no taxis passing by at all. Both of us were tired and didn’t talk to each other. I wonder if he’s angry.

“How did you got to know my father?” I asked.

“It was fif… I mean, 3 years ago that we met at a… umm… party and we… “

“Yah, you are talking as if you are planning a story. Don’t you remember how you FELL for my father?”

“Of course I do!”

“That doesn’t sound very convincing.” I sniggered.

Just then, Ryeowook squat down on the floor. “I’m too tired! I don’t want to carry on anymore, I can’t see the end.”

I took his hands and tried to pull him up but he stayed firm stubbornly, whining like a kid.

“Kim Ryeowook, on the count of 3, get up or I’ll leave you here. 3….2…..1”

He was still there.

“Yah, I’m really leaving. You stay here for all you want.” I turned around and walked a few steps. I peeked and Ryeowook was really bushed, squatting on the floor.

Of course I wouldn’t leave him there. I sighed and went back to him to show him my back.

“Get up. I’ll carry you.”



“I’m heavy and you are tired too.”

“I want this to end. Hurry, let’s go together.” I rushed him.

Reluctantly, he climbed onto my back and put his arms around my neck. I carried him and he was light.


Ryeowook’s words repeated in my mind, ‘I’m too tired! I don’t want to carry on anymore, I can’t see the end.’


Ryeowook ah… Same for me.

I’m tired

I don’t want to carry on doing this anymore

Because I can’t see our future



But I am well aware now that…. I love you.

I love all of my readers! Thank you for your encourgement yesterday! It was a rough day yesterday but it turned out all well today.

Chapter 9 for you! Saranghae!

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mykyunie #1
Chapter 25: This is beatifull
Chapter 25: I almost gave up during the first chapters because the story felt angsty for me and my heart can't handle angst. I mean how can I handle Wookie being Kyu appa's lover. It's a good thing I continued until the truth about their relationship was revealed. I'm glad I stayed because the ending was so sweet. I like the way how everything was sorted out with a baby bonus for our KyuWook.
Chapter 25: Heh
DoKwangYeol #4
Chapter 25: yeahhhh ! kyuwook will having a baby and that is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. iluvit.
Chapter 25: This was so fun I finished it in a day!!! Great job!
cutiepiesehun #6
oo ill read it later
shokolat #7
Chapter 25: that was soooooooooooooooooooooo warm
Chapter 25: Awwwwww lovely story...
Thankyu so much for perfect ending...
By the way, i love the pregnant part soooooo much♥
Now i think about a seque kyuwook with the baby ehehehehe
I hope you'll make it.... Someday^^
cmngcm #9
Chapter 25: Its a perfect story as like your other story and the ending is sweet ....except the preggy part....don't mind but not fancy mpreg. Thanks for completing the story...been reading 3x while waiting.....esp the beginning part - cool wookie - I love cool wookie!