[2-12] First time at GAYA and this is what happens

GAYA Academy

To Yuya

He got off the train at Shibuya station. {Bastard must be in here somewhere…}

He ran around the station but couldn’t find him. {He must be near the statue…}

He ran upstairs and out of the station. He began to run around there. {Takehito! I will find you…you piece of !}


To Haruma

{Yabbai…I need to call for a taxi! Luckily there’s not a lot of traffic…}

“TAXI!!!” he said while signalling a taxi to come pick him up. Luckily the taxi driver was pulling up near the hospital. He dropped someone off and then let Haruma get in.

“Thanks! I need to go to Shibuya and fast”

“Ah! Is something happening?”

“Yeah…my friend is about to get killed…so…let’s go already…”

“EH! Shouldn’t you call the police” the driver said as he turned around to face him.

“There’s no time…yama…da…san…” Haruma said as he looked at the driver’s credentials.

“Ah! I know…I’ve been down that road before. Alright! Let’s go! I will get you there in 5 mins!”

“Eh? Isn’t it 20 mins away…”

“Nonsense…I’m a magical taxi…I can do whatever I want. Now buckle up! This will be a bumpy ride…”


The taxi sped off. {HAYAAAAIII! I’m going to be dead before I even get there…}

“Ano…Yamada san…that was a stop sign…”

“Oh it was…hmm that’s what that sign said…”

{Yabbaii…Hopefully I can make it in one piece}


To Takeru and Teppei

“Ah! So you leave his parents’ cake everyday…that’s sweet of you…”

“Yeah it is!” butted in the Nurse.

“Eh…not really…I just feel bad…you know…maybe if I would have talk to them longer instead of rushing them off…they could have been alive…or at least…I shouldn’t have given her attitude...you know…”

“I guess…but it’s not your fault…”

“I know…but yeah…now answer me. Why are you here?”

“Takehito found out that I’m dating Yuya and apparently he watched us have …”

“EH! Wait… already? When did you start dating?! You didn’t tell me anything…”

“We started dating last night…and we also had it last night…it was pretty hot…”

“Psh…I hate you know that?” said Takeru jokingly as he poked Teppei’s injured leg.

“Itteeee…don’t touch my leg. And besides…I always tell you everything Take chan!”

“hahaha I know...but geez… already? You couldn’t wait a few days?”

“Nope…You know I wanted his since the beginning! Like how I know you want Haru chan” he said while winking. Takeru poked his injured leg and changed the topic.


“So Takehito…saw you guys…and out of anger he beat you up…”

“I don’t know if you guys consider his injuries as getting beat up…he almost died on the operation table…” butted in the Nurse.

“Eh? What do you mean, Sara?”

“If Haruma didn’t find you and rush you to the hospital…you would have surely died. Your ribs were broken in several places. Although it didn’t puncture your lungs but they were suffocating the air out of you” she said.

“Eh! It was that bad…So I owe him big time…”

“Yeah! More than big time…”

“What can I do for him…I barely know him…ahh! I will give him takeru’s ity!”

“Shut up teppei!” Takeru said while slapping his leg.

“ITTEEEE! MAJI DE!!! What was that for…”

“I…I think…I have an idea. Maybe…you guys can help relieve his depression…he has no friends…no lovers…and none of his relatives visit his parents…so I guess…he’s all alone…and he’s on a bunch of anti depression medicine…he’s too young to be like that…”

Takeru looked down at his cake. {Haruma Miura san…your mom wouldn’t approve of this…zettai…}


“Yeah…poor guy…hm let’s see how I can cure him? How about I hook him up with Take chan? What do you think nurse? They would make cute babies!”

The nurse laughed. {You are so silly}

“OI! Stop that…and besides men can’t have babies…and…stop telling her everything! She’s a nurse…the number 1 thing they do is gossip…”


“HMPH! I won’t gossip! I’m focus on the wellness of my patients even if it means keeping a petty secret!”

“Eh? Petty?!”

“Oh…I mean…I’m sorry…”

“Hahaha no problem…but I can, strangely, trust you…can’t you take chan?”

“Not really…but I always have trust issues…besides…I don’t need your help…I’m not interested in people. I am only focusing on my career…”

“Sure sure…you know that I know that you that I know…that you like him…”

“I don’t even know him…I’m only doing this for his parents who were nice to me…I made a vow to keep him safe…that’s all”

“Yeah yeah…guilt trip….obligation….and more guilt trip aint the only thing you feelin buddy boy…I bet when you saw his picture on tv, you thought you want to tap that…and now you saw him in real life…yes sir…You want it and so do I! Let’s take turns!”

“Stop with your nonsense…besides you have yuya! Don’t do anything to hurt him…” he said as he poked him again.

“OWWW! Nurse…can you kick him out…he keeps abusing my injuries…”

“No I’m not…”

“OWWW Stop it! I won’t I promise…but…”

“but what?”

“I think yuya might have a thing for him too… foursome” he said while winking

Takeru sighed and slapped his leg again,

“OWWWWWW!!!! Seriously nurse…are you going to watch him abuse me?”

Sara giggled at their cuteness. {Don’t giggle…help me out lady…Ah! Right, Haru-chan!}

“Ah! That’s right…Haruma went to go fight Takehito…go stop him and stop poking me…”

“EH!” {No way!}

“Yeah…now go save your lover! OWWW STOP IT”

“Stop calling him that…” {...You are a new student and already starting stuff} Takeru ran outside and called a taxi.


“Oi, Yamada! Come to the hospital and take me to Shibuya…I need to get there ASAP!”

“Hahaha why is everyone going to Shibuya! I just drop off a person there…a guy name…what’s his name?...ahh…right! It was Haruma…he said a friend of his is going to get killed…”

“EH?! Hurry come back I need to help him out so he doesn’t die either…”

“EH!!! He really meant his friend was going to get killed?! What’s going on, Take chan?”

“HAYAKU!!!” said Takeru as he hanged up.


{So…he must be going to stop Yuya…both of them are idiots…Takehito gang isn’t as simple as it seems…they are some of the strongest fighters…man…and I have an event to go to soon…maa ewa…the makeup artist will just have a lot to cover up today…Ah! It’s here…}


Mr. Yamada arrived and Takeru got in.

“Where to?”

“Take me to the idiots…”

“Haha alright…”


To Yuya

{I can’t find him anywhere!!!! Where the hell is he?}

Yuya rested near the hachikou statue. {I need to think…}


To Haruma

He got out of the taxi and the driver rushed off.

“Wait what about money?”

{Hmm I guess I will pay him later…Where’s Yuya…}

Haruma turned around and saw the statue. He walked towards it and saw Yuya. {Ah! He didn’t find him yet…thank goodness…}

He walked towards him.


To Yuya

“Oi!” said Haruma from behind.

“Eh! How did you find me?”

“I just walked towards the statue. Teppei san said that Takehito usually hangs out around here and I wanted to stop you…so…”

“Stop me?! You know what that bastard did?!”

“Calm down…I know what he did…I was there!”

“How can I calm down…you don’t understand…if your mom or anyone you loved got injured like that…you wouldn’t be so calm…”

“Yeah…because my parents aren’t in a coma and they can’t die any minute right…”

“It’s not the same…”

“What’s not the same?”

“You can get justice for your pain…what about me?”

“You can too…just let the cops handle it…”

“No! I can’t”

While they were talking, a few of the gang members walked up to him.

“Oi! Word on the street is… that you are looking for Takehito…”

Yuya turned around and Haruma watched from behind.

“Yeah…where’s that bastard…”

The one, that interrupted them, smirked.

“Your wish is your command…Follow me…”

Yuya followed them and Haruma hesitantly followed behind him. He kept whispering to Yuya.

“Oi! I’m getting a bad feeling…let’s not do this…let’s call the cops…”

“Shut up…You don’t understand…”

“Understand what?”

“The fury that’s inside of me…”

“And I never had fury inside of me after losing my family?”

“It’s not the same…”

“STOP IT RIGHT NOW! What the hell is not the same!” yelled Haruma and Yuya turned around and stared at him.

The other guys turned around as well.

The one that spoke to them earlier said, “Here we are…are you going in?”

Yuya looked away from Haruma and towards the door and then back towards Haruma.

“I’m going in…you can go whine to the cops…I don’t care…” said Yuya as he walked in.

{I don’t in get it…what’s not the same? Why does he keep saying that I don’t understand…Why don’t he understand the value of life…}

Haruma angrily followed after him inside.


To Takeru

“We are here…”

“You dropped him off right here?”


“I don’t see him……fine…thanks…” Takeru got out the cab.



“Pay up…20,000 yen”


“Your friend didn’t pay…so tis double the price…”

“Fine fine fine…I swear you are trying to make me broke…” said Takeru as he paid Yamada san what he owes.

“Psshh not my fault he didn’t pay…Good luck”

Takeru signalled and walk off. {I don’t see him anywhere…maybe I should ask around…}


To the dorms

A tall dark and handsome gentleman with a fan was walking around the lobby. It appears he was looking for something. While he was searching, Hiroki Aiba walked into the lobby area.

“Hayami senpai!!! Hayami senpai!”

The man turned around and smiled

“Oi! Aiba chan! You are here. Your father brought your stuff. It’s in the waiting room.”

“Okay, Thanks. Wait…Hayami senpai…what are you looking for?”

“Ah…I’m looking for…something special…”

“EH! Special? What is it?”

“My wallet…”

“Eh? Again senpai”

“Hahaha sorry…I swear I had it in a safe place…”

“Ah mou…you said that last time. Let me help” Aiba said while he began searching for it.

A few minutes later, a guy with brown mid-length feathered hair walked past. “Oi! What are you doing?”

“Kame chan! Mou…senpai lost his wallet again…”

“Again? Where did you last have it senpai?”

“Eto…I don’t really remember”

“Eh! Haya chan!”

“I know I know…”

“We can’t waste time now. We are going to be late to the meeting”

“Eh? There’s a meeting today?”


“You guys…the student council has it first meeting today.”

“AH! That’s right. We can’t be late especially you, aiba chan, since it’s your first day…”

“Yeah…I almost forgot. Senpai, I will buy you lunch, okay! Let’s go”

Aiba rushed out and Hayami stopped searching and walked towards Kamenashi Kazuya.

“You didn’t lose your wallet did you?” said Kame while smirking.

“Oi oi oi…of course I did…but I surprisingly found it a few seconds ago…”

“Pssh…couldn’t fool me …”

“hey hey…this is the newcomer initiation…”

“Hahaha I know…you did this to me…are we having shabu shabu for lunch?”

“The best…and most expensive beef from Kobe…”

“Hayami…you’re the devil aren’t you?” said Kame while giggling.

“Hey hey…I might be tall tan and handsome…doesn’t mean I’m the devil…just…clever…don’t you think?”

Kame smiled and they both walked to the student council room, which was in the main building on the ninth floor.


To Takeru

He was still searching the area for Haruma and Yuya but couldn’t find them. {…where are they? I need to call the others…}


To Yuya and Haruma

They walked into the hideout and the gang members all looked at them.

“Oi he’s here and look…he has a pretty boy with him…” said one of the gang members.

“Oh…he’s real pretty…” said another one.

“It didn’t take him long to find a new one…right boss?” teased another member.

“SHUT THE UP! WHERE’S TAKEHITO?” blurted out Yuya.

“Oi…I have a bad feeling about this…” whispered Haruma to Yuya.

“Shut up…”

{This again…he’s so stubborn when he’s upset…}

Haruma looked around and saw that the only exit point was behind them.

{This…this is definitely a trap…our only exit is behind us and it’s been blocked……I want to get out of this alive…}

Takehito walked out of a side room and stood in the center.

“I knew you would come…shall we begin?”

The other members gathered their weapons and stood up.

{Oh …this is bad…what am I doing here? Why didn’t I just go to the cops…uhh think … think…}

Yuya was prepared to fight. Takehito was about to give the signal. The mood was tense.

“Uh…um...excuse me…sir…uhhh…Takehito” blurted out Haruma breaking the tense atmosphere.

Takehito lowered his hand and stared at Haruma.

“Who is this weakling? Certainly…Yuya…you didn’t think he could help you…”

“I don’t need any help taking down your pathetic …”

“Is that so?” Takehito lift up his hand again.

“Uhhhh…wait…wait wait…waaaaaiit” blurted in Haruma once again.

“What is it?”

“Can…we…talk first?”


“Uhh Yuya and I…”

“Hahahaha…sure…why not…it will be your last…”

“Uhhh…thank…you…I think”

Haruma nudged Yuya and they turned around into a huddle.



“Dude…we are gonna get killed…”

“If you are afraid then runaway…”

“How…the back door is blocked and besides I promised Teppei that I will stop you…”


“Yes…your lover…if you fight now…you won’t be able to see him again…look…that dude has a knife…”

Yuya looked at the knife swinger and looked back to Haruma.

“Yeah…I didn’t think this through did I?”

“Oh…now you are feeling regret…got dammit yuya…”

“I’m sorry…”

“I know…geez…”

“How are we getting out of here…”

“Oh…wouldn’t you like to know…man…we have to fight…but stay close…the back is being guarded so…we need to clear a path…”

“But you can’t fight…”

“Shut up…I know…but I’m stuck here aren’t I? I gotta do something…”

“Fine Fine Fine… man…sorry for getting you involved…”

“Psshhh…” {I could just punch you right now yuya…}

“Are you guys done?” interrupted Takehito.

Haruma and Yuya looked up.

“Uhh…A few more minutes…”

“Ha? This isn’t America…we don’t do negotiations…”

Takehito lift up his hand again.

{…we about to die aren’t we…}

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kpop2015 #1
Will you be writing more Chapter's for this fanfics.
LyraValley #2
Chapter 23: Especially when Haruma and Takeru haven't actually met yet and it's so close to happening and it has to happen
LyraValley #3
Chapter 23: I hope there will be more
Chapter 22: I like the part where Takeru explain about Miura's parents to Aibachiin! (I am actually a big fan of Takeru and Aiba!)
I like it but I want to see HaruTake and also Seto Koji and Aiba Hiroki. Please!
Chapter 6: Can not wait for more~! Finally more HaruTake!~