
Family? You & Me
"S..Stop it guys" 
Minhee helplessly squeaked as the tension shot up like a wasp stinging the life out of what begun as just a hearty conversation. 
"You were never there for her, I don't think you have the right to say what she should do." 
Daehyun growled from one side.
"I wasn't the one who decided to leave her like you did. At least I can never leave her." 
Minhwan shot back from the other side, making Minhee wince at the choice of his words. 
"Oppa- stop-" 
Minhee weakly held back Daehyun's arm, which was ready to tear at her brother at any second.
"Daehyun oppa-"
She whined, fear crawling into the pit of her stomach. 
Daehyun didn't dare spare a glance at the scared girl clinging on to his arms right now, for if he did, his stubborn statement and determination to tell the truth will crumble down into miniature pieces the moment his sight lands on her innocent eyes.
"You. ing. Made. Me. Leave. Her." 
Taking a breath of courage and anger, Daehyun madly shouted, restricting himself from throwing out any harsh violence, for he knew better than to act so ruthlessly. 
The time seemed to stop, and Minhwan's default arrogant face faltered for a moment.
And at those words, Minhee froze. 
"W..what are you talking about?"
Minhee now slid away from the two men, suspicious of both of them. 
Minhwan only had a cold smirk on his face, while Daehyun was fuming mad with a sadness clenching down on his facial expressions. 
Minhwan decided that Daehyun had played his card, and now Minhwan himself had to return his part of the game.
"It's time you knew, that Umma became aware of your out and abouts with Daehyun when you were little. She ordered the servants to change his house, to mock his financial status. It was for the best Minhee. We had to keep you away from such influences, especially when you were so little. 
So to make things clear, I tipped Daehyun off with some cash and he agreed to staying away from you with all the amount I had agreed to give him." 
Minhwan chuckled, and Minhee's heart fell. 
Daehyun let the facts sink in- 
Oh God
How could have been so foolish enough to believe that Minhee would burn his family photos and spray expensive glitter over his treasured music books he had treasured so much?
The day he had returned to his home from school to realize that his whole house was gone and replaced with a new, expensive, useless one was the day that broke Daehyun's trust towards the elementary school girl he adored so much. 
The day he decided that all rich people were the same.
But it was all wrong- 
He should have known all along that Minhee wouldn't dare do such an evil act.
She wouldn't have dared to think that the music books he had bought with scrap money he preciously saved was a piece of trash that could be burned charcoal black, as it had been when he was blind to the truth and accused the innocent girl of a brutual crime.
As Daehyun fell helplessly into what turned out to be Minhwan's trap all this time, he forgot one crucial part of Minhwan's deal, which hurt the girl he cared for so much. 
And she started falling too.
"... You took Minhwan's money to stay away from me?!" 
Minhee started to tremble as reality hit her like cold ice. 
"You- You just wanted money!!" 
Minhee yelled, her face flooding with tears. 
"You make tons of money now, and you don't need me anymore!" 
Minhee blurted, falsely realizing how true the words sounded- 
How he had pretended not to know her, and how she took that as a normal response-
How wrong it actually was if she honestly belived that all Daehyun's kindness for her was real.
How they acted out a fake relationship, while they both knew they were remebering the same memories. 
As if they wanted to forget. 
As if it never existed, for the benefit of the both of them- 
For his own monetary benefit.
"I hate you!" 
Minhee cried out, running away into the lonely darkness- 
The only thing that she knew would always be there for her.
Lies, pain, and darkness.
Her only ray of sunshine turned out to be a schemeing darkness that swallowed her whole. 
Jung Daehyun, her living nightmare and black hole.
It's all people care about.
_____ Daehyun's POV ______
I called out, panicking at the sudden twist in the understanding. 
Everything happened too quickly.
She was now running away in tears to who-knows-where, and my feet were on full-alarm to go follow her. 
But stopping myself, I managed to turn around and fulfill my purpose of following Minhee in the first place- 
I shot a dirty glare at Minhwan, grabbing him hard by the collar.
"Listen bastard- the only thing keeping you alive with oxygen to breathe is the fact that you're Minhee's brother. Now that you've generously told me what actually happened, I get to beat the out of you the next time you cross my vision. off and stay away from her." 
I spat out poisionous words in his face, making my anger clear. 
ing him down, I glared at his disgusting presence as he casually brushed off te wrinkles of his expensive button down shirt.
"I wouldn't threaten like that if I were you. Who do you think will go down first if the media gets a hand on how K-pop's precious prince Daehyun was a street rat hanging on to the rich Jung Minhee's feet to get to stardom?" 
Minhwan smirked, placing his hands in his pocket. 
"My little sister will stay innocently afloat. You will crash down mercilessly into the little trap I built just for you, dragging your little band family with you." 
He darkly prophesized, waiting to hear a squeak of surrender from the petty celebirity.
I could only manage out a snort. 
Chuckling, I laughed, 
"Who do you think will believe all that junk? Let's think about it. Me? Jung Daehyun, the Busan Won Bin, a street rat? You're the one who comepletely erased my past records. Thanks to you, the very last history I had of me is completely non-existent in the face of the earth, unless you somehow saved it, but it'll look like you made it up by then. 
Thank you for paying my education fees. Now that I'm graduated, I think my part of your ing deal is done here. You can't keep me away from Minhee anymore. It's her decision." 
I smirked, returning his punch with his own hand and shoving it into his speechless self.
"What makes you think Minhee will side with you now? You left her either way. You think because you've reunited now that she'll come back running to you? She just found out that you left her for money." 
Minhwan spat, unable to control himself.
"Eung. * (Yeah)"
I simply answered. 
"Cuz I'm going to apologize and beg for her forgiveness until she allows me to earn her trust again, while you don't even attempt to run towards your own sister who came to visit you. You've only hurt her all her life."
I stated, and ran after Minhee's trail, leaving a dumbfounded Minhwan behind my .
What's the use of being the ultimate heir of South Korea's biggest economic industrial company if you can't take care of your own little sister? 
Minhwan clenched his fists. 
"We'll see who's hurting her more."
He swore, watching the man chase after his little sister.
--------Few Minutes Later
I ran endlessly, trying to figure out which twists and which turns Minhee would probably take, hoping my gut feelings would benefit me somehow.
After running around the campus streets for a while, I heard a soft sniffling noise. 
Whipping my head towards the noise, I followed the little sniffles and turned around a neatly-trimmed hedge, reavealing the precious girl I had to beg for forgiveness of.
I let out a shaky breath and swallowed the lump in my throat. 
I called out, scared of making her cry more. 
Minhee kept walking on, sniffling in her doubts and insecurities.
She didn't want to see the liar right now.
I stood in front of her, blocking her from walking away.
The teary eyes that looked up killed every particle of my living fiber as soon as it made contact with my wide ones.
"The whole entire South Korea will kill me if they know I've made their heiress cry."
I tried to lighten up the mood.
Minhee tried to search for the evil man who gladly took her brother's money to leave her.
But she couldn't.
He didn't exsist in the first place.
Maybe she now didn't see the point in trying to figure out if a fake Daehyun existed within the oppa she cared about a lot.
Or maybe she was too blind and stupid to realize she was falling in another trap set up by the theif that stole her pride,dignity, and sense of direction as to what she should believe and trust in. 
But only a smile crept up her teary face as her heart ached out an answer- 
She only wanted to be near him. 
Around him. 
With him. 
Because if she was to part with him again, she would cry. 
Her heart was to stupid and stubborn to confront the possibility that she was trying to enjoy a dangerous flight to her own misery-
She could only feel happiness for the moment right now. 
"I've already forgiven you Daehyun oppa. I already knew you would never do such a thing to me."
Minhee confessed, realizing that she couldn't ever stay mad at Daehyun ever again.
She couldn't go through the pain of trying to forget him again. 
"I forgive you oppa."
Minhee laughed, her swollen throat letting out a mini wail as it swallowed in the remnants of the sadness it was just in.
I blinked for a bit- 
Was she going to forgive him just like that? 
No questions? 
No doubts?
"Babo-yah. I left you for you. I knew they'd seperate me from you someday. When the day came, I promised myself I'll find you again as   a better person, so they won't tear me away from you again." 
I softly spoke, providing the unspoken explanation and clearing my throat to alleviate the sudden self-conscienceness that decided to burst inside me. 
When I dared to look into Minhee's eyes, it was spilling with tears- 
Not tears of sadness, but tears of relief. 
Shyly, her tiny hands found their way around my torso, and she hugged me tight. 
" I was so stupid to think you'd leave me- but now I know you never did. You were always there with me." 
Minhee mumbled into my shoulder where her head reached, and I felt her tiny warmth spread through me like wildfire. 
"I'm always here for you Minhee. Don't ever forget that." 
I smiled, letting my hands tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, making her face me. 
She burst out into the smile I loved to see on her, and I felt my heart finally let go of the breath it had been holding- 
I was afraid I was going to lose her again. 
Feeling the relief wash over our entwined bodies, I hugged her tighter into me, hoping that this moment will last forever. 
______ Your POV _____ 
In the midst of all the lovely things happening, there was one forgotten tracker who was utterly speechless at the scene unraveling before him- 
And all the secrets he unlocked in just one night, with only five people. 
Youngjae was in a jeopardy of emotions- 
Anger, confusion, sadness, jealousy, and yet...happiness. 
Minhwan and his Mother was behind all this, and this left the... Father. 
The CEO of the huge South Korean industrial power. 
Youngjae's mind finally began to see from a perspective that didn't require him to painfully remind his every living second of his Mother.
He now began to see what he both anticipated yet denied to see. 
Clenching his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, he concentrated hard on what swarmed around so faintly inside his head. 
Then, Daehyun's words shot through his mind like a sharp needle, ripping through his denials and hidden thoughts as the obvious answer stabbed his heart so shamelessly- 
"Himchan hyung. Doesn't Youngjae look like Minhee a bit?"
Youngjae's eyes shot open. 
"Have a safe flight home Jinhee!" 
His uncle's cryptic farewell now untangled itself, revealing a dangerous fact that nobody is supposed to know. 
Then there's Jihye, Minhee's assistant secretary, who he distinctly remebered seeing many years ago, when he first visited his Mother inside the jail cell.
Youngjae turned around as silently as possible, and sprinted back to where he came from. 
There was only one object he knew that would prove his assumptions to be true, or false- 
And many lives depended on the one answer, all lying inside Minhee's luggage.
Youngjae stopped in the middle of the empty concrete sidewalk, and looked up to the stars. 
"Umma- you can come home now. I have evidence. I found it Umma." 
Youngjae murmured with his eyes gently closed, picturing his childhood days with his Mother, older sister, and Him- 
Before everything went wrong with the new addition of the family.
And this is how life presented its presence in front of him, in the most complicated yet simplest way possible for Yoo Youngjae, Yoo Jihye, and Yoo Jinhee.
Fate has rolled the dice, and now the show was about to begin. 
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frostysnowprincess #1
Chapter 27: YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING but not the last part with Jihye T_T
Girl I get you about school you're totally fine! XD
Are you going to one of the bap concerts? I'm going to the one in Chicago/Merrillville, IN!! :D
JungDeYa #2
Chapter 26: Omg they parted. I can't wait for the next 4 years, when the lovey covey Jung couple meet each other again! Abs I love it how you showed a strong relationship with Youngjae and J-Hope. xD BTS and B.A.P, can't get over my feels
frostysnowprincess #3
Chapter 25: Yayyyyyy!!!! Omg this is just lkhdgkalsgh I love it!!! I'm so excited to read what happens next!!!!
sapphire11 #4
Chapter 24: omo...yay they are official at last....but..why jinhee have to go the states....update soon authornim....
JungDeYa #5
Chapter 24: .. Why does she have to leave Korea? Dx CAN'T SHE TAKE DAEHYUN WITH HER. Omg, its going to be so heartbreaking for Daehyun when she leaves, because he doesn't even know that she will leave.
JungDeYa #6
Chapter 23: Lol. The part when Daehyun and her bra..LOLOL xD so cute. This was so funny and awesome. Lol, Zelo, your so innocent ;D
frostysnowprincess #7
Chapter 23: Hahahahhaha yesssssss this chapter made me laugh XD
Chapter 23: omg this is the funniest chapter ever!!! ㅎㅎㅎ i enjoy myself reading it! update soon and happy new year btw :-)
JungDeYa #9
Chapter 22: O . Em . Gee . Finally! Yes, omggg. Mrs. Jung has to like, go away. She's horrible.
frostysnowprincess #10
I love this so much ok you have no idea
Their mom is so nice and perfect
ok that's enough of me ranting. lol.