
12 Dolls

“Come you punks, keep shooting!” the coach yelled with a serious tone yet there was a hint of happiness that his time was working hard.

“Let’s go guys!” the coach gestured his hands.

Jieun and Exo sat on the bench, watching the basketball practice; they were there to support Kris, Chanyeol, Tao and Sehun. Next week was going to be their first basketball competition so Jieun thought it would be great to cheer them on during practice. Plus, it was a chance to see Woohyun as well.

“Keep shooting those baskets. Don’t stop!” the coaches voice could be heard a mile away as he yelled at his players.

“Wow he sure can yell” Lay said in amazement. Jieun giggled while Chen and Xiumin nodded.

Kris and Sehun dribbled the ball and shot it into the hoop while Chanyeol and Tao played against each other, trying to steal the ball from one another. Jieun was impressed by their skills but, she was also distracted by Woohyun. From time to time, they would steal glances and she couldn’t help but blush.

“Okay, you punks can take a break.” the coach announced at his exhausted players. Each one of the players stopped, taking in deep breaths, and heading to the cooler for a bottle of water. Jieun brought four towels for the Exo members on the basketball team.

“You guys did great” she said handing them the towels.

“You really think so?” Sehun asked Jieun, looking at her innocently.

She nodded. “I know so. All of you are amazing!” she flashed her smile, melting the hearts of Exo.

“So cute,” each one of the members blushed.

“I can’t wait for the game next week.” Tao said.

“Yeah me too” Chanyeol agreed.

“I can’t wait to see you guys play.” Suho added.

“Yeah you guys are doing great!” Luhan gave them two thumbs up.

“You guys will definitely kick the other team’s butts” Xiumin said making the others laugh.

“Hey guys,” Jieun waved her hands to get their attention. “Why don’t you freshen up so we can go home? I know you’re tired so how about you guys rest.”


The basketball members went into the locker rooms, freshening up.

Woohyun looked at Jieun as he walked into the lockers. He really wanted to see her after a while. It’s been a week since they talked and he’s been missing her. When he’s not around her he feels empty inside.

Woohyun walked into the locker, taking a warm shower along with other guys. The other basketball members were chattering but, Woohyun was daydreaming about Jieun; he didn’t notice what was happening. After the shower, Woohyun came outside, his towel wrapped around his waist and down, revealing his ever so perfect body, while his wet hair had water dripping from the tips of his hair. He walked in front of his locker, dressing up, and thinking about Jieun.

Dongwoo jumped on top of Woohyun causing him to jump like a little girl seeing her messy hair in the mirror.

“What’s the hell was that for!” Woohyun snapped at his gummy smile friend.

“Sorry but, you didn’t respond to me when I was calling you.” Dongwoo said, laughing.

Woohyun turned back to his locker. “Whatever” he put his t-shirt on. Dongwoo leaned on the locker next to Woohyun’s.

“So what were you think about?” Dongwoo asked.

“Nothing much”

“Is that nothing Jieun?” a smirk appeared on Dongwoo.

Woohyun didn’t say anything. He closed his locker then headed out side. Dongwoo followed him like a lost puppy.

“You were thinking about her, weren’t you?” Dongwoo asked, having glee in his tone.

Woohyun kept waking, keeping a straight face. “Maybe I was or maybe I was not.” They walked out of the gym and to their hangout where infinite was.

“Hey it’s them” Sungjong pointed out.

“How was practice?” Sungyeol asked.

“It was alright” Woohyun answered, taking a set on the bench.

“Hey guy,” Dongwoo gathered the members around. “Guess who Woohyun was thinking about.”

“Jieun” the all said in unison. Woohyun pretended her heard nothing and took out a water bottle, drinking it till its last drop.

“So you really do like her, don’t you?” Sunggyu asked. Woohyun didn’t respond.

“Well if you like her then ask her out” Sunggyu suggested, stretching his arms in the air.

Woohyun almost spitted his water out. “Are you crazy?!!” his eyes widened.

“No” Sunggyu shook his head.

“What’s wrong with asking her out?” Myungsoo asked.

“It’s obvious you like her so why don’t you ask her out?” Sungyeol joined in, swinging his arms around Myungsoo’s neck.

“Well…I can’t” Woohyun said softy.

“I don’t really see the problem in that.” Hoya said, eating a chocolate bar.

“Well I just can’t” Woohyun sighed. “What if she doesn’t like me? What is she doesn’t feel the same way?”

“You’re an idiot if you think that way” Sungjong looked at him disappointed.

“I think she likes you so just ask her out.” Hoya said.

Woohyun sighed again. “Okay I’ll give it a try.”

After the talk with his friends, Woohyun walked around the campus by himself. He walked in the halls, thinking about Jieun again. He thought about his friend’s advice and wondered if he could actually accomplish it. While Woohyun was walking, he stopped by a classroom and saw Jieun cleaning the whiteboard. Without thinking, he entered inside the room watching Jieun clean.

Jieun didn’t notice anyone behind her until she turned around.

“Oh Woohyun” she seemed surprised. Woohyun snapped out of his own thoughts and looked at Jieun, unaware of what he was doing.

“Um…hey” he said, nervously.

“What brings you here?” she asked.

“Oh I was just…bored…I guess”

Jieun giggled. “You don’t seem like a person that would get bored.” Woohyun blushed when she said that.

“Yeah I guess not” he gave a faint laugh.

“Are you nervous about the basketball game in 2 weeks?”

“Not really…I guess”

“That’s good that you have confidence.” She smiled melting his heart.

“Yeah” Woohyun felt really shy around Jieun.

“Do you need help?” he asked.


Woohyun got up, walking towards the stack of papers on the teacher’s desk, helping Jieun organize it. He made a couple of mistakes which Jieun couldn’t help but giggled at but, he didn’t feel embarrassed at that time. He felt more at ease when Jieun was with him. Woohyun thought this was the perfect time to ask her out; he thought it was a perfect time to claim her as his. It was time to make her his.

“Thanks for helping me” Jieun bowed to him.

“No problem” he smiled.

It was quiet for a moment and in that moment he wanted to ask her to become his girlfriend. But before he could open his mouth, Sehun’s voice was heard across the hallways. Jieun knew something was wrong.

“Um…I have to go” Jieun walked halfway to the door. “Thanks for the help though.”

Woohyun watched her leave his sight. He felt sad at the moment.

“I wish I could tell you how I feel. I wish you know how I feel” he sighed.

Sorry for not updating for like so long. School is a drag especially my school and sorry if this wasn’t good at all. I think I’m losing my touch.

Anyways, do you guys remember the story I had called “their puppet. Well my sister deleted that story because she thought it was funny but, I do miss writing it so I;m remaking it but, it’ll be a bit different from before.

The title is now “Their precious Doll” I hope you like it.

And before I go, I just have to say that I was literally screaming and spazzing like there is no tomorrow when I saw Jieun’s new MV TEASER AND IT COMES OUT IN 2 DAY. THE PRE-RECORCING IS COMING IN 2 DAYS. LIKE I CAN’T WAIT AND I NEED IT NOW



The song is "Hope's torture"

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Chapter 22: I need an update
sohyun1106 #2
Chapter 22: update please
sohyun1106 #3
Chapter 22: update please ?!!!!!
OMG I love all song jieun stories. she's so pure and cuteee!
Chapter 22: Oh . My feeld for Kris and Ji Eun . update please ?!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh my god ! Kris and Ji Eun though ! So cute together ! Good idea on making Taeyang the bad guy , burt Kris and Ji Eun in love them . KrisEun couple fighting !
Chapter 22: Oh my god this is so interesting authornim ! I so totally laughed when Jihyun was trying to flirt with Kris but then Kris wasn't flirting back . Then when she said he stole her heart , he said " well you're not the one who stole minds " then pushed Jihyun away and went to Ji Eun ! So shipping them now ! Sorry Luhan and the other EXO members , but Kris has got to win over Ji Eun right now ! Sorry to you to Woohyun , but you didn't notice her until now !
Chapter 22: Okay , so I was bored and read this again ! But oh my god I just love Ji Eun and Kris with each toher the most now . They literally grew up living simular lives and never getting cared for until MAMA and Jonghyun . But anyways please update soon again ! I really do jope for more Ji Eun and Kris moments now !
Chapter 22: update soon author-nim !! ^^ i love your story! hwaiting '-')9
munierrah #10
Update! Update! Haha... I love it!