


-At Ilhoon House-
Taejong: Ilhoon-ah, sit here. We need to talk!
Ilhoon: What now Appa? I’m tired… We talk later.
Taejong: Anii… Come here now! Pallie! (Rise his voice)
Ilhoon then walked lazily towards him and sit on coach.
Ilhoon: Mwoya?
Taejong: How your relationship with ____? It is going well?
Ilhoon: For your information we’re already break up!
Taejong: What? Are you serious?
Ilhoon: Yes Appa… She saw me kissing with another girl.
Taejong: You pabo! You had ruined my plan. I want you to get her back and date her. If possible I want you to marry her.
Ilhoon: What nonsense you talking about Appa? Married with _____? Huh, you gotta be kidding me!
Taejong: This is not jokes. I want you to marry her so we can get Kim Jaesuk property. 
Ilhoon: Is there any other option instead of marrying _____? I’m still young Appa. Besides, I want to enjoy my life first. 
Taejong: You can still enjoy your life even after you marrying her. Listen here, that Kim Jaesuk is damn rich. I believe that if you marry his daughter you will get half of share of Kim Holdings.
Ilhoon: Do you mean that we just using ____?
Taejong: Yes my son. Jaesuk will do anything for his only daughter and I’m sure by using ____ we will get what we want. (Evil smirk)
Ilhoon: Arraseo appa.
Taejong: (Gummy smile)
-Jaesuk house a.k.a Your House-
You were at your room with Zelo. Both of you wear couple pajama. Since you don’t have anything to do you playing with Zelo hair. You put a lot of hairpin on his hair. Then you giggle. Zelo looks so cute and pissed off at the same time. 
Zelo: What are you doing? Stop playing with my hair.
You: Waeyo? I like playing with your hair. Hehehe.
Zelo: (Get up) Stop it okay. Go study or what….
You: (Pouts) Arraseo…
You went to your study table and sit there. After a while you felt like someone playing with your hair. You know it was Zelo. 
You: (Not look at him) Yah! Don’t disturb me…
Zelo: Zelo is boring
You: haish… this robot. Zelo Shutdown.
Zelo then walked to your bed and Shutdown there. (Actually he’s taking a nap) After that, you continue studying. Time passed then you were finished studying. You feel sleepy. You walked to your bed and lying beside Zelo. While watching he ‘Shutdown’ you talked to yourself.
You: Zelo-ah.. Why you so cute? (Poke his cheek)
You: Zelo-ah… you know what, if you were human I absolutely fall for you… (Touch his face with your hand)
Suddenly Zelo open his eyes and hold your hand. Both of you keep staring for each other for a long time. 
Zelo: Your voice had been recorded. 
You: Mwo?
Zelo: Don’t act like you don’t know. Zelo knows everything. 
You: What do you know?
Zelo: ____ loves Zelo right?
You: (Burst into laughter) Puahahah… What nonsense you talking about Zelo-ah? Me love you? Hahaha. So funny!
Zelo: So, you’re not?
You: Of course not! 
Zelo: Fine then. 
You: (Close your eyes) Zelo-ah, I’m sleepy. You better shutdown at your place. Pallie..
Zelo: _____-ssi, can Zelo be your boyfriend?
You: (Widen eyes) Mworago?? Yah! Do you think I’m that desperate? (Knock his head)
Zelo: (Brush his head) Appayo…
You: Do not make such silly stupid jokes next time. Arraseo?
Zelo: Hmm,,, Nae.
You: Promise? (Do pinky promise)
Zelo: What is that?
You: You don’t know? This is what we do when we….
Zelo: (Hugged you tightly and rolling with you on your bed)
You: Yaah! What are you doing?
Zelo: For me this is pinky promise.
You: I… can’t… breathe…... please.. stop… it! 
Zelo: This is how robot do pinky promise. Heheheh
You: Your… pinky… promise… is… killing… me!
Zelo ignoring you and keep rolling with you on your bed. He only stop when you tickling him. LoL
The next day, you ask Zelo to Jogging with you at park. At first he was refused but when you persuade him, he finally agree with you. Yeay!
But… it is not as you expected. He did accompany you but in different way. Hmm…
You: Zelo-ah… do you hate walking that much?
Zelo: (Skateboarding) Zelo don’t want use much energy.
You: I ask you for jogging not skateboarding. Haish.. this robot.
Zelo: (Giggle)
After that you continue jogging. Zelo just follow you from behind while skateboarding. After 2 rounds, you feel exhausted. You sit on bench around there for taking breaks.
You: Zelo-ah… can you get me some drinks?
Zelo: Okay.
You: And ice cream too…
Zelo: Okay!
You: And also snacks. Hee
Zelo: Are you planning for picnic?
You: yes but no. Hehe. Pallie kha. I’m hungry.
Zelo: Arraseo.. (Skateboarding away)
You wait for Zelo. Suddenly you feel uneasy. It seemed like someone was watching you. You look around but no one was there. Your hearts keep saying that something was not right and you made decision to be out of that place. You slowly get up and planning to run.
Suddenly someone from back cover your mouth with handkerchief. You try to remove your body from them but unfortunately the scent from that handkerchief make you feel weak. You slowly close your eyes and before that you were sure that you saw Zelo was coming to you. 
Zelo’s POV
I went to nearest shop to buy food for my lovely _____. When I back from there I saw a 3 guys wearing all black try to drag ______ to black van. What the hell.
I ran towards them in a speed of light, I kicked the back of their knees causing them to fall on their face. The two of them then released their grips on _______. I quickly run to ______ and try to wake her up.
Then, a punch then flew towards my cheek. I had enough of this nonsense. I went easy on them and now it's time to show them not to mess with Zelo! I got back on my feet and started my attacks. I could be nice if I want to but if you piss me off, I will definitely make you regret.
Soon, it was a battle. The battle between me vs. the three #$@#$ of them. Then one of those guys did a foul play. He attacked me from the back by hitting my back with a pole. The impact wasn't as huge as it would have caused as while the person was running to attack me, he tripped on his own shoelaces. What a brainless gangster but lucky for me though. 
Since it was a sneaky attack and I wasn't prepared, I fell forward. I scraped my palms as I supported myself.
I grabbed the pole that the guy used which was now and hitting one of them. That guy crawling on the ground and growling. Now, two $%%$# left. I punch one of them face hardly and make him step backward and he fell. I grab and twisted his arms. This was for payback for hitting me with pole. I'd make sure they suffered more. 
Now, 1 Vs 1. That guy suddenly takes out the knife and went to _____. He tried to threaten me by put that knife on _____’s neck. 
Guy 3: Don’t come near if you want this girl be safe.
Zelo: Don’t touch her! Let go of her.
Guy 3: Do you think that easy huh? (Smirk)
Zelo: What do you want? 
Guy 3: I'm doing my job. You better back off from here.
This bastard really mad me angry. I step forward but he attempts to press that knife to _____’s neck.
Guy 3: This is not how its supposed to be. You better keep still, if not…
Zelo: If not what?
Guy 3: If not… (Paused and smirked) I'll this hot babe. 
Zelo: Don't you dare lay a finger on her!!
I can’t stand still then I step forward and land a high kick at his face. He was lying on the ground. I quickly run to _____ and try to lift her up. Suddenly that man run to me and tried to get _____ back. 
I push him but he attends to me and accidentally his knife stabbed on my right stomach. It hurt a lot. That guy looks shocked and run away. Maybe he didn’t have an intention to kill me. The knife was still in my stomach and I slowly take it off. I bite my lip to control myself from screaming. It was so pain till my lips started bleeding.
Blood start flowing crazily from my stomach. I take out my jacket and wrap around my waist to cover the injuries. Then, I carry ____ and stop a cab. Luckily cab was there and I ask the driver to send us to ______'s house. As soon as we reached there I went out and carry _____. I put her in front of door and press the doorbell. After that I quickly make my way to Yongguk hyung house. I was in great pain and I hope I will be able to survive. At least, I was able to protect _____. _____-ah, Zelo promised to protect you and never let anyone hurts you. 
# End of POV
Zelo was in front of Yongguk house. He felt so weak. He knocked the door a few times and finally yongguk open the door.
Yongguk: Junhong-ah.. You're here?
Zelo: (Touch his stomach) Hyung…. I’m hurt… Help me.
Yongguk: (Shock) Omo! You’re bleeding. Let’s come inside.
Zelo try to step into yongguk house but he suddenly fainted. He was losing a lot of blood. 
To Be Contnue...
# I'm sorry for late update. To be honest, It was hard to balance my time to study and update stories but i will do my best to update. I hope you guys not losing interest on my story and thanks for supporting me. WeHeee...
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Double update! Hope you like it^^


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please update this story the first time I read this is on your facebook page :(
ZeloFarah #2
Chapter 25: Authornim!!!when u want to update next chapter??I always read the same chapter...ur story not boring..I like to read again & again& again...hehe...I hope me & zelo will be together!!!hahaha
Chapter 25: Please update *^*
vhope2310 #4
Chapter 25: please update more !! i want to read this story more ! hope u can update as faster as u can ~~ i love it !! daebak ! hwaitingg !! <3 <3
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 25: Mr. I-don't-smile....
Really Sehun -____-"
He's actually a cute maknae, but i don't know why he's more cool than cute....
let me just be with zelo without any obstacle please... but wait! im with ilhoon. hahahaha
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 24: Hahahahaha....
She went to prom night all alone...
No wonder she felt sad, beside whatever Zelo did.... ^^