Excluded #3: This Angel

Hero of Ice

*The camp scenes are one of the most memorable times in the story. But there's not really a time when I show you Jaejoong's point of view. This was because I still intended to keep his true feelings a mystery to y'all. It would also expose Jaejoong as Haeyoung as well. If you didn't notice, Jaejoong has this thing where he hated Minni whenever she was nice to those who only meant her harm. This is the same for Haeyoung towards the younger Minji. 


"You did this? It was you?" My voice was dry. My eyes started to well up with tears as I gave my father a look of disappointment and disbelief. The man whom I respected the most was responsible for the murder of an innocent family. Looming behind him were the shadows of three people. A woman who I see from time to time. She accompanied the man next to her. The man who I acknowledged now as Dr. Song, even though he had killed my mother, he had taken great care of me. And standing in front of them was a little girl. The girl who never wanted me dead. 

If I had never acknowledged their kindness, their goodness, their angelic qualities, then maybe they would never be dead. If I never grew attached to them and seek comfort from them, then maybe my father would have never been this angry. My body trembled before me. "It's all my fault." I called out to the deceased family. "I'm so sorry." Hot tears spilled from my cheek. 

"It's not you fault." With my blurred vision, I looked up at the girl who had just spoken. My arms wiped away the excess fluid in my eyes. Her smile was still bright, still full of life. It was as if she was still alive. Minji's voice resonated to me. "Don't worry too much because it's not your fault." It wasn't just her who smiled. Her father and mother smiled at me too. All I could do was look at them, enchanted.

From the corner of my eyes, my father turned to look behind him but he saw no one, nothing. The family he had harmed had disappeared into thin air. I felt like a weight was off of my shoulders. I was relieved and happy that I have yet again, met that angel that had died. 


Warm and comfortable. That's what I felt. I didn't want to open my eyes, let alone forget the dream I had dreamt. It was like a reality check for me. No matter how many times that girl told me that I was not to blame for their deaths, it still was painful knowing that it was my father who was responsible.

When I was sure that I couldn't sleep any longer, I opened my eyes. I was sure that I was sleeping on the floor, but it felt too soft to be the floor. The room was definitely Minni's cabin. I could still smell the sourness of sauce. My left hand felt what was beneath me. I looked at my body to see a blanket over me and a mattress beneath me. 

And I felt something strange. My right hand felt entrapped. I turned to see what was the cause of it and then I saw it, a sleeping figure beside me. Slowly, I turned to inch a little closer. I knew who it was but I wanted to be certain of it. Or I just wanted to touch her. My free hand reached for the silky hair and tucked it away from her face. Minni.

I felt my heart began to hammer. She looked so peaceful sleeping, a head on the mattress, two hands near the nape of her neck with my hand enclosed within it. I shuffled a little closer and the slight of tomato sauce wafted from her. I couldn't help but chuckle silently. She even tried to mop up some of Danseol's mess. Breaking the distance, I planted a kiss on her exposed temple. I felt a pulse beneath my lips as I pulled away. And then she stirred a little. I felt my heart race suddenly but even if she woke up at this moment, I was going to give her a smug expression. 

Fortunately for me, she didn't awake. But her stirring didn't stop. Even though I didn't want to look away from her, I still managed to get up and observe her, without waking her up of course. It was then that I noticed that she was actually shivering. Besides her hands and head, her whole body was sprawled on the cold floor. 

Feeling a little irritated, I exited my warms covers and carefully lifted her onto the mattress. I covered her with the same blanket and decided to observe her a little. As much as I wanted to stay by her side, I knew that I shouldn't. The teachers may be checking up on the students and the chances of discovering us sleeping together would be high. So I reluctantly snuck out and sat on the steps of the porch of the girls' cabins. 

"Jaejoong." I turned around to face Danseol. She smiled sheepishly and planted herself next to me on the steps. "What are you doing here?" I watched as her face turned sour. "You're not here to see..." She didn't finish her sentence and I smirked. She was so easy to read. She saw my facial expression and her smile widened as she inched closer beside me.

"Actually, I'm here to see you Danseol." I always start with a smooth tone of voice. I could feel her heart flush even in the dark. My smug expression instantly disappeared as I gave her a deadly gaze. "I know what you did to Minni's room." She paled at my cold voice. I stood up and kept my distance from her. "I'm warning you, before I hate you more than this. Stay away from my girlfriend."

"Or what?" Danseol shot a fiery response. "She never loved you to begin with, so what gives her the right to be your girlfriend? Sohee loves you. I love you. Even her sister loves you more than she does."

I chuckled in irritation. "But I don't love Sohee or you or Hana. There's only one person I love." Even though it wasn't Minni, it was someone I shouldn't love. I was going off topic so I tried to focus on our conversation. "You better watch out, Danseol. Minni has a habit of casting spells on others." I had fallen prey to her. She reminded me of that little girl from ten years ago.

"I don't believe you."

I turned away from her and wore a small sincere smile that Danseol couldn't see. She didn't have to believe me. At that thought, I walked back to my room without turning back.


I was quite happy with how the day was going. Minni was acting as a subservient girlfriend. That was a first, considering that she would always look glum whenever I did something a bit overboard with her. Just a bit.

"What did you do with Minni now?" Kimmi gave me a displeased expression. It was now close to lunchtime and I was casually strolling to the eating area. 

I returned her same expression to her. "I don't know. With your eyes, I think you can see that she is not with me?" 

"If she's not with you then where could she be?" Yunho was worried. I could tell. He was too busy cooking lunch to go look for the girl he loved. 

I sighed, feigning annoyance and escaped into the bushes.

"See, he's the worst boyfriend ever!" Kimmi muttered to Yunho who casually laughed it off. 

I didn't care what she said about me. I was going to find Minni. I found a set of rocky stairs that led to the shore below and climbed down. In a matter of seconds, I heard voices. I scurriedly found a place behind the rocks and peered over them. 

Minni slapped herself across the face. And after some times she splattered a whole bottle of tomato sauce all over her. I slipped from rock to rock to get closer avoiding detection. "Just tell me and if it's within my capabilities, I'll do it in your place." I heard Minni say. What crazy thing was she doing now?

"You're going to tell Jaejoong, aren't you?" Danseol's voice quivered. "You're going to put all the blame on me." More like she was going to pretend like nothing happened at all. 

"I'm doing this for you." Minni rebutted. "It's not good to do horrible things to other people, no matter how much you hate them. And it's worse when you make the ones you love suffer. Did you know that Jaejoong tried to hide this from me? Did you know he spent half of his sleep last night trying to scrub the stains off the walls?" I guess I have been found out. I scoffed to myself silently. Even at a time like this, she was still concerned about me. That explains why she was so easy going this morning. She was playing the sweet girlfriend very well, I had to admit.

"Please don't hurt anyone anymore." Minni continued. "Don't hurt Jaejoong and most importantly, don't torture yourself. You have a chance to be a good person. Take that chance." I heard the sound of light footsteps and peeked a little. I saw Minni walk towards the ocean. She seemed to be in a world of her own. And she wasn't looking this way. 

I emerged from the rocks and walked up to Danseol. On the ground, she looked up at me, her body tensed. "What did I say?" I smirked victoriously. "She has casted a spell on you." Slowly, Danseol nodded.

But she wasn't the only one whose body was stressed. Mine was erupting with multiple emotions. I was angry that she was always hurting herself. I was happy that Danseol had stopped her foolish acts of hatred. But predominantly, I was annoyed because the words that had sprouted from Minni's mouth, reminded me so much of that angel I had met ten years ago. 


"Come with me." I demanded dragging Minni by the hand. Confronting her during the day would only gain unwanted attention. So I had to be sneaky. It was almost midnight when I pulled her to the edge of the cliff. 

"Why are you so stupid?" I erupted. She gave me a blank face so I explained myself. "Why did you have to hit yourself like that? Why did you pour sauce on your head?"

"Jaejoong." Minni murmured so softly, I thought her voice was a part of the wind.

I felt myself take a step closer to her. I was angry, and I wanted her to know it. "How am I supposed to hurt you when you keep hurting yourself?!" I raged at her.

"I don't want you to hurt me." Minni crooned, mustering the courage to remain as calm as possible. "I want you to remain as my life savious forever. I want to see you in the good light. You are good, Jaejoong." 

Her light of goodness was seeping through me. She saw me as a good person, that was not the purpose of our deranged relationship. Her crazy way of thinking was driving me insane. And being the mad man I was, I started belting out random words. "There's no way I'm going to let you win. You'll have to die first if you want to escape all this."

"Maybe I should then?" Minni looked at me with determined eyes. She was unfazed by my words.

I looked at her, speechless for a second. Did she not fear death? She was bluffing. She had to be bluffing. "Be my guest." I sneered at her. I wasn't going to let my heart soften at such sudden words. I heard the waves crashing against the rocky wall under us. "You're gateway is just below you."

She turned her head down and examined the bottom of the cliff. It looked endless in the dark night. Why did she look so sad? I had to admit that I was scared. A part of me knew that she could do it if she really wanted to. The sadness in her only assurred me that she wasn't afraid of death at all.

My fear got the best of me. Impulsively, I leaned in and forced a kiss on her. I tried to savour it as much as possible but shock was hitting me like a boulder. I had just kissed her without any sense of thought at all. Instinctively, I pulled away and put on a cold smirk. "I thought I should grab one last kiss before before you go." I lied. "Goodbye, Minni." 

Hastily I turned away from her before my heart could falter. "How ironic." I muttered to myself. The girl who said that she would care for me was going to die. I know I was the reason she was considering death in the first place, but I couldn't help but feel hot tempered. She had just contradicted herself. 

I stalked away, desperately hoping to forgot about the event that was going to occur next. I didn't want to witness it nor think about it. Minni could just do whatever she wanted. My right hand gripped the handle of my cabin door. She meant nothing to me. She was only like that angel. 

Strangely, I looked to my right hand. Minni's touch still lingered on it. And the very image of her asleep, grasping my hand tightly replayed in my head.

"I don't you to die. I want you to live." 

That darn angel! 

I turned back around and raced back to the edge of the cliff. My heart pumped quickly, my blood was boiling hot. And all the while, the same words echoed in my head. 

"I don't you to die. I want you to live." 

I didn't want to be soft-hearted. I didn't want to convey any acts of kindness. There was no point in me doing so. That was what I was sure of. But why? Why was I racing through the woods to reach her? 

"Help. Please. Anyone." At the sound of a terrified voice, I moved closer to examine the cliff's wall. And there she was. Her hand lost its grip on the rocks and I lunged for it. Without an ounce of hesitation, I hoisted her up and brought her to safety.

My answer was now crystal clear. I didn't want Minni to die. I wanted her to live.

She looked at me with glistening eyes. "Are you alright, Minni?" I asked, my heart was relieved to see her securely before me. After my unanswered questioned, she wrapped her arms around me tightly for comfort. Her frightened screams were muffled as she hid her face on my collarbone. 

I began to pat the back of her head. Here she is, breathing painfully, this angel that could have died, is still alive. 

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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩