
Searching For You
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“DongHae and I… knew each other. From before he moved to Seoul,” KyuHyun began. SungMin nodded, urging him on.  The younger seemed to be lost deep in the past.

“We were very close, the four of us.”

“The four of you?” SungMin interrupted.

“Yes, HyukJae, Henry, DongHae and me,” KyuHyun clarified.


“Henry and HyukJae would always fawn over DongHae, and they would ignore me a lot when he was around. Before we met DongHae, HyukJae used to be my best friend. After… that changed. ”

SungMin saw the pain hidden deep in Kyu’s eyes, and shifted closer to the younger, resting a comforting hand on Kyu’s hand. He himself had always fawned over DongHae, so he could relate to HyukJae and Henry. But he didn’t know what it was like to be ignored by your best friend.

“I never did like DongHae much,” Kyu commented.

“Where are Henry and HyukJae now?” SungMin asked gently.

“Henry’s-” the door banged open and two people walked in, accompanied by a third who immediately left when he saw how close KyuHyun and SungMin were to each other.

“Kyu! What are you doing?” one of them asked furiously.

“YeSung. What do you want?” Kyu asked, ignoring the question and standing, walking forward slightly.

“I just came to tell you that they know. EunHyuk knows that you’ve taken him,” YeSung said, nodding to SungMin.

“EunHyuk? The leader of the White Tigers? The person DongHae’s been chasing for the last two years?” SungMin asked, walking forward to stand next to KyuHyun.

“Yes, now be quiet,” KyuHyun ordered him. SungMin was about to protest but one sharp glance from Kyu had him closing his mouth again.

“Good. It won’t be long now,” KyuHyun said, gesturing the two out of the room, and then leaving himself. He stopped in the doorway, and looked back  at SungMin. Their eyes met, and then the doors swung close. SungMin heard a click as it was locked.

He dropped down on the floor, his mind spinning. DongHae had never mentioned any of this to SungMin, not even a name, not once. Of course… he wouldn’t if he didn’t remember…


DongHae’s tears fell as soon as EunHyuk and LeeTeuk left the room. He had never felt so betrayed in his life. So lonely. He shuffled slowly to the bed and curled up with one of the pillows, holding it close to his heart as it tore into little pieces inside him. When he heard the door open he didn’t even shift. The bed beside him sank a little as his visitor sat next to him.

“DongHae.” It was EunHyuk. He knew his voice.

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Chapter 23: please update soon
Pau226 #2
Chapter 23: Ahhh damn... I shouldn't start this fic lol I usually read only the ones which are complete or are being updated frequently haha
But this story is so good and I want to read more damn it ;___;
Pleaseeeeee update soon, I gave you even an upvote that's how much I love this lol
Chapter 23: aiiiish! I keep checking your fic hoping to find that red [Update!] next to the title TT.TT
COME ON authorniiiim!!!!!!
I'm dying to know how did Henry die ??!!
Chapter 23: Gahh!! Update soon!! :D poor Henry :( and innocent lil donghae
Chapter 23: I just found this and started to read it it is absolutely fantastic! I LOVE IT..Can't wait to find out what happen next:)
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 23: wow.. this chappie is a pairing chappie..

hope hyuk will tell hae everything..
but I kinda sense that eunhae gonna battle with kyumin now? but how abt hae and min? haish..
aidenparadise #7
Chapter 23: Ouch....
TaiShanNiangNiang #8
Chapter 23: Well, welcome back ;) Oooh all the pairings up in this chapter. Kyu falling for Min {grins like Cheshire Cat} Too bad Hyuk isn't telling Hae everything - that'll lead to complications later.
Chapter 23: OMG... You're alive???? *flings arms around you and starts hugging you to death* YAHHHH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH.... TT_TT

Okay, okay. Back to the story... Hae still loves Hyuk even after so many years? Wow, I never thought of that. And then of course Hyuk has to get addicted to kissing him again and then now that Kyumin are together... does this mean (hopefully) that the war between them is gonna stop?? I mean, Min would advise Kyu not to go after Hyuk since Hae is there... right?? T^T

Anyways... thanks for updating!!! *still clinging onto your neck* I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO IN CASE YOU DISAPPEAR ON US AGAIN LIKE DAT... >_<
rbatalovr #10
Chapter 23: sassy sungmin is sassy ._. :)