Last Chill

Hero of Ice

                        My birthday will always be one of the worst days of the year to me. Because I was stripped from everything dear to me after my parents were murdered that day fifteen years ago. I woke up after stirring in my sleep a little too frequently. The clock hands glowed on my beside table, reading 5:03 am.

            Today was the worst day of my twenty-fifth year. I had work in a few hours but I wasn't going to let my birthday ruin my responsibilites. My parents wouldn't want me to spend my birthday feeling miserable. I got up, got dressed and grabbed two bouquets of white lilies I had purchased the previous day. There was one place I wanted to visit before I went to work.

            It took me half an hour to get there by car. My parents' graves were placed side by side. I smiled at a certain thought. Even in death, my parents were right beside each other. A tear escaped my eye as I placed the flowers down. "I miss you so much, mum, dad." I whispered at their silent stones.

            I waited there until the dawn awakened the day, brushing the dark sky out of sight. Then I drove to work. I walked into the hospital and was immediately stopped by a group of people. "Happy birthday Minji!!!" Yunho, Hana, Kimmi, Yoochun, Changmin and Junsu chorused altogether. I smiled sincerely at each of them.

            Yunho handed me a bunch of red and white roses. "I went there this morning to especially pick them for you. Even though their master's gone, they continue to bloom in the cold winter."

            I took in its fragrance and relished the memories of Jaejoong. He really wasn't here, alive, with us anymore.

            Hana and Junsu was holding onto the cake. They inched it closer towards me. "Make a wish, Minji." Hana said.

            My deepest desire was unobtainable but I still wished for it. I still wished for Jaejoong to be alive, next to me.

            "If you've already made your wish then blow out the candles." Changmin interrupted my thoughts.

            I stared blankly at the cake, blinking a few times, then I blew. Everyone clapped.

            Kimmi made her way cautiously towards me and Yoochun supported her sweetly.

            "If I remember correctly, your child should be due soon." I examined her belly. "Has he been kicking?"

            "Yes, he's going to be a strong lad like me." Yoochun spoke just when Kimmi opened .

            "Sounds like a strong one. Make sure that Kimmi is consuming milk every night. It's best to warm it up during this winter season." I advised.

            Kimmi began to speak but Yoochun intercepted. "I do it every night. I try to give her two cups though because Kimmi needs the milk for herself as well."

            I nodded. "And Kimmi, the multivitamin for pregnant women that I have given you, you can use it for an extra few months after you have conceived. It will help you regain your strength more quickly."

            Kimmi's mouth opened but Yoochun was at it again. "I bought a stackload of them at home."

            Kimmi had had enough. She aimed a fist at Yoochun's shoulder. "Minji was talking to me, you good-for-nothing husband!"

            Yoochun rubbed his shoulder in pain and whined a little.

            Kimmi ignored him and looked back at me. "We have enough multivitamins to last a year or so. I told him not to buy anymore until I confirmed with you first."

            "I bought it for our next child." Yoochun commented.

            I chuckled at the cute couple before me.

            "Dr. Song." A nurse approached me. "There is someone asking for you."

            "A patient?" I asked.


            "It's okay, I'll be there soon."

            "She's in your office. Oh, and Dr. Song." The nurse spoke before I could completely turn away.


            "Happy birthday ma'am."

            I beamed at her. "Thank you." I looked back to my family and friends. "I guess I better get going. I'll start on work after I have met my guest."

            "You're not allowed to work today." Yunho said sternly.

            I gave him a defiant look.

            "Seriously, please." Yunho insisted.

            "Just take the day off today." Hana agreed with him. "Go do whatever you want."

            I really didn't want to. I wanted to work. If I spend my days focused on important matters, I'll spend less time reflecting on the losses in my life. But everyone was looking at me with insistent eyes. It was hopeless to decline their suggestion. I smiled and nodded.

            Satisfied, everyone said their farewells and left. I walked towards my office and saw a very familiar lady in the room. "Ms. Gu." I was astounded.

            She beamed at me. "It's been a while, Minji." She said. "Since the funeral, I presume."

            I nodded. "It's great to see you again."

            "I thought I would pop in since I was in Seoul." She took out a flask. "And I brought this along too."

            I knew exactly what it was. The sweet aroma reeking from her flask was definitely the smell of hot chocolate. "Thank you so much Ms. Gu." I kindly accepted it, remembering how delicious it was seven years ago.

            "I hear it is your birthday today." I was bewildered. The only person who knew both Ms. Gu and myself was only Jaejoong. "I heard some young children talking about it at the hospital foyer." She continued.

            My tension died. "Right. It was funny because they still took me by surprise." I laughed a little.

            "I see that you're still bright and loving just like how you were when I first met you." Ms. Gu commented. "I am happy for that. I just wanted to check in to make sure you were well, Minji."

            "That is quite a short visit." I said. "Stay and grab a drink with me." I offered.

            Ms. Gu. shook her head sadly. "I must head back now."

            I understood and bid her goodbye. When she left, I contemplated about how I was going to spend my birthday. There was only one place left that I wanted to visit. I grabbed the flask of hot chocolate and headed to my car.

            Surprisingly, Mr. Hwang stood outside the hospital. "Minn- I mean Minji." He greeted me. "I still haven't gotten used to your real name yet."

            "It's okay." I said. "It's nice to see you, Mr. Hwang. What brings you here today?"

            "I just wanted to give you your birthday wishes."

            I was shocked once again. "How did you know?" I asked.

            "Yunho told me. It's funny how we have kept in touch with each other. I've spoken to him more than I have to you and I met you first, Minji."

            "That is surprising." I admitted. "I'll make sure to come by your boat house a bit more and cook something scrumptious for you."

            Mr. Hwang nodded. "Do you know how to make kimchi fried rice?" He asked.

            I nodded but I felt a little heavy inside. Jaejoong had made kimchi fried rice at his place the last time we went there together.

            "Minji!" I turned to the voice to see Mr. Kim walking towards me. "Happy birthday!"

            "Thank you."

            He saw the man standing beside me. "Hwang Il Shik? It's shocking to see you here."

            "I just came to give Minji her birthday wishes as well." Mr. Hwang explained.

            Mr. Kim smiled joyfully at him. "Well, do stay a bit longer. We're gathering altogether for dinner at my place. Would you like to join us?"

            I looked at the chief commissioner strangely. "Since when?"

            "Since now." He placed a hand on my head gently. "We have all decided on it, Minji. You're just the last person to know."

            I giggled a little. "Okay. I'll be there."

            "6 pm sharp!"

            "Yes sir." I love it when Mr. Kim smiles because that was when he resembles Jaejoong the most. And that was exactly what he did before I took my leave.

            I went to the closest supermarket and then returned home. I left my groceries on the kitchen bench and went to change. I didn't care what I wore, as long as it was comfortable. The only thing that mattered to me was a black zip-up hoodie which was clearly too big for me. It was the one that Jaejoong had lent to me at Ms. Gu's place.

            I started to place the ingredients I needed neatly on the bench when my phone rang. I looked at the contact name and accepted the call. "Good morning, aunty."

            "Happy birthday, Minji." She spoke gruffly but I could sense a hint of nervosity in her voice.

            "Thank you, aunty." I locked the phone between the shoulder and ear and continued arranging the bench for cooking.

            "What are you doing now?"

            "I'm going to make some choc chip cookies." I answered as I laid out a packet of milk choc chips with the other ingredients.

            "Are you coming to Mr. Kim's place this evening?" I asked. I knew that she was quite busy with work. She had quit her previous job and was helping with the maintenance of Song Hospital.

             "Of course. But I might be a little late." She added.

            "That's okay. Please don't work too hard."

            "I'll see you tonight." I heard her speak delightfully before hanging up on me. I began baking.

            In a few hours, the cookies were complete. It didn't have the same taste as Jaejoong's but it was delicious nevertheless. I packed some, grabbed the flask of hot chocolate and headed out again.

            My next destination was where I had last saw him. I trudged on through the batch of trees towards the cliff. The air was cold but I couldn't care less.

            "Jaejoong." I whispered into the vast ocean air and let the memories of him consume me. "It's been seven years and I still can't believe that you're really gone." The wind howled louder as if sending me an undeciperable message.

            I took a cup of hot chocolate, sat on the cliff's edge and sipped on it slowly. It was still quite hot. Then I took out a cookie and held it in my mouth. I closed my eyes and imagined Jaejoong right here in front of me, taking a bite, like he had mischieviously done so before.

            Slowly, I opened my eyes. In front of me was Jaejoong, smiling at me sweetly. He leaned in and his mouth enveloped a part of the delicacy. I slammed my eyes shut and welcomed darkness. 

            No! I was sitting in front of a cliff. There was no way that he was here in front of me. I was being delusional!!!

            Slowly, even slower than earlier, I opened my eyes again. But I wasn't at the cliffside anymore. All I saw in front of me was the colour white. The sounds around me were slurred so I could make anything out. I tried to move a muscle but I couldn't. My body wasn't letting me do anything voluntarily.

            All I could do was consciously wonder. Where was I? What is going on? 

            And then, a face loomed over me. The face of a man with soft brown eyes, messy jet black hair and plump full lips. Jaejoong.

            His mouth opened and all my senses returned to me. "Minji, you're awake." His smile spread across his face, enlightening as a rainbow. His eyes squinted and fresh tears fell onto me. "You were unconscious for about a week now."

            "Jaejoong." I croaked. I had to know the truth. "Is this real?"

            Jaejoong brushed away his tears and sniffled like a girl. He nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! We're alive Minji. You and me." He grabbed my hand and put it to his cheek. "Can you feel my warmth?"

            "Yes, I can feel it." I spoke hoarsely. "But can you pinch me?"

            Jaejoong looked at me with concern and then reluctantly did as he was told. I felt the sudden jolt of pain but I was blissful. Jaejoong was right next to me at the moment. This was reality.


                        The case was solved. Song Jaehee had perish from the cliff fall. He was responsible for the death of his brother, Song Jaerim, and his sister-in-law, Song Taehee. He had manipulated Lee Sangwoo to accomplish his evil schemes. He had stolen all of Song Minji's inheritance but grew to love his adopted son, Jung Yunho.

            In doing so, Jaehee had put everything under Yunho's name. When Yunho discovered this, he wanted to return it to Minji. Minji took the matter really lightly and insisted that they run the hospital together. Her aunty, Kim Taerin, along with Hana and Junsu moved to Seoul to stay with Minji. She resigned from her previous job and helped Minji to look after the hospital. This was with the assistance of Kim Seungheon.

            Yunho had moved in with Jaejoong. The former and Minji completed their final year of highschool with flying colours. Both were excepted into medicine at the university Jaejoong is currently attending.

            Hana is currently in a long distance relationship with Changmin. Yoochun is still working hard to win Kimmi's heart. Yunho learns that the girl he had met at the university when he had brought Minji along with him was Hwang Saemi. How delighted was she to know that Yunho was actually single. And Junsu is currently focusing on his studies rather than commiting to a relationship. He isn't as bright as his sisters (he still considers Minji as a sister) but is putting in his best efforts.

            And at last, Jaejoong and Minji are now in a stable love relationship.  


                        It has been eight years since my parents' deaths and I haven't visited their gravestones yet. So Jaejoong and I had decided to see them.

            "I come here every year." Jaejoong confessed. "On your birthday."

            My eyes widened. "But on my eighteenth birthday..."

            "I went to see them." Jaejoong finished my sentence. "While you were sleeping."

            "My parents must have been ashamed of me." I pouted.

            "No they're not." Jaejoong put an arm around me. "There was no way that you could visit them, not in your circumstances."

            I looked at him proudly. "I guess spring has come at last."

            "Umm..." Jaejoong began. "It's summer, Minji."

            I scrunched my face at him. "I know that!" I snapped.

            Jaejoong laughed hysterically. I tried to glare at him but it was always so difficult for me to wear a stern expression. That only made Jaejoong chuckle louder. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and pressed his lips on my left cheek.

            I suddenly flushed. "Jaejoong, what are you doing?" I was literally a few metres from two stones engraved with the names Song Jaerim and Song Taehee: my parents.

            "Thanking you for making my eternal winter come to an end, Minji." Jaejoong nestled his chin on my shoulder. "You really are an angel on this earth."

            "I should be thanking you too." I said. "You have helped me in every way possible. I wouldn't be here without you, Jaejoong." I twisted my body and faced him. "No matter how cold you were, you were always there for me. You're my hero."

            Jaejoong beamed at my words. "I haven't heard those words in ages." He put his hands on my shoulder. "Can I ask you a question?"

            I slowly nodded.

            "When did you fall in love with me?"

            I bit my lip and thought about it. "I'm not too sure. I can't pinpoint a time when I began to fall in love with you, Jaejoong."

            "I'll rephrase my question then. When did you realise that you loved me?"

            I knew the answer straight away. "It was when you left me for Seoul many months ago."

            "I see." Jaejoong's lips pursed. "It was the same for me too. I couldn't remember when I started liking you but I remembered clearly when I realised my feelings for you."

            Now I was curious. "And when was that?"

            Jaejoong put on a cheeky grin. "When I first saw you in your ridiculous overalls."

            I tried to think of a time when that was. It wasn't hard to remember a time when I was with Jaejoong in overalls. I rarely wore them anyway. There was a time at the Kim residence that I wore it. And also on Mr. Hwang's boat. But there was another time too and that was nine years ago. Yes, that must have been when he first saw me in a pair of overalls.

            "Hey Minji."

            I was startled by Jaejoong's sudden voice. "Huh?"

            "Did you hear what I was saying earlier?" Jaejoong asked.

            I shamefully shook my head. "What were you saying?"

            Jaejoong sighed but repeated himself. "I said: are you happy now?"

            I savoured everything that I had. My life was at peace and Jaejoong was here with me. What more could I want? I pecked him on the cheek. I knew exactly how I was to respond to this. "Very."

            That was when I saw it in his eyes. The memories of us were flashing in his mind. He then answered with certain satisfaction. "Good."


                        Minji dashed towards the lift and pressed the button. The lift was taking ages. It was not fast enough so instead Minji ran down the stairs taking two steps at a time. She reached the ground floor in no time and sprinted towards the entrance of the Song Hospital. Feeling a loss of balance, she slowed down. She was outside already after all. 

            "It's snowing." She couldn't help but say. Although she awed at the light pecks of snow, she was also aware of the cold. "When is Haeyoung coming?" She pouted a little disappointedly, rubbing her hands on her arms. Her father had just mentioned that the little boy was visiting today, making the girl dash out to wait for him in the cold. 

            Unexpectedly, Minji heard a skidding sound approaching her. She turned towards it to see Haeyoung braking his bike a few metres away from her at the bike rack. All of a sudden, Minji was excited. "Haeyoung!!!" She exclaimed and rushed to him.

            Haeyoung had only gotten off the bike. He waited for her to reach him. He knew that Minji was a person who sticks to people. Whether it was her father, mother or even Jungwoo, she liked to be in someone's company. But just like Jungwoo had once told him, she was clumsy.

            The icy floor was slippery and Minji was ignorant of that despite almost falling a little earlier on. This time she fell but Haeyoung didn't stand still. He reached out for her and caught her. Haeyoung himself hit the floor, back first. But Minji had Haeyoung to cushion her fall.

            She got up and relayed what had just occurred. Then she tensed up. "Oh, I'm so sorry Haeyoung!" She stood up straight away. "I have to help you up." She held out a hand.

            Haeyoung stared at it, astounded. But he denied it and got up himself.

            "I need to get my dad here to check that you're okay." She insisted and started to rush towards the glass sliding doors.

            Haeyoung yanked her by her overall straps, stopping her in her tracks. "There's no need. I am perfectly fine." He began. "Besides, shouldn't you have learnt your lesson by now? The floor is slippery. Take it slow and steady."

            Minji turned to Haeyoung. He would have thought that a worrisome expression would be plastered on her face but appallingly, she had a huge grin instead. "You're not angry at me, Haeyoung. And you're worried about me too. I feel so happy."

            Shocked, Haeyoung tried to come up with a cunning remark but he couldn't hide his giddiness seeing her happy. He formed a side smirk and examined her from head to toe. He 'hmphed' and tried to throw an insult at her. "You and your ridiculous overalls."

            The little girl's smile didn't falter. Instead, she disregarded his harsh words and bowed low. "Thank you for helping me. You are truly a great friend. No, you're more than that." She stated. "You're my hero."


The End.







Finished! For those who have read up until this final chapter, I would like to congratulate you. It has been a long and strenuous journey. I would also like you to review my completed story as a whole. Please!!! Even a simple sentence in the comments below will delight me.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone of you for taking your time to read my story. It has been a pleasure having such lovely readers, commenters, subscribers and upvoters. And if there is still any confusion in the story plot, please let me know. I will try to directly reply to all these queries. 

With the most sincerest gratitude,



Completed: 20150126 aka Jaejoong's registered birthday

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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩