One not so peaceful Night

12 Dolls

 chapter six 

 one not so peaceful night




After the manager returned Jieun’s credit card, they left the market. Jieun was walking in the front while Exo was in the back. She didn’t look at them or even say a word; they knew she was upset.

“Jieun’s really mad.” Chanyeol whispered to Kris.

“I wonder who mad her mad” Suho glared at the four musketeers.

“It’s all Kai’s fault” Baekhyun blamed him.

“My fault!” Kai was angry. “It was Chanyeol’s fault.”

“No it’s not” Chanyeol protested.

“Yes it is. You’re the one who jumped in the cart” Sehun said.

“But Kai’s the one who said we can ride on it.” Chanyeol pointed at Kai.

“I asked if we could ride on it but you jumped in.” Kai snapped back at Chanyeol.

“Shut up!” Kris yelled at them. They were silent after.

“It’s your entire fault” Luhan pointed to the musketeers.

“By the way, how did the oranges get there?” Chen asked shyly.

Lay, Suho, Kris, and Tao pretended they didn’t hear anything.  Luhan knew they had something to do with it.

“So you’re the ones who left the oranges on the ground.” Luhan said to them.

“What oranges” Tao pretended he knew nothing.

“Mmmhmm” D.O and Xiumin looked at him.

“So it’s also Tao’s fault” Sehun glared at him.

“No it’s not” Tao defended.

“You guys are real troublemakers.” Luhan said.

“And you’re not” Xiumin snapped.

“I was with Jieun the whole time.” Luhan said.

“Mmmhmm” D.O.

While the guys were arguing, they didn’t realize they arrived at Jieun’s house and that she went inside except for Chen.

“Hey guys” Chen tried to get their attention but couldn’t due to his soft voice.

He tried again. “Guys, Jieun-“

They didn’t hear him.

Chen yelled this time. “Guys!”

They looked at him. “What is it?” Xiumin asked.

“Jieun went inside” he pointed to the open door.

“We should go inside and face whatever is coming up.” Suho led them in. They saw Jieun sitting on the couch, still with no smile. She didn’t look at them when they were around her.

Sehun tried to talk to her. “Jieunie” he said with ageyo but there was no reply.

“Let me try” Tao pushed Sehun aside. “Let the one with the best ageyo do it.”

Sehun stuck his tongue at Tao. “Best ageyo my-“

“Sehun” Suho warned him not to say anything bad.

Tao went in front of Jieun. “We’re sorry Jieun” he apologized with his best ageyo but nothing happened. Tao was in shock. “She didn’t fall for my ageyo. What happened? Everyone falls for my ageyo.”

“Not everyone” Sehun was laughing behind his back.

“I think she is giving us the silent treatment” D.O explained.

“What’s that” Baekhyun asked.

“It’s when someone ignores you or doesn’t talk to you for more than an hour or even a day or a month.” Suho answered.

“What! Jieun isn’t going to speak to us for a month” Sehun was worried. He went up to Jieun and began to do more ageyo. “Sorry Jieunie.”

Baekhyun and Tao joined in. “Yeah Jieunie we are sorry.”

Chanyeol went in too along with Xiumin. Lay went in too.

“You’re going to do ageyo” Suho asked.

“No but might as well try saying sorry over and over again.” Lay said. Suho shrugged then joined them along with Chen. Kris and Luhan were the only ones who didn’t do anything.

“You’re going to join it” Kris asked Luhan.

“Yup, I don’t like seeing people mad especially someone like Jieun.” Luhan jumped into the crowd. Kris was the only one left. He watched everyone make a fool out of themselves.

“These idiots” Kris shook his head.

Jieun didn’t move she just watched the guys make a fool out of themselves. After a minute of them, Jieun covered her face with her hands.

“Is she crying?” Suho asked. Kris looked over at them.

“Did we make her cry?” Lay looked worried.

“Jieunie we’re really sorry” Sehun went next to her.

“Please don’t cry.” Kai begged.

They heard laughter and it was coming from Jieun. Jieun removed her hands and they saw smiling and laughing. They were relived and glad. They never have seen her laugh before.

“Aigoo Jieunie is adorable.” Sehun thought.

“I thought she was crying.” Lay said.

“Jieun, why are you laughing?” Xiumin asked.

“I’m laughing at you.” She said still laughing.

“Why are you laughing at us?” Tao asked.

“What did we do?” Chanyeol was confused.

“You guys were trying so hard to apologize and it was really funny.” Jieun smiled.

“Are you still mad?” Xiumin asked.

“I wasn’t really mad in the first place, just upset but mostly worried about you guys.” Jieun answered.

“Yay Jieun isn’t mad at us” Sehun cheered.

“Okay now that we settled everything let’s make dinner and eat.” Jieun got up and went to the kitchen. She went back out to the guys. “Please sit down and watch T.V while I make the food”

Tao grabbed the remote and began to channel surf. Jieun was in the kitchen placing the food on the counter. She was going to make Dak Yukgaejang (spicy chicken soup). D.O and Chen came in the kitchen.

“Hey Jieun” he said surprising her.

“Goodness you scared me” Jieun laughed.

“We were wondering if you need help.” D.O looked at the food.

“Well I think I might. I’m making spicy chicken soup.”

“I know how to make that.”

“You do”

D.O grabbed the food then began cutting up the vegetables. Jieun helped him along with Chen. Jieun witnessed how skillful D.O was.

“Wow you really know what you’re doing.” She was amazed.

 While D.O prepared the soup, Jieun walked over to Chen. She noticed how shy he was.

“Hi Chen” she smiled.

“Hi” he said shyly.

“Do I make you nervous?”

He shook his head. “No” he answered softly.

“Good, I don’t you to be uncomfortable with me. I don’t bite.” She giggled.

Chen couldn’t help but laugh. Jieun sent him a warm smile and he couldn’t help but blush.

“Hey Jieun” D.O called her over. “Taste this” D.O feed her the soup.

“This taste amazing” Jieun was taking in the flavors. “Where’d you learn to cook like this?”

“My father is a chef back home and when he had free time then he taught me how to cook”

“Wow that’s amazing. Chen, come here.” Chen went to Jieun.

“Say ah” Jieun was feeding him the soup. Chen was blushing as he was taking the soup in.

“Doesn’t it taste good?” she asked him.

“It does” Chen said.

“D.O, you tried it” she asked.

“Not yet.”

“You should taste what you made.” Jieun fed D.O as well. He couldn’t help but blush too. After the meal was done, Jieun called the guys over.

“Yes food” Xiumin cheered. Everyone took their seat except Jieun.

“Jieunie sit next to me” Sehun pulled Jieun to him.

“No me” Tao pulled her other arm. Jieun was now in a tug-a-war battle with Tao and Sehun.

“Guys, let her go.” Chen commanded. Sehun and Tao released her; surprised that Chen actually said something out loud. All the guys were shocked with Chen; he’s always shy and quiet.

“Thanks Chen” Jieun sat next to him. Chen smiled.

“Let’s eat” Xiumin began to devour to soup. Everyone ate their food. Tao and Sehun were still fighting but Kris stopped them. After dinner, they cleaned up the table, washed the dishes, and then got ready for bed.

“Good night Jieun” they said then went into their rooms. Jieun went in her bedroom and fell on the bed. Today was exhausting. Having 12 men in her house is hard but fun. All she wanted now was a good night sleep and she thought she might actually get one. There were no noises coming from the guys. This night might actually go well.

“They’re actually peaceful and not making any sounds. I might be able to get a good rest” she thought.

“Move your leg Kai” Sehun shouted.

“No” Kai yelled.

“Stop fighting!” Chanyeol snapped.

“Will you guys shut up?” Luhan shouted.

“I’m trying to sleep” Tao snapped.

“I’m going to freeze you guys” Xiumin yelled.

“I’m going to roast you two” Chen said.

“Oh God!” D.O said.

 “I’m not going to heal you two if you get beaten by Kris” Lay said.

“Somebody shut those two up” Suho said.

“Don’t make me come in there” Kris warned them.

They began to argue.

“Or maybe not” She said.



 author's note 

» hoping the chapter wasn't boring.tell me how it went. comment. ^^

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Chapter 22: I need an update
sohyun1106 #2
Chapter 22: update please
sohyun1106 #3
Chapter 22: update please ?!!!!!
OMG I love all song jieun stories. she's so pure and cuteee!
Chapter 22: Oh . My feeld for Kris and Ji Eun . update please ?!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh my god ! Kris and Ji Eun though ! So cute together ! Good idea on making Taeyang the bad guy , burt Kris and Ji Eun in love them . KrisEun couple fighting !
Chapter 22: Oh my god this is so interesting authornim ! I so totally laughed when Jihyun was trying to flirt with Kris but then Kris wasn't flirting back . Then when she said he stole her heart , he said " well you're not the one who stole minds " then pushed Jihyun away and went to Ji Eun ! So shipping them now ! Sorry Luhan and the other EXO members , but Kris has got to win over Ji Eun right now ! Sorry to you to Woohyun , but you didn't notice her until now !
Chapter 22: Okay , so I was bored and read this again ! But oh my god I just love Ji Eun and Kris with each toher the most now . They literally grew up living simular lives and never getting cared for until MAMA and Jonghyun . But anyways please update soon again ! I really do jope for more Ji Eun and Kris moments now !
Chapter 22: update soon author-nim !! ^^ i love your story! hwaiting '-')9
munierrah #10
Update! Update! Haha... I love it!