
Searching For You
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KyuHyun sat, his legs stretched out before him and watched SungMin devour the food before them. Clearly, the older had quite an appetite. He had one too, but it was not for food. Not right now.

“Are you going to tell me how you know DongHae?” SungMin asked, between mouthfuls. KyuHyun watched him impassively, waiting until SungMin had finished chewing.

“No. and I thought I told you not to talk to me?” KyuHyun asked.

SungMin rolled his eyes, and said, “You really think I’d listen to you? I could beat you up.”

“Rephrase, you think you can beat me up,” KyuHyun corrected.

“Nope, I’m 99 per cent sure that I can beat you up,” SungMin concluded, a small smirk appearing on his face as Kyu did not respond. Instead, he reached across the table and poured himself a cup of coffee, inwardly smiling when SungMin’s body froze up as soon as Kyu’s hand touched him accidentally.

He took a sip before saying, “You’re forgetting the last one per cent then.” SungMin pouted before returning to his meal. When they were done, Kyu had someone clear the empty dishes away and waited until SungMin sat once again beside him until speaking.

“Now. Do you want to know why I know DongHae?”

SungMin swallowed once, then nodded.


 When DongHae woke up, he was uncomfortably warm. There were arms around him as well as thick fluffy blankets covering him. He felt safe here, comforted… and then the events of yesterday came back. Pulling the arms off from around him, he replaced the space with a pillow and turned to look at the owner of those arms. EunHyuk. What was he doing here? In EunHyuk’s arms as well…

Something made him go back to the leader, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching him sleep. Why did he feel so drawn to the leader? Maybe it was because he had spent his career chasing him, and now here he was, sleeping before him. He looked so peaceful, his platinum blonde hair falling over his eyes. The same colour as SungMin’s.


He rushed to the door, twisting the knob, but to no avail. It was locked, from the outside too. Slamming his fist against the frame in anger, he turned around as he heard shifting behind him. EunHyuk had woken up, and he was calmly slipping on fluffy slippers now.

“Please stop trying to break my doorframe,” EunHyuk said, walking to the dresser and picking up something. They jangled as he stuck them into his back pocket. Keys! Why hadn’t DongHae looked for keys, damn it.

“Of course,” DongHae said, walking dejectedly back to the bed.

“Why am I here?” he asked, as EunHyuk sat down in front of the television.

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Chapter 23: please update soon
Pau226 #2
Chapter 23: Ahhh damn... I shouldn't start this fic lol I usually read only the ones which are complete or are being updated frequently haha
But this story is so good and I want to read more damn it ;___;
Pleaseeeeee update soon, I gave you even an upvote that's how much I love this lol
Chapter 23: aiiiish! I keep checking your fic hoping to find that red [Update!] next to the title TT.TT
COME ON authorniiiim!!!!!!
I'm dying to know how did Henry die ??!!
Chapter 23: Gahh!! Update soon!! :D poor Henry :( and innocent lil donghae
Chapter 23: I just found this and started to read it it is absolutely fantastic! I LOVE IT..Can't wait to find out what happen next:)
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 23: wow.. this chappie is a pairing chappie..

hope hyuk will tell hae everything..
but I kinda sense that eunhae gonna battle with kyumin now? but how abt hae and min? haish..
aidenparadise #7
Chapter 23: Ouch....
TaiShanNiangNiang #8
Chapter 23: Well, welcome back ;) Oooh all the pairings up in this chapter. Kyu falling for Min {grins like Cheshire Cat} Too bad Hyuk isn't telling Hae everything - that'll lead to complications later.
Chapter 23: OMG... You're alive???? *flings arms around you and starts hugging you to death* YAHHHH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH.... TT_TT

Okay, okay. Back to the story... Hae still loves Hyuk even after so many years? Wow, I never thought of that. And then of course Hyuk has to get addicted to kissing him again and then now that Kyumin are together... does this mean (hopefully) that the war between them is gonna stop?? I mean, Min would advise Kyu not to go after Hyuk since Hae is there... right?? T^T

Anyways... thanks for updating!!! *still clinging onto your neck* I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO IN CASE YOU DISAPPEAR ON US AGAIN LIKE DAT... >_<
rbatalovr #10
Chapter 23: sassy sungmin is sassy ._. :)