The Box

12 Dolls


 chapter two 

 the box




The rest of the day Jieun went on with the day listening to each lecture and witnessing Hyuna’s interactions with Jihyun. Plus she got to see Woohyun a couple of times. Today was a slow day for Jieun too. Things were too slow and she had a feeling something might happen today; something bad.

After a tiring school day, jieun was ready to leave with Hyuna but before she could she had to deal with some paperwork for student council. She was in the classroom along with a fellow student and friend, Zelo.

“How was your day today?” Zelo asked while he was stacking the papers.

“Today was really tiring.” Jieun sighed.

“What happen?” Zelo asked.

“Nothing much but today seemed really tiring.”

“Do you want to go home?”

“I do but I can’t leave the work.”

“I can do it.”


“You can go home while I do the work.”

“No I can’t just leave you and do that.”

“No it’s okay. I can handle it. Besides you look really tired.”

Jieun smiled thanking him. “Thank you Zelo, you’re really sweet.” Zelo was blushing. “But if you need any help then you can call me.” Jieun told him packing her things.

“I’ll be okay.”

Jieun thanked him once more then walked outside feeling a bit of relaxation thanks to Zelo. She didn’t have to deal with paperwork anymore. Jieun searched for Hyuna. After walking around the hallways, she found Hyuna talking to Jihyun along with her gang. Jieun knew she shouldn’t go to them but she wanted to know what Hyuna was doing.

“Hyuna” Jieun called her name. Hyuna turned around. Her smile disappeared.

“Oh hey Jieun” Hyuna said softly.

“I was waiting for you. We were going to walk home, right?”

“Yeah about that” Hyuna was rubbing her arm. Hyuna had a habit of rubbing her arm when she had to say something she didn’t want to say.

“What’s wrong?” Jieun sounded worried.

“Um…” Hyuna was hesitant.

“Hyuna is not hanging out with you anymore.” Jihyun interrupted swinging her arm around Hyuna. “She’s going to be with us now.”

“What” shocked by what she said.

“You heard me. She’s leaving you for us.”

Jieun looked at Hyuna then Jihyun. She wanted to say something but the tears she was holding back kept her from saying so. She just left.

Jieun ran away from the school tears running down her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she heard. Hyuna was leaving her for another group, a popular to be in fact.

Jieun had her head down while walking home. This was the worst day of her life and she means it. Nothing like this ever happened to her before.

Jieun still had her head down kicking the rocks before her. She was still sobbing after the incident. She started to remember her time with Hyuna. Hyuna was the only friend, beside Zelo, she had and she could count one but now she was gone. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a cry for help. She ran to the direction where she heard it from. There, when she reached the place, she saw a woman trapped under a pile of wood.

“Oh my god” Jieun gasped. She ran over to the woman and began to pick up the wood. The woman looked at her pleased by what she was seeing. After jieun was done picking up the wood she helped the woman. The woman stood up clearing dust off her clothes.

“Thank you” the woman said.

“Are you hurt?” Jieun asked, worried. “Do you need to be taken to the hospital?”

“Nope I’m alright.”

“Are you sure? You were under a pile of wood.”

“Yup I’m fine.”

“Okay that’s good” jieun wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“Thank you again.” The woman smiled.

“No problem.”

“May I ask what your name is?”

“I’m Song Jieun.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m Mama.”

“Mama? That’s a very unique name.”

“Thank you. Would you like to come inside for some lemonade?” Mama pointed to her house.

“Thank you for the offer but I’m not in the mood.”

“Why, what’s wrong darling?”

“Life is what’s wrong.”

“Would you like to talk about?”

Even though she shouldn’t she did want to talk about everything that’s happened. “I would.”

Mama smiled. She led Jieun inside her home where they sat down and drank lemonade.

“So tell me what’s wrong.” Mama took a sip of lemonade.

“Well everything from my life to school.”

“I’m listening.”

“Well in school I’m not that most noticeable person in school and I don’t have that much friends. My best friend left me for other people that are better than me and those people don’t like seeing me at all also I live alone in a huge house. My parents passed away since I was 7 and my aunt was responsible for me but she could care less about me. So I spent my life being unloved except for my cousin but he’s far away and my aunt moved with her boyfriend. She said she hated me and thought I was nothing.”

“That’s awful.”

“Plus I do have a crush but I don’t think he knows I exists but that’s not a big problem.” Jieun released a heavy sigh. She wanted to cry again. “All I want is for something to happen to make my life seem better than it is right now.” Tears flowed down her milky skin. Mama hugged Jieun patting her back.

“Don’t cry darling. Things will get better. They will get really better quickly.”

After having a conversation with mama, Jieun returned home. When she entered her house Jieun flopped on the couch. This was one day she did not want to remember.

Jieun went to go take a shower. She the shower letting the warm water hit her body. After the shower she went downstairs to grab a snack. While in the kitchen, Jieun heard the doorbell ring.

“Who’s that” Jieun wondered. She ran to the door opening it to see no one there. She looked left to right to see who it was. She stepped outside scratching her head wondering who it was. She thought it was someone pulling a prank on her. As Jieun walked out more she hit something. She looked down to see a box. She picked up the box. There was nothing on the box except a note attached to it. The note said: Life is going to get better Jieun.

She looked around the box scanning to see if anything else was on it but there was nothing else on it. Jieun shrugged then took the box inside shaking it to see if it was something good or not. She placed the box on the table where she began to open it. Inside the box were 12 little cute and handsome dolls. Jieun blinked multiple times. She received a box of dolls. How were dolls going to make her life better? She knew this was some kind of joke but she didn’t throw the box out. Instead she went up to her room placing it on her shelf at the very top. She looked at the box once more. There were names labeled under each doll.

She read them out loud. “Suho, Kris, Baekhyun, Luhan, D.O, Kai, Sehun, Lay, Chen, Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Tao; hmm, cute names.”

Jieun left the box then went on her laptop doing homework. 3 hours pasted when Jieun started her homework. She looked at the time. It was already 10pm. She decided it was time for a good night sleep. She turned off her laptop then fell asleep on her comfy bed.

During the night, Jieun heard too many noises. She heard something fall down and she swear she heard a man groan in her room but she thought it was the neighbors and their cat being more disruptive than usual. She left it alone.

It wasn’t until 1am she heard a conversation between men in her bedroom. Jieun thought it was all in her head but when she heard something fall then her eyes slowly opened. Jieun’s eyes were slowly adjusting. As they were she could see figures around her bed. She thought it was all her imagination but once her eyes were adjusted she knew that there were figures in her room surrounding her bed. Her eyes were wide open and the next thing she saw sacred her. There was a face, a man’s, close to hers. Jieun jumped out of bed screaming making the man jump and scream too. Jieun looked around to see more men, around 7 more, near her. She screamed again. They all jumped even one of them screamed.

“What’s wrong?” she heard a man say as he came into the room with 4 others. Again she screamed.

There were 12 men in her room.

“Hey can you stop screaming.” One of them said, annoyed.

Jieun was breathing heavily. She looked at each one of the men.

“This is a dream.” She told herself. “This is a dream.”

She hid herself under her blanket then pinched herself.

“Ouch.” She shrieked. Jieun came out of the cover to see the 12 men still in her room.

“You still think this is a dream?” one of them asked.

She shook her head. "No"



 author's note 

» the second chapter is up and Jieun is sure is shocked. How do you like it? Comment!^^



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Chapter 22: I need an update
sohyun1106 #2
Chapter 22: update please
sohyun1106 #3
Chapter 22: update please ?!!!!!
OMG I love all song jieun stories. she's so pure and cuteee!
Chapter 22: Oh . My feeld for Kris and Ji Eun . update please ?!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Oh my god ! Kris and Ji Eun though ! So cute together ! Good idea on making Taeyang the bad guy , burt Kris and Ji Eun in love them . KrisEun couple fighting !
Chapter 22: Oh my god this is so interesting authornim ! I so totally laughed when Jihyun was trying to flirt with Kris but then Kris wasn't flirting back . Then when she said he stole her heart , he said " well you're not the one who stole minds " then pushed Jihyun away and went to Ji Eun ! So shipping them now ! Sorry Luhan and the other EXO members , but Kris has got to win over Ji Eun right now ! Sorry to you to Woohyun , but you didn't notice her until now !
Chapter 22: Okay , so I was bored and read this again ! But oh my god I just love Ji Eun and Kris with each toher the most now . They literally grew up living simular lives and never getting cared for until MAMA and Jonghyun . But anyways please update soon again ! I really do jope for more Ji Eun and Kris moments now !
Chapter 22: update soon author-nim !! ^^ i love your story! hwaiting '-')9
munierrah #10
Update! Update! Haha... I love it!