
World of Color

A/N: Listen :)



"Get rid of her, or we will". He ripped the note into pieces as he walked through the wooded area before he found a spot to turn and stare back at you, knowing you couldn't see him.

Part of him wanted to leave. To not see you break down. But a greater part of him felt that he had to see it. Not because he wanted to see you cry, especially not because of him. But somehow, watching you fall apart confirmed to him how much you love him. If he was to live the rest of his life without you, he needed to know how much you loved him.

Lying to you and breaking your heart was the hardest thing he had ever done. And he'd had to do it while pretending not to care at all. He looked down at the ring on his finger and felt tears threaten to fall. He wiped them away and looked up at you.

He watched you fall to your knees while you clutched at your heart. Tears continued to stream down your face. He had never seen someone experience so much pain before. It made his own heartache even greater, if it were possible. The only way he could stop himself from running back to you was by telling himself that he was doing it for you. Things would be better for you this way.

He watched Taewoo hurry to you. He tried to help you up, but you practically collapsed against him. You fought him, clearly wanting to stay where you were. Perhaps you thought that if you stayed, He would come back for you, at least, that's what he wanted to think. But when you finally gave in and leaned into Taewoo's chest, he couldn't watch anymore. He couldn't watch another man, especially Taewoo, comfort you.

So he turned, and walked away through the overgrown section of the park. Tears still threatened to fall from his own eyes as the reality of what he had done set in. When he made it back to his car, he just sat in the drivers seat, staring into nothing as he broke down. His tears cascaded down his face and his heart felt like it had been ripped out and left with you.  He took out his phone and looked at the selca of the two of you with the lock you had put on the wall. It felt like that had been years ago.

His eyes glanced to his ring once more and he felt a numbness in his chest. He would have to learn to live without his heart now.




Real A/N: Thus far, it has been difficult to motivate you guys to talk to me. But I have found a way to change that. I have this nifty little chapter that explains all about why bias did what he did. It goes between chapters 14 and 15. 

BUT, if you want this nifty little chapter, you’ll have to talk to me. If I get what I deem to be enough feedback about the story, I will release it to the general public. I’m not asking much here, just talk to me. Tell if you like the story, if you think “you" should end up with bias or Taewoo (and why), stuff like that.

If this doesn’t happen, then this nifty little bonus chapter will only be viewed by the people that replied to me. I will send them a private link. 

I really want feedback from you guys since this is my first series, so I had to come up with a reward for you.

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blackjacklex #1
Chapter 23: Omg my feels! I loved this :D
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 16: I just am reading this.. Did the bonus chappie get put up? Or is it link only?? I want it... buing buing!! Really good story btw.
mabella85 #3
Chapter 21: wow.. this story is awesome ♥ i like all of your fanfics especially with seungho <3 please write more about him ;)
Chapter 17: Awh this story is so sad but cute at the same time *MY FEELS*
Chapter 16: I don't know why but I keep getting this feeling that someone should die, I honestly don't know why but I think a plot twist would just make up the ending perfectly. This story is great! If you want I'm more than happy to promote it to my review shop, if that helps :)
Chapter 15: authornim, you might as well keep updating constantly! I wish Taewoo will kick *bias's* . Love this story keep it up!
Chapter 14: please update, this story is so good!