The Weekend

12 Dolls

 chapter eight 

 the weekend




The sun was shining through the window hitting Jieun’s eyes. She adjusted her eyes then wok up to find herself sleeping in Kai’s bed.

“Did I fall asleep here? Where’s Kai?” Jieun ran downstairs. She saw D.O in the kitchen and Kai on the couch wrapped up in a blanket alongside with Tao, who was still meditating, and Chanyeol watching Tom and Jerry.

“Hi Jieun” Kai waved.

“It looks like you’re feeling better.” She walked over to them. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Sehun is outside and Baekhyun is in the bathroom taking a shower.” Chanyeol answered.

“And where are the others.”

“They went to see Mama”


“To her house here on earth.”

“Wait, they went out by themselves.” Jieun was worried.

“Don’t worry; they flew on Kris’ dragon to get there.”

“Kris has a dragon?!!”

“Yup, he summons it for battle from time to time” Chanyeol took a sip of tea.

“And to scare us” added Kai.

“As long as they come back then I’m okay with it.” Jieun went to the bathroom. “Baekhyun, are you done?”

“Just a minute” Baekhyun came out. There was smoke coming out of the bathroom.

“Did you take a steam bath or what.” said Chanyeol.

Jieun giggled then went inside. After a nice shower she went to the laundry room. All the clothes were washed. She put the damped clothes in the dryer except for the sheets. She likes to dry them outside. She headed to the backyard. She noticed how all the flowers looking like they were just planted yesterday. She looked over at Sehun playing with his wind.

Jieun walked over. “That looks cool” she sat next to him.

“Thanks” Sehun was concentrated on his wind.

“Do you always do this?”

“When I’m bored”

“Do you want to help me with the laundry?”

“Okay” Sehun got up and helped Jieun with the laundry. He helped her pin the sheets and created more wind for the sheets to dry faster.

“Sehun, would you do me a favor?” Jieun asked.

“Anything for you Jieunie” Sehun said.

“There’s one more load of blankets I would like to dry. Can you get that for me?”

“Sure” Sehun skipped all the way inside but as he was skipping he stepped on a rake. The rake punched his face making him fall flat on the ground. Jieun heard Sehun scream ouch.

“Sehun” she ran to him. “Are you okay?” she looked at Sehun.

“I’m okay…I guess.” Sehun was rubbing his nose. When he took his hand off his nose, Jieun saw blood running down. There was blood on his hand too.

“Sehun” Jieun held his face. “Your nose is bleeding.”

“Hmm” Sehun saw the blood on his nose. Jieun ran inside for a tissue box. She came back and gave Sehun the tissue.  

“Here” she handed him the tissue. “Hold the tissue on your nose until I come back.”

Jieun came back with ice. Sehun’s nose was swelling but at least it stopped bleeding.

“Place this on your nose too; it’ll make the swelling stop.” She gave him the ice.

“Thank you Jieunie.” Sehun took the ice and placed it on his nose. It was chilly but felt good.

“No problem.” Jieun smiled. Sehun blushed; he didn’t know why he did. He was always happy and cheery around Jieun but now he was getting shy like Jieun was a girl he had a crush on but always got nervous to talk or be around her. He felt something this time, something more than he felt before.

Jieun got up. She held her hand for Sehun. He took it and they walked back inside. Sehun was getting shyer. Did he like Jieun but in a different way?

“Are you feeling better?” she asked. He nodded his head. She smiled. “That’s good. I’m going to keep working and you need to stay here and rest.” He nodded his head again. Jieun went back outside. Sehun watched her work. He now knew what he was feeling. He did like Jieun but more than before.

Jieun came outside. Tao was there too. She didn’t know how he got there but at least he wasn’t meditating anymore. Jieun continued doing her work while Tao was doing whatever he wanted. When Jieun looked at Tao, he was lying on the ground having a staring contest with the neighbor’s puppy, which must have got through the fence.

Jieun walked over. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“I am watching this beast making sure it doesn’t attack you” Tao was still looking at it. Jieun sat next to him.

“Well this beast isn’t going to attack me”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I mean it’s a puppy. It won’t do anything.”

“What’s a puppy?”

“You don’t know what that is. Don’t you have puppies and dogs at Exo planet?”

“We have dragons, Pegasus, unicorns, dragons, sprite, hell hounds, tigers, lions, and other animals but no puppy.”

“You guys have everything else but a puppy…; who created this planet in the first place?”

“Well that’s interesting to know” Jieun picked the puppy up. Tao watched her.

“You shouldn’t do that. What if it attacks you?”

“It’s not going to attack me” Jieun moved closer to Tao getting the dog closer. Tao backed away.

“Come one, if you pet it then it’ll be okay” jieun brought it closer. Tao moved his hand closer to the dog and petted it softly.

“It’s soft” Tao said. Jieun brought the puppy closer.

“See I told you.” Jieun giggled.

Jieun was playing with the dog. Tao watched her play with the dog. She looked cute playing with the dog. Tao couldn’t help but smile. Jieun released the puppy. Jieun and Tao came back inside.

“We’re back” the guys came in.

“How was meeting Mama” Baekhyun asked.

“We had a very long conversation” Suho said.

“I’m hungry” Xiumin pouted.

“You’re always hungry.” Kris said.

“I want to eat” Xiumin said.

“I didn’t make any food though” D.O told him. “It might take a while to make dinner.”

“I have an idea.” Jieun said. “Let’s go out and eat.”

“Yay we get to eat at a human’s restaurant.” Chanyeol cheered.

“What are going to eat?” Sehun asked.

“We’re going to eat Kimchi” Jieun said.

“Let’s go” Exo went out the door and again they were trying to get out at the same time.

“Don’t these guys know about getting out at one at a time” Jieun smiled with shaking her head. 



 author's note 

» third update today. how is it? comment! ^^

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Chapter 22: I need an update
sohyun1106 #2
Chapter 22: update please
sohyun1106 #3
Chapter 22: update please ?!!!!!
OMG I love all song jieun stories. she's so pure and cuteee!
Chapter 22: Oh . My feeld for Kris and Ji Eun . update please ?!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh my god ! Kris and Ji Eun though ! So cute together ! Good idea on making Taeyang the bad guy , burt Kris and Ji Eun in love them . KrisEun couple fighting !
Chapter 22: Oh my god this is so interesting authornim ! I so totally laughed when Jihyun was trying to flirt with Kris but then Kris wasn't flirting back . Then when she said he stole her heart , he said " well you're not the one who stole minds " then pushed Jihyun away and went to Ji Eun ! So shipping them now ! Sorry Luhan and the other EXO members , but Kris has got to win over Ji Eun right now ! Sorry to you to Woohyun , but you didn't notice her until now !
Chapter 22: Okay , so I was bored and read this again ! But oh my god I just love Ji Eun and Kris with each toher the most now . They literally grew up living simular lives and never getting cared for until MAMA and Jonghyun . But anyways please update soon again ! I really do jope for more Ji Eun and Kris moments now !
Chapter 22: update soon author-nim !! ^^ i love your story! hwaiting '-')9
munierrah #10
Update! Update! Haha... I love it!