
Searching For You
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DongHae had barely sat up in EunHyuk’s bed before tears began to flow fast and furious down his face, drenching the pillow he clutched tightly in his hands and ripping powerful sobs from his throat.

“Hey,” a light voice said, and he looked up through his blurred eyes to see HeeChul approaching with a tray. He rested the tray down and looked at DongHae’s pathetic form. Instinctively, he took the younger into a tight hug, and judging from the way DongHae clutched him like a lifeline, he would say he was justified in doing so.

“Hey,” HeeChul said again, rubbing little circles into DongHae’s back, hoping to soothe the other.

“I brought you breakfast,” HeeChul told him, drawing back and looking at DongHae’s tear stained face with pity, “are you hungry?”

“Ye- yeah.” DongHae reached for the tray with shaky hands but as he picked up his first slice of toast, it dropped from his trembling fingers.

“Do you realize how crazy all this is?” DongHae said, almost as if to himself.

“I’ve been kidnapped, by someone no other than my best friend while my other best friend is also missing. My leader from the F.B.I. has been working with you all along, and now I’m also at the top of someone else’s wanted list.” HeeChul stayed silent, figuring that the younger just needed to get all this out of his system.

“I just.. This is crazy. Really really crazy,” DongHae said, pushing the tray away and getting off the bed. HeeChul watched the younger pace, wondering what exactly was going through his mind.

“I need to see him.”

“See who?” HeeChul asked cautiously.

“EunHyuk. HyukJae. Whoever he is, I need to see him,” DongHae insisted.


“Wha- what?” DongHae stuttered, as though he couldn’t believe HeeChul had just refused him.

“I said, no. you can’t see him. He’s meeting people today.”

“It doesn’t matter!” DongHae shouted, and he looked on the verge of tears again, “I need to, HeeChul. Please.”

“Okay,” HeeChul sighed. He walked over to DongHae slowly, brushing back the loose strands from his face and wiping away the remaining traces of tears.

“Okay, but bathe first, will you? You smell.” DongHae let out a shaky laugh at HeeChul’s statement, tears filling his eyes again, but he nodded, lips pressing together as an attempt to hold back more tears.


EunHyuk sat expressionless as women filed in. his father looked vaguely pleased, standing next to him, one hand clasped on his shoulder.

“They look the same from last time,” KangIn pointed out, and EunHyuk held back a snicker. His hyung had a point. His father shot KangIn a sharp look, which only m

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Chapter 23: please update soon
Pau226 #2
Chapter 23: Ahhh damn... I shouldn't start this fic lol I usually read only the ones which are complete or are being updated frequently haha
But this story is so good and I want to read more damn it ;___;
Pleaseeeeee update soon, I gave you even an upvote that's how much I love this lol
Chapter 23: aiiiish! I keep checking your fic hoping to find that red [Update!] next to the title TT.TT
COME ON authorniiiim!!!!!!
I'm dying to know how did Henry die ??!!
Chapter 23: Gahh!! Update soon!! :D poor Henry :( and innocent lil donghae
Chapter 23: I just found this and started to read it it is absolutely fantastic! I LOVE IT..Can't wait to find out what happen next:)
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 23: wow.. this chappie is a pairing chappie..

hope hyuk will tell hae everything..
but I kinda sense that eunhae gonna battle with kyumin now? but how abt hae and min? haish..
aidenparadise #7
Chapter 23: Ouch....
TaiShanNiangNiang #8
Chapter 23: Well, welcome back ;) Oooh all the pairings up in this chapter. Kyu falling for Min {grins like Cheshire Cat} Too bad Hyuk isn't telling Hae everything - that'll lead to complications later.
Chapter 23: OMG... You're alive???? *flings arms around you and starts hugging you to death* YAHHHH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH.... TT_TT

Okay, okay. Back to the story... Hae still loves Hyuk even after so many years? Wow, I never thought of that. And then of course Hyuk has to get addicted to kissing him again and then now that Kyumin are together... does this mean (hopefully) that the war between them is gonna stop?? I mean, Min would advise Kyu not to go after Hyuk since Hae is there... right?? T^T

Anyways... thanks for updating!!! *still clinging onto your neck* I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO IN CASE YOU DISAPPEAR ON US AGAIN LIKE DAT... >_<
rbatalovr #10
Chapter 23: sassy sungmin is sassy ._. :)