
World of Color


A/N: Another impatient dongsaeng couldn’t wait until later for this, so here it is.
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I need feedback if you want the next chapter~

You were waiting at the park, just as He asked. He had told you where to meet him. This part of the park was quiet compared to most of it and you were close to a heavily wooded area. As you waited for Him, you were texting Taewoo.

"Any idea why he wants to meet at the park? Why not just go your apartment so you don't risk being seen again?"

"I don't know either. He was adamant about meeting at the park."

"Something doesn't feel right about this. I'm coming. I'll be close by, call me if you need me."

"You don't have to do that Taewoo oppa, everything will be fine."

"Don't argue with your oppa."

That was the last text you got from Taewoo. You weren't sure where he was, or even how close he was. But you were sure he was overreacting.

Your boyfriend probably just wanted to be outside. He had been cooped up so long, you didn't blame him for needing some fresh air.

You sat on a bench staring at your hands. He came up behind you, scaring you a bit.

"Oppa, you shouldn't sneak up on a girl when she is alone like this." You smiled at him and moved to kiss him. He pulled back and looked away from you.

"Is everything okay?"

"I don't want to do this anymore." He turned his eyes to you, the hardest glare you had ever seen on his face set into them.

"What do you mean? Oppa we can get through this. It'll be over soon and"

"No. I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't love you."


"Don't you get it? This was all just fun for me," his eyes were cold and he looked like he was mocking you, "You were cute, I'll admit. But you aren't worth the trouble I'm going through now. Love? That was all just a game. Why would I actually fall in love with someone like you? I'm an idol. I can get any girl I want, so why would I choose you?"

Your heart was breaking. Was he serious?

"You really thought this would last, didn't you? You thought we would be together forever. And what? That I would marry a foreigner? Have kids with you? Grow old together?" He laughed a cold laugh as tears were pouring out of your eyes.

"Oppa, please"

"Please don't do this? It's too late. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's too much work. We're done." He turned and started back on the direction he had come from just minutes ago. Had it really only been minutes?

"Oppa, please! Please don't. I love you!" You grabbed his arm, trying to make him stop. He turned and gave you a look so full of hate that you dropped his arm and retreated away from him. He laughed his cold laugh again and stalked away into the trees. You lost sight of him quickly.

You didn't know what to do. You were crying harder than you would've thought someone could cry. It felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest. You fell to the ground, clutching at your heart. You wanted Him to come back, to hold you and tell you everything would be okay. But after what he had just done, he wouldn't be the comforting sanctuary you desperately needed. So you called the only person who would be.

Taewoo answered the phone, and when he heard you crying, you could hear him suddenly running. Not even a minute later he was at your side. He pulled you up, most of your weight supported against his body.

"What happened? Why are you like this? What did he do?!" Taewoo's voice a mixture of emotion, as was his face. But you were too lost in your pain to comprehend anything. You only managed to get out one word.


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blackjacklex #1
Chapter 23: Omg my feels! I loved this :D
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 16: I just am reading this.. Did the bonus chappie get put up? Or is it link only?? I want it... buing buing!! Really good story btw.
mabella85 #3
Chapter 21: wow.. this story is awesome ♥ i like all of your fanfics especially with seungho <3 please write more about him ;)
Chapter 17: Awh this story is so sad but cute at the same time *MY FEELS*
Chapter 16: I don't know why but I keep getting this feeling that someone should die, I honestly don't know why but I think a plot twist would just make up the ending perfectly. This story is great! If you want I'm more than happy to promote it to my review shop, if that helps :)
Chapter 15: authornim, you might as well keep updating constantly! I wish Taewoo will kick *bias's* . Love this story keep it up!
Chapter 14: please update, this story is so good!