
Searching For You
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DongHae slammed his fist repeatedly into the wall, furious that another day had passed without him catching the leader of the White Tigers. He had had this case for more than two years now, and every time they managed to find a lead, the White Tigers always managed to slip out of their fingers time after time.

Of course he was angry.

DongHae pulled back and stared at the words spray-painted onto the wall of the building he had previously been pounding angrily.

You won’t succeed.

The words infuriated him. Taunted him. Of course EunHyuk had painted them there for this very purpose. The leader was reputable for knowing exactly how to piss people off. For some reason, he seemed to have it in especially for DongHae, since he was the lead investigator.

“Find anything more?” a voice behind him asked.

DongHae turned around to find his best friend, and second in command, Lee SungMin, walking towards him.

“Honestly, right now, I’m too damn angry to think,” DongHae replied, shaking his head slowly. SungMin patted him comfortingly on his back, before saying, “We’ll find him some day Hae.”

SungMin, the forever optimistic.

DongHae nodded, although after two years of endless, fruitless investigations, he was starting to lose faith that they would. Just when would someday come?

He watched SungMin walk back to the F.B.I. car that they had taken here, and sit in the front passenger seat. Turning back to study the building, he ran his eyes over the words, trying to find some sort of meaning or message behind them.

That was the way EunHyuk operated. He would leave hints, some clue, in every message that he left DongHae. It was the only way they had managed to get any lead in the past, the only way they had managed to keep on the White Tigers’ tail.

Why couldn’t he find the clue in this one?

DongHae ran his hand through his hair, irritated with himself. Tilting his head to the left, he narrowed his eyes and studied the words again, massaging his temple with one hand to get rid of a building headache.

You won’t succeed.

You won’t… you won’t…

DongHae could see no other meaning, no significance, behind the words beside to taunt him with the fact that he had not managed to catch EunHyuk, and by extension, take down the White Tigers. Yet.


It had been the same with the last four messages. They had all been pointless. No hidden message.

Was EunHyuk changing his habits?

Did he think that giving those hints was too much help?

After all, it was the only was DongHae and his team had managed to follow EunHyuk.

Maybe if EunHyuk stopped, he would no longer have to run. Because DongHae was sure that, without the messages, no member, not even the whole F.B.I. would be able to find EunHyuk, or even a lone member of the White Tigers, if EunHyuk did not will it to be.

He pulled out the notebook he always kept in his back pocket. It held all the clues EunHyuk had ever left him. He flipped to the last page, and studied the four sentences he had written there.

I’m right here.

Coming to catch me?

To what you shall never find; me.

Get me if you can.

None of them made any sense to DongHae. Still, he pulled out a pen, uncapped it, and wrote neatly, You won’t succeed, below the former four. He stuck the notebook and the pen back into his pocket, and continued to gaze at the wall, not really seeing it in his mind’s eye.

He stared at the wall endlessly, not noticing the time passing around him, and was startled when he felt a light touch on his upper arm.


“It’s almost night. I think we should head back to headquarters now,” SungMin told him.

Dazedly, DongHae nodded his agreement, and followed SungMin to the car. He tossed SungMin the keys, and in silence, they drove back to headquarters.

As soon as they pulled into the F.B

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Chapter 23: please update soon
Pau226 #2
Chapter 23: Ahhh damn... I shouldn't start this fic lol I usually read only the ones which are complete or are being updated frequently haha
But this story is so good and I want to read more damn it ;___;
Pleaseeeeee update soon, I gave you even an upvote that's how much I love this lol
Chapter 23: aiiiish! I keep checking your fic hoping to find that red [Update!] next to the title TT.TT
COME ON authorniiiim!!!!!!
I'm dying to know how did Henry die ??!!
Chapter 23: Gahh!! Update soon!! :D poor Henry :( and innocent lil donghae
Chapter 23: I just found this and started to read it it is absolutely fantastic! I LOVE IT..Can't wait to find out what happen next:)
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 23: wow.. this chappie is a pairing chappie..

hope hyuk will tell hae everything..
but I kinda sense that eunhae gonna battle with kyumin now? but how abt hae and min? haish..
aidenparadise #7
Chapter 23: Ouch....
TaiShanNiangNiang #8
Chapter 23: Well, welcome back ;) Oooh all the pairings up in this chapter. Kyu falling for Min {grins like Cheshire Cat} Too bad Hyuk isn't telling Hae everything - that'll lead to complications later.
Chapter 23: OMG... You're alive???? *flings arms around you and starts hugging you to death* YAHHHH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH.... TT_TT

Okay, okay. Back to the story... Hae still loves Hyuk even after so many years? Wow, I never thought of that. And then of course Hyuk has to get addicted to kissing him again and then now that Kyumin are together... does this mean (hopefully) that the war between them is gonna stop?? I mean, Min would advise Kyu not to go after Hyuk since Hae is there... right?? T^T

Anyways... thanks for updating!!! *still clinging onto your neck* I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO IN CASE YOU DISAPPEAR ON US AGAIN LIKE DAT... >_<
rbatalovr #10
Chapter 23: sassy sungmin is sassy ._. :)