All The Lies

Searching For You
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DongHae stirred groggily, instinctively turning over to see whose arms were around him. shock and surprise were his first reactions as he gazed upon HyukJae’s sleeping face, then love. Slowly, the events of the evening before came back to him. this was HyukJae, his best friend, the guy he had loved since he was five and had never stopped.

Slowly as to not wake Hyukkie, DongHae removed the arm from around his waist and slipped out of the bed. He didn’t even remember when he had fallen asleep. Shaking his head to clear it, he padded off to the bathroom.

As water ran down his torso, he replayed last night in his mind.

“I’ll leave you two alone now,” HeeChul muttered as the kisses between EunHyuk and DongHae got more heated. The loud slamming of the door had them pulling apart. DongHae buried his head in EunHyuk’s shoulder, too shy to face the older now.

“come here,” EunHyuk said, getting to his feet and helping DongHae to his. Hands still linked, he led the way to the bed and both of them sat. DongHae folded his feet beneath him, as he had for all his life. Hyuk suddenly remembered from years ago, when DongHae had sat like that on his bed, chattering happily.

Some things never change, EunHyuk thought contentedly.

“I want you to promise me something,” DongHae said suddenly, the blush finally gone from his cheeks.

“What’s that?” EunHyuk asked.

“I want you to be completely honest with me. I want to know exactly what happened when Appa took me away all those years ago… did you and Kyu and Henry stay together? Did you remain friends? I know….” DongHae grimaced slightly, “I know Kyu never liked me much.”

“That’s not true,” EunHyuk immediately denied, as he had done when they were younger.

“It is. You know it. anyway, tell me. Where are they now?” DongHae asked.

“I… lost contact with Henry the same time you left.” this was true enough, though Hyuk felt the guilt of lying to Hae stab through him.

“And Kyu?”

“Kyu…” EunHyuk sighed.

“Kyu is now my worst enemy. His father, and mine, were warring ever since. Apparently, this war has gone on for generations. He’s… he’s the one who kidnapped your best friend. SungMin is it?”

“What?!” DongHae exclaimed, then more quietly, “what?”

“He took him… and-”

“Why did you take me?”

“To protect you. The war has been at a stalemate, more in my advantage than his, for almost six years now, and I guess he wanted to change that. You were the original plan to have leverage and since I have you… SungMin is to be your leverage.”

“Why does he hate you so much?”

“I… don’t know,” EunHyuk admitted. Not even this answer was completely true. HyukJae was pretty sure that the reason Kyu hated him was focused around Henry’s death.

“Why do you hate him?” DongHae wanted to know.

“I don’t!” EunHyuk said immediately, jerking back in surprise, “I could never. He was the one who declared this war on me.”

“Oh.”  There was silence for a while after that.

“How are we going to rescue SungMin?” DongHae asked just as HyukJae was about to say something.

“I… don’t know.” DongHae nodded in acceptance. He had no ideas himself.

“How long has LeeTeuk been working with you?” DongHae questioned.

“since… about six years now. Since you started working at the FBI, he

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Chapter 23: please update soon
Pau226 #2
Chapter 23: Ahhh damn... I shouldn't start this fic lol I usually read only the ones which are complete or are being updated frequently haha
But this story is so good and I want to read more damn it ;___;
Pleaseeeeee update soon, I gave you even an upvote that's how much I love this lol
Chapter 23: aiiiish! I keep checking your fic hoping to find that red [Update!] next to the title TT.TT
COME ON authorniiiim!!!!!!
I'm dying to know how did Henry die ??!!
Chapter 23: Gahh!! Update soon!! :D poor Henry :( and innocent lil donghae
Chapter 23: I just found this and started to read it it is absolutely fantastic! I LOVE IT..Can't wait to find out what happen next:)
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 23: wow.. this chappie is a pairing chappie..

hope hyuk will tell hae everything..
but I kinda sense that eunhae gonna battle with kyumin now? but how abt hae and min? haish..
aidenparadise #7
Chapter 23: Ouch....
TaiShanNiangNiang #8
Chapter 23: Well, welcome back ;) Oooh all the pairings up in this chapter. Kyu falling for Min {grins like Cheshire Cat} Too bad Hyuk isn't telling Hae everything - that'll lead to complications later.
Chapter 23: OMG... You're alive???? *flings arms around you and starts hugging you to death* YAHHHH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH.... TT_TT

Okay, okay. Back to the story... Hae still loves Hyuk even after so many years? Wow, I never thought of that. And then of course Hyuk has to get addicted to kissing him again and then now that Kyumin are together... does this mean (hopefully) that the war between them is gonna stop?? I mean, Min would advise Kyu not to go after Hyuk since Hae is there... right?? T^T

Anyways... thanks for updating!!! *still clinging onto your neck* I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO IN CASE YOU DISAPPEAR ON US AGAIN LIKE DAT... >_<
rbatalovr #10
Chapter 23: sassy sungmin is sassy ._. :)